// New version of spp.g // // programmed by Yue Dai, November 11, 1999 // modified by YD on April 13, 2000 // This program was developed by // Yue Dai // Dept of Physiology // University of Manitoba // Winnipeg, Manitoba // Canada R3E 3J7 // // Upgraded on Feb. 16, 2001 //=============================== // Initialization //=============================== include protodefs.g include variables.g include control_panel.g include Make_Panels.g include display_def.g include Current_injections.g include Write_out.g setclock 0 {dt} // set the simulation clock //=============================== // Main Script //=============================== // create the neuron "/cell" readcell cell.p /cell setfield /cell/axon inject 0.0 setfield /cell/soma inject 0.0 setfield /cell/dend inject 0.0 make_K_leak cell/axon {ax_max_Gleak} addmsg cell/axon/K_leak cell/axon CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg cell/axon cell/axon/K_leak VOLTAGE Vm make_K_leak cell/IS {IS_max_Gleak} addmsg cell/IS/K_leak cell/IS CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg cell/IS cell/IS/K_leak VOLTAGE Vm make_K_leak cell/soma {sm_max_Gleak} //fn "make_K_leak" in Active.g addmsg cell/soma/K_leak cell/soma CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg cell/soma cell/soma/K_leak VOLTAGE Vm make_K_leak cell/dend {pd_max_Gleak} //fn "make_K_leak" is in Active.g addmsg cell/dend/K_leak cell/dend CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg cell/dend cell/dend/K_leak VOLTAGE Vm display_default //initializing Vm, Im and Ik display in "display_def.g" make_current_inj_panel I_injection /cell //create a current injection object addmsg /cell/Iinjection /cell/soma INJECT output addmsg /cell/soma /fig/current PLOT inject *I_inj_Soma *blue Pulse_injection /cell //create a pulse injection object addmsg /cell/pulse1 /cell/axon INJECT output addmsg /cell/axon /fig/current PLOT inject *I_pulse_Axon *cyan check reset