/* This program allows you to conduct various single cell experiments, such
* as calculating fI-curves, etc
* Author: Fredrik Edin, 2003.
* Address: freedin@nada.kth.se

load_file( "LabCell.hoc" )

objref cl, locvec, exinvec, nspikevec, intervec, shiftvec, wvec
objref samevec, noisevec

cl = new LabCell(0.05, "plot", 1, 1, 1e-5) // $1=dt, $2=plot, $3=stats, $4=celltype, $5=E

/* START: The following vectors specify signalling through synapses.
* Look at functions in class LabCell for further information */
nsyn = 3
exinvec = new Vector( nsyn )
nspikevec = new Vector( nsyn )
intervec = new Vector( nsyn )
shiftvec = new Vector( nsyn-1 )
wvec = new Vector( nsyn )
samevec = new Vector( nsyn )
noisevec = new Vector( nsyn )

exinvec.x[0] = 3
exinvec.x[1] = 16
exinvec.x[2] = 5

noisevec.x[0] = -1
noisevec.x[1] = -1
noisevec.x[2] = -1

start = 150
del = 1000
tStop_PSPtrains = 10000+del

nspikevec.x[0] = 256 * 6 * (tStop_PSPtrains) / 1000
nspikevec.x[1] = 1000 * (tStop_PSPtrains) / 1000
nspikevec.x[2] = 1024 * 3 * (tStop_PSPtrains) / 1000

intervec.x[0] = tStop_PSPtrains / nspikevec.x[0]
intervec.x[1] = tStop_PSPtrains / nspikevec.x[1]
intervec.x[2] = tStop_PSPtrains / nspikevec.x[2]

shiftvec.x[0] = 0
shiftvec.x[1] = 0

samevec.x[0] = -1
samevec.x[1] = -1
samevec.x[2] = -1

wvec.x[0] = 0.0115
wvec.x[1] = 0.03
wvec.x[2] = 0.001
/* END */

/* Use this to find the right PSC charges 
* Adjusts cell potential to be correct value */
//cl.eCell.setLeak(-60, 2)

NI = 128
NE = 512

/* The functions below will perform single cell experiments */
//cl.fICurve(0, 10, 21, 1000, 1000, 1, 0.0001) // $1 = Imin, $2 = Imax, $3 = #, $4 = time, $5 = nCell, $6 = exin, $7 = w
//cl.effFICurve( 6.5, 6.5, 2, 0.08, 1.024/NE, NE, 10000, 2 ) // For ECells
//cl.effFICurve( 0, 6.5, 2, 0.0036, 0.48/NI, NI, 1000, 0 ) // For ICells
//cl.PSC(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, "plot") //$1 = nmda, $2 = ampa, $3 = gaba, $4 = plot, $5 = disp 
//cl.PSP(0, 0.1, 1) // $1 = exin, $2 = w, $3 = ext
//cl.PSPtrain(2, 0.00277, 1/40, 800, 1)//$1=exin,$2=w,$3=interval,$4=nSpk,$5 = ext 
//cl.PSPtrain2(1, 0.00278, 1000, 10000)//$1=exin,$2=w,$3=rate,$4=tStop 
cl.PSPtrains( 150, 1000, exinvec, intervec, nspikevec, shiftvec, noisevec, wvec, samevec ) // $1=start, $2 = del
//cl.iClamp( 2, 1000, "plot" )