Starting script to run NetPyNE-based S1-thalamus model.
python init.py # Run simulation, optionally plot a raster
MPI usage:
mpiexec -n 4 nrniv -python -mpi init.py
Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com, fernandodasilvaborges@gmail.com
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg') # to avoid graphics error in servers
from netpyne import sim
cfg, netParams = sim.readCmdLineArgs()
simConfig = cfg,
netParams = netParams) # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.net.createPops() # instantiate network populations
sim.net.createCells() # instantiate network cells based on defined populations
sim.net.connectCells() # create connections between cells based on params
sim.net.addStims() # add network stimulation
sim.setupRecording() # setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc)
sim.runSim() # run parallel Neuron simulation
sim.gatherData() # gather spiking data and cell info from each node
sim.saveData() # save params, cell info and sim output to file (pickle,mat,txt,etc)#
sim.analysis.plotData() # plot spike raster etc
#sim.analysis.plotRaster(include=cfg.recordCells, timeRange=[0,cfg.duration], orderBy='gid', orderInverse=True, labels='legend', popRates=True, lw=5, marker='.', markerSize=15, figSize=(18, 12), fontSize=9, dpi=300, saveFig='../data/'+cfg.simLabel[0:9]+'/'+cfg.simLabel + '_Raster_onecellperpop.png', showFig=False)
#sim.analysis.plotRaster(include=cfg.popParamLabels, timeRange=[0,cfg.duration], orderBy='gid', orderInverse=True, labels='legend', popRates=True, lw=1, marker='.', markerSize=2, figSize=(18, 12), fontSize=9, dpi=300, saveFig=True, showFig=False)
#sim.analysis.plotTraces(include=cfg.recordCells, overlay=True, oneFigPer='cell', figSize=(12, 4), fontSize=7, saveFig=True)
#sim.analysis.plotTraces(include=cfg.recordCells, overlay=False, oneFigPer='trace', figSize=(18, 12), fontSize=9, saveFig=True)
# features = ['numConns','convergence']
# groups =['pop']
# for feat in features:
# for group in groups:
# sim.analysis.plotConn(includePre=['L1_DAC_cNA','L23_MC_cAC','L4_SS_cAD','L4_NBC_cNA','L5_TTPC2_cAD', 'L5_LBC_cNA', 'L6_TPC_L4_cAD', 'L6_LBC_cNA', 'ss_RTN_o', 'ss_RTN_m', 'ss_RTN_i', 'VPL_sTC', 'VPM_sTC', 'POm_sTC_s1'], includePost=['L1_DAC_cNA','L23_MC_cAC','L4_SS_cAD','L4_NBC_cNA','L5_TTPC2_cAD', 'L5_LBC_cNA', 'L6_TPC_L4_cAD', 'L6_LBC_cNA', 'ss_RTN_o', 'ss_RTN_m', 'ss_RTN_i', 'VPL_sTC', 'VPM_sTC', 'POm_sTC_s1'], feature=feat, groupBy=group, figSize=(24,24), saveFig=True, orderBy='gid', graphType='matrix', fontSize=18, saveData='../data/'+cfg.simLabel[0:9]+'/'+cfg.simLabel + '_' + group + '_' + feat+ '_matrix.json')