// This program was developed by // Yue Dai // Dept of Physiology // University of Manitoba // Winnipeg, Manitoba // Canada R3E 3J7 // // Upgraded on Feb. 16, 2001 include variables.g include Make_Panels.g function display_default // the following fn's are included in "Make_Panels.g" except make_control // which is in "Make_Panels.g" make_write_out make_control make_Ca_graph make_Vmgraph make_Igraph graph_cond // =================== Conductances ==================== addmsg /cell/soma/K_AHP /cond/channel_Gk PLOT Gk *Soma_Gk_AHP *{S_I_AHP_color} addmsg /cell/dend/D_K_AHP /cond/channel_Gk PLOT Gk *Dend_Gk_AHP *{D_I_AHP_color} //================== Ca concentration ======================= addmsg /cell/soma/Ca_conc /Cafig/Ca PLOT Ca *Soma_Ca_concen *{S_I_AHP_color} addmsg /cell/dend/D_Ca_conc /Cafig/Ca PLOT Ca *Dend_Ca_concen *{D_I_AHP_color} //==================== Vm Im and Ik ========================= addmsg /cell/soma /data/voltage PLOT Vm *Soma_Vm *{S_Vm_color} addmsg /cell/soma/Na /fig/current PLOT Ik *I_Na *{S_I_Na_color} addmsg /cell/soma/K_DR /fig/current PLOT Ik *I_K(DR) *{S_I_K_DR_color} addmsg /cell/soma/K_AHP /fig/current PLOT Ik *I_AHP *{S_I_AHP_color} xshow /data xshow /fig reset end