: Eight state kinetic sodium channel gating scheme

: Modified from k3st.mod, chapter 9.9 (example 9.7)

: of the NEURON book

: 12 August 2008, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber


: accompanies the publication:

: Schmidt-Hieber C, Bischofberger J. (2010)

: Fast sodium channel gating supports localized and efficient 

: axonal action potential initiation.

: J Neurosci 30:10233-42


    SUFFIX nad82g

    USEION na READ ena WRITE ina

    GLOBAL vShift, vShift_inact, maxrate

    RANGE vShift_inact_local

    RANGE gna, gbar, ina_ina

    RANGE a1_0, a1_1, b1_0, b1_1, a2_0, a2_1

    RANGE b2_0, b2_1, a3_0, a3_1, b3_0, b3_1

    RANGE bh_0, bh_1, bh_2, ah_0, ah_1, ah_2


UNITS { (mV) = (millivolt) }

: initialize parameters


:   gbar = 33     (millimho/cm2)
    gbar = 1000     (pS/um2)

    a1_0 = 4.584982656184167e+01 (/ms)

    a1_1 = 2.393541665657613e-02 (/mV) 


    b1_0 = 1.440952344322651e-02 (/ms)

    b1_1 = 8.847609128769419e-02 (/mV)

    a2_0 = 1.980838207143563e+01 (/ms)

    a2_1 = 2.217709530008501e-02 (/mV) 


    b2_0 = 5.650174488683913e-01 (/ms)

    b2_1 = 6.108403283302217e-02 (/mV)

    a3_0 = 7.181189201089192e+01 (/ms)

    a3_1 = 6.593790601261940e-02 (/mV) 


    b3_0 = 7.531178253431512e-01 (/ms)

    b3_1 = 3.647978133116471e-02 (/mV)

    bh_0 = 2.830146966213825e+00 (/ms)

    bh_1 = 2.890045633775495e-01

    bh_2 = 6.960300544163878e-02 (/mV)

    ah_0 = 5.757824421450554e-01 (/ms)

    ah_1 = 1.628407420157048e+02

    ah_2 = 2.680107016756367e-02 (/mV)

    vShift = 15            (mV)  : shift to the right to account for Donnan potentials

                                 : 12 mV for cclamp, 0 for oo-patch vclamp simulations

    vShift_inact = 5      (mV)  : global additional shift to the right for inactivation

                                 : 10 mV for cclamp, 0 for oo-patch vclamp simulations

    vShift_inact_local = 0 (mV)  : additional shift to the right for inactivation, used as local range variable

    maxrate = 8.00e+03     (/ms) : limiting value for reaction rates

                                 : See Patlak, 1991

	temp = 23	(degC)		: original temp 
	q10  = 3			: temperature sensitivity
	q10h  = 3		: temperature sensitivity for inactivatoin
	celsius		(degC)



    v    (mV)

    ena  (mV)

    gna    (millimho/cm2)

    ina  (milliamp/cm2)

   ina_ina  (milliamp/cm2)	:to monitor

    a1   (/ms)

    b1   (/ms)

    a2   (/ms)

    b2   (/ms)

    a3   (/ms)

    b3   (/ms)

    ah   (/ms)

    bh   (/ms)



STATE { c1 c2 c3 i1 i2 i3 i4 o }


    SOLVE kin METHOD sparse

    gna = gbar*o

:   ina = g*(v - ena)*(1e-3)
    ina = gna*(v - ena)*(1e-4) 	: define  gbar as pS/um2 instead of mllimho/cm2
    ina_ina = gna*(v - ena)*(1e-4) 	: define  gbar as pS/um2 instead of mllimho/cm2		:to monitor





    ~ c1 <-> c2 (a1, b1)

    ~ c2 <-> c3 (a2, b2)

    ~ c3 <-> o (a3, b3)

    ~ i1 <-> i2 (a1, b1)

    ~ i2 <-> i3 (a2, b2)

    ~ i3 <-> i4 (a3, b3)

    ~ i1 <-> c1 (ah, bh)

    ~ i2 <-> c2 (ah, bh)

    ~ i3 <-> c3 (ah, bh)

    ~ i4 <-> o  (ah, bh)

    CONSERVE c1 + c2 + c3 + i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 + o = 1


: FUNCTION_TABLE tau1(v(mV)) (ms)

: FUNCTION_TABLE tau2(v(mV)) (ms)

PROCEDURE rates(v(millivolt)) {

    LOCAL vS

    vS = v-vShift

    tadj = q10^((celsius - temp)/10)

    tadjh = q10h^((celsius - temp)/10)

:   maxrate = tadj*maxrate

    a1 = tadj*a1_0*exp( a1_1*vS)

    a1 = a1*maxrate / (a1+maxrate)

    b1 = tadj*b1_0*exp(-b1_1*vS)

    b1 = b1*maxrate / (b1+maxrate)


    a2 = tadj*a2_0*exp( a2_1*vS)

    a2 = a2*maxrate / (a2+maxrate)

    b2 = tadj*b2_0*exp(-b2_1*vS)

    b2 = b2*maxrate / (b2+maxrate)


    a3 = tadj*a3_0*exp( a3_1*vS)

    a3 = a3*maxrate / (a3+maxrate)

    b3 = tadj*b3_0*exp(-b3_1*vS)

    b3 = b3*maxrate / (b3+maxrate)


    bh = tadjh*bh_0/(1+bh_1*exp(-bh_2*(vS-vShift_inact-vShift_inact_local)))

    bh = bh*maxrate / (bh+maxrate)

    ah = tadjh*ah_0/(1+ah_1*exp( ah_2*(vS-vShift_inact-vShift_inact_local)))

    ah = ah*maxrate / (ah+maxrate)
