/* View plots the results of the simulations. The idea is that one specifies
* the total number of different kinds of plots and the total number of every
* kind of plot one wants when creating the object.
* Then, one initializes the different kinds of plots with an Init function
* Every time one calls reinit, a new set of plots is created. 
* General plots of two vectors (xyPlots) are initialized separately, not in
* the View constructor.
* Author: Fredrik Edin, 2003.
* Address: freedin@nada.kth.se


begintemplate View

    /* Public functions */
    public vInit         // Sets up a number of voltage plot windows
    public someTraj      // Plots a speciefied number of voltage trajectories
    public basicV        // Plots voltage trajectories of every cell as well
                         // as local field potentials
    public lInit         // Sets up a number of LFP plot windows
    public rInit         // Sets up a number of raster plot windows
    public hInit         // Sets up a spike time histogram plot windows
    public kInit         // Sets up a number of synchronicity plot windows
    public gInit         // Sets up a "coherence between groups" plot windows
    public tInit         // Sets up a time constant plot
    public xyInit        // Sets up a number of plot windows
    public reinit        // Creates a new set of plots for a new simulation
    public update        // Called every time a voltage point is added to the 
                         // voltage trace
    public terminate     // Called when a simulation is terminated
    public erase_plots   // Erase all plots
    public plotAPs       // Plot rastergram (use with rInit)
    public plotHist      // Plot action potential histogram (hInit)
    public plotKappa     // Plot Kappa, a measure of synchronicity (kInit)
    public plotCohGroups // Plot coherence between groups (gInit)
    public plotTau       // Plot Kappa against synaptic time constant (tInit)
    public eraseXY       // Erases a general xy plot
    public plotXY        // plots an x vector against a y vector
    /* Public objects and variables */
    public vPlot  // The voltage plots
    public lPlot  // The LFP plots
    public raster // The raster plots
    public hist   // The spike time histograms
    /* Objects */
    objref pvec[1][1] // Matrix of plots
    objref vPlot[1]   // Vector of voltage plots
    objref lPlot[1]   // Vector of local field potential plots
    objref raster[1]  // Vector of rastergram plots
    objref hist[1]    // Vector of histogram plots
    objref network    // The network object
    objref results    // The results object
    objref kap[1]     // Vector of kappa plots
    objref grp[1]     // Vector of CohGroup plots
    objref tau1[1]    // Vector of tau1 plots
    objref tau2[1]    // Vector of tau2 plots
    objref xy[1]      // Vector of xy plots
    objref xx         // Abscissa vector in xy plot
    objref yy         // Ordinate vector in xy plot
    objref xmin       // minimum x border of xy plot
    objref xmax       // maximum x border of xy plot
    objref ymin       // minimum y border of xy plot
    objref ymax       // maximum y border of xy plot
    objref newp       // See below
    objref spikevec   // records and plots events to a netcon
    objref vec        // Temporary vector
    strdef str        // Temporary string
    strdef title      // Title string of plot
    /* Creates a new View object */
    proc init() { local i
	print "View.init"
	hmax = $1 // no of different plots
	vmax = $2 // no of equal plots
	if( numarg() > 2 ) {
	    tStop = $3
	    nCell = $4
	    tSim = $5
	if( hmax < 1 ) {
	    hmax = 1 
	if( vmax < 1 ) {
	    vmax = 1 
	objref pvec[ hmax ][ vmax ]
	xind = 0
	index = -1
	rv = 0
	vP = 0 /* Kind of vPlot */
	lP = 0
    /* Creates voltage trace plots
    *(Arg 1, tSim: Start time of simulation)
    proc vInit() { local i, width, j, k
	print "view.vInit"
	vP = 1
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    tSim = $1
	} else {
	    tSim = 0
	width = 3
	objref vPlot[ vmax ]
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    j = int( i / width )
	    k = i - width * j
	    vPlot[i] = new Graph(0)
	    vPlot[i].label( 0.95, 0.58, "ms" )
	    vPlot[i].label( 0.01, 0.85, "nS" )
	    vPlot[i].label( 0.01, 0.75, "mV" )
	    vPlot[i].view( tSim, -180, tStop - tSim, 450, 320 * k, 20 + 200 * j, 600, 230 )
	    pvec[xind][i] = vPlot[i]
	xind += 1
    /* Plots all voltage trajectories as well as LFP
    proc basicV() {
	if( !vP ) {
	    if( numarg() > 1 ) {
		tSim = $1
	    } else {
		tSim = 0
	    vP = 1
	} else {
	    print "nCell: ", nCell
	    sprint( str, "%s", "network.getLFP()" )
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 3, 1 )
	    for i = 0, nCell - 1 {
		vPlot[index].label(1,0) /* Set position for next label */
		sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", i, "].getV()")
		vPlot[index].addexpr( str, i%4 + 1, 1 )
		sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "10 * network.cell[", i, "].getGsyn() + 70")
		vPlot[index].addexpr( str, 3, 1 ) /* Blue */
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getIK()")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 1, 3 )
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getINa()")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 1 )
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getIsyn(0)")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 2 )
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getIsyn(1)")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 2 )
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getIsyn(2)")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 2 )
	    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[", 200, "].getIsyn(1,1)")
	    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 2 )
    /* Plots only a specified no of trajectories
    * Arg 1, vec: A vector with cell indices
    *(Arg 2, tSim: Start time of simulation)
    proc someTraj() { local i, width, j, k
	if( !vP ) {
	    vec = $o1
	    if( numarg() > 1 ) {
		tSim = $2
		vInit( tSim )
	    } else {
	    vP = 2
	} else {
	    spikevec = new Vector()
	    //network.cell[ vec.x[vec.size()-1] ].pre_list[3].object(0).record( spikevec )
	    NI = network.netborder.x[1]
	    NE = network.netborder.x[2]-NI
	    for i = 0, vec.size() - 1 {
		if( vec.x[i] > network.netborder.x[1]-1 ) { /* ECell */ 
		    vPlot[index].label(1,0) /* Set position for next label */
		    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[",vec.x[i],"].getV()")
		    vPlot[index].addexpr( str, 1, 1 ) /* black */
		    sprint( str, "%s", "-10*(network.getMeanI(1,0) + network.getMeanI(1,2))" ) 
		    lPlot[index].label(1,0) /* Set position for next label */
		    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 2, 1 ) /* red */
		} else {
		    vPlot[index].label(1,0) /* Set position for next label */
		    sprint( str, "%s%d%s", "network.cell[",vec.x[i],"].getV()+150")
		    vPlot[index].addexpr( str, 3, 1 ) /* blue */
		    sprint( str, "%s%d%s%d%s", "-10*sum(network.cell[", vec.x[i], "].getIsyn(0)+network.cell[", vec.x[i], "].getIsyn(2))/NI + 30")
		    sprint( str, "%s", "-10*(network.getMeanI(0,0) + network.getMeanI(0,2))" ) 
		    lPlot[index].label(1,0) /* Set position for next label */
		    lPlot[index].addexpr( str, 4, 1 ) /* green */

    /* Creates LFP plots
    *(Arg 1, tSim: Start time of simulation)
    proc lInit() { local i, width, j, k
	print "view.lInit"
	objref lPlot[ vmax ]
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    tSim = $1
	width = 3
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    j = int( i / width )
	    k = i - width * j
	    lPlot[i] = new Graph(0)
	    lPlot[i].label( 0.95, 0.58, "ms" )
	    lPlot[i].label( 0.01, 0.85, "nS" )
	    lPlot[i].label( 0.01, 0.75, "mV" )
	    lPlot[i].view( tSim, -30, tStop - tSim, 40, 320 * k, 600 + 200 * j, 600, 230 )
	    pvec[xind][i] = lPlot[i]
	lP = 1
	xind += 1
    /* Creates action potential rastergrams
    *(Arg 1, tSim : The beginning of the simulation */
    proc rInit() { local i, tSim, j, width
	objref raster[ vmax ]
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    tSim = $1
	width = 4
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    j = int( i / width ) 
	    raster[i] = new Graph(0)
	    raster[i].label( 0.95, 0.02, "ms" )
	    raster[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "neuron" )
	    raster[i].view( tSim, 0, tStop-tSim, nCell, ( i - j * width ) * 320, 320 + 250 * j , 300, 230 )
	    pvec[xind][i] = raster[i]
 	xind += 1
	rv = 1
    /* Creates action potential time histograms
    *(Arg 1, tSim : The beginning of the simulation) */
    proc hInit() { local i
	objref hist[ vmax ]
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    tSim = $1
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    hist[i] = new Graph(0)
	    hist[i].label( 0.95, 0.02, "ms" )
	    hist[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "neuron" )
	    hist[i].view( tSim, 0, tStop-tSim, nCell * 0.05, 940, 20 + 200 * i, 300, 230 )
	    pvec[xind][i] = hist[i]
	xind += 1
    /* Creates kappa plots. Kappa a measure of synchronicity from 
    * Wang & Buszaki, 1996.
    * Arg 1, no: The number of plots */
    proc kInit() { local i
	objref kap[ vmax ]
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    kap[i] = new Graph(0)
	    kap[i].label( 0.96, 0.02, "ms" )
	    kap[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "Kappa" )
	    kap[i].view( 0, 0, tStop, nCell*1.2, 0, 270 + 100 * i, 300, 230 )
	    pvec[xind][i] = kap[i]
	xind += 1
    /* Creates "Coherence-between-groups"-plots. See Wang & Buszaki, 1996
    * Arg 1, no: The number of plots */
    proc gInit() { local i
	objref grp[ vmax ]
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    grp[i] = new Graph(0)
	    grp[i].label( 0.96, 0.02, "|fi-fj|" )
	    grp[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "Kappa" )
	    grp[i].view( 0, 0, tStop, nCell*1.2, 320, 270 + 100 * i, 300, 230 )
	    grp[i].size( -0.2, 20, -0.2, 3 ) 
	    pvec[xind][i] = grp[i]
	xind += 1
    /* Creates synaptic time constant plots
    * Arg 1, no: The number of plots */
    proc tInit() { local i
	objref tau1[ vmax ]
	objref tau2[ vmax ]
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    tau1[i] = new Graph(0)
	    tau1[i].label( 0.96, 0.02, "ms" )
	    tau1[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "Hz" )
	    tau1[i].view( 0, 0, 100, 100, 640, 270 + 100 * i, 300, 230)
	    pvec[xind][i] = tau1[i]
	xind += 1
	for i = 0, vmax-1 {
	    tau2[i] = new Graph(0)
	    tau2[i].label( 0.96, 0.02, "ms" )
	    tau2[i].label( 0.01, 0.81, "Hz" )
	    tau2[i].view( 0, 0, 100, 100, 960, 270 + 100 * i, 300, 230)
	    pvec[xind][i] = tau2[i]
	xind += 1
    /* Initiates a number of general plots
    * Arg 1, no: The number of plots */
    proc xyInit() { local i, j, k
	xyno = $1
	newp = new Vector( xyno, 1 )
	xmin = new Vector( xyno )
	xmax= new Vector( xyno )
	ymin = new Vector( xyno )
	ymax= new Vector( xyno )
	objref xy[ xyno ]
	for i = 0, xyno-1 {
	    xy[i] = new Graph(0)
	    j = int( i / 2 )
	    k = i - 2 * j
	    xy[i].view( 0, 0, 100, 100, 320 + 350 * j, 0 + 300 * k, 300, 230)

    /* Reinitializes the view object. This is done after every simulation.
    * Arg 1, network: the network
    * Arg 2, results: the object from which results are obtained */
    proc reinit() {
	print "View.reinit"
	index += 1
	print "index: ", index
	network = $o1
	if( rv == 1 ) {
	    results = $o2
	if( vP == 1 ) {
	} else if( vP == 2 ) {
    /* Updates the voltage trace plot */
    proc update() { local i
	if( vP ) {
	if( lP ) {
    /* Flushes and plots the voltage trace plot */
    proc terminate() { local i, j
	if( vP ) {
	if( lP ) {
	if( vP == 2 ) {
	    for i = 0, spikevec.size() - 1 {
		vPlot[index].mark( spikevec.x[i], 75, "o", 2 )
    /* Erases the plots */
    proc erase_plots() { local i
	print "view.erase_plots"
	for i = 0, hmax-1 {
	for i = 0, xyno - 1 {
    /* Plots the spikes in a raster plot */
    proc plotAPs() { local i, cnt
	print "View.plotAPs"
	cnt = results.APCount.x[nCell] - 1
	for i = 0, cnt {
	    //print "spike ",i
	    //print results.APCount.x[i]
	    //print results.APTimes.x[i]
	    raster[index].mark( results.APTimes.x[i], results.APCount.x[i]+1, "O", 2 )
    /* Plots the spikes in a time histogram */
    proc plotHist() { local i, cnt, bins, binw
	print "View.plotHist"
	cnt = results.APCount.x[nCell] - 1
	bins = results.bins
	binw = results.binw
	for i = 0,bins {
	    hist[index].line(i*binw + tSim, results.APmx[nCell].x[i])
    /* Plots the coherence variable kappa, see Wang and Buszaki, Gamma 
    * Oscillation by Synaptic Inhibition in a Hippocampal Interneuronal 
    * Network Model, J.Neurosci, 1996, 16(20):6402-6413, for more 
    * information about this measure */
    proc plotKappa() { local i, siz, hmax, vmax
	print "View.plotKappa"
	print "index ", index
	siz = results.tauvec.size()
	hmax = results.tauvec.x[siz-1]
	vmax = results.kappa.x[siz-1]
	kap[index].size( 0, hmax, 0, vmax )
	for i = 0, results.kappa.size()-1 {
	for i = 0, results.dkdt.size()-1 {
    /* plots the coherence within two groups of cells, one group which is
    * synchronized, the other not. They are separated by their different 
    * firing rates. The synchronized cells have firing rates above 34 Hz. 
    *(Arg 1, border: The border frequency for separating the two groups of 
    * cells. Default is 34 Hz.)
    proc plotCohGroups() { local border, xc, yc
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    border = $1
	} else {
	    border = 34
	results.cohGroups( border )
	for k = 0,2 {
	    print "cohG[", k, "]"
	    print "f\tkappa"
	    grp[index].color(k + 2)
	    if( k < 2 ) {
		for i = 0, results.cohG[k].size() - 1 {
		    for j = 0, i-1 {
			xc = abs( results.rate.x[ results.cohG[k].x[i] ] - results.rate.x[ results.cohG[k].x[j] ] )
			yc = results.cgK[k].x[i][j] + 2 * k
			grp[index].mark( xc, yc, "O", 2 )
			//print xc, "\t", yc
	    } else {
		for i = 0, results.coMat.nrow() - 1 {
		    for j = 0, results.coMat.ncol() - 1 {
			xc = abs( results.rate.x[ results.cohG[0].x[i] ] - results.rate.x[ results.cohG[1].x[j] ] )
			yc = results.cgK[k].x[i][j] + k
			grp[index].mark( xc, yc, "O", 2 )
    /* Here, tau is plotted against the firing frequency,
    * but should be plotted against the oscillation frequency
    * Plots the coherence index kappa against the input vector (e.g., the 
    * synaptic time constant tau) as well as the oscillation frequency against 
    * the input vector. */
    proc plotTau() {
	imax = $o1.size()
	jmax = int( results.rate.size() / imax )
	for j = 0, jmax - 1 { 
	    for i = 0, imax - 1 {
		k = results.popCoh( 0.1 / results.rate.x[j * jmax + i] )
    		tau1[index].line( $o1.x[j * jmax + i], k )
    		tau2[index].line( $o1.x[j * jmax + i], results.rate.x[j * jmax + i] )
    /* erases the xy plot */
    proc eraseXY() { local ind
	ind = $1
    /* plots any general data
    * Arg 1, ind  : The index of the xyplot
    * Arg 2, xx   : The x axis vector
    * Arg 3, yy   : The y axis matrix 
    *(Arg 4, mode : line (default, 0) or dot(1). )
    proc plotXY() { local i, siz, mode, ind, titel, w, h
	print "plotXY"
	ind = $1
	siz = $o2.size()
	xx = $o2
	yy = $o3
	if( numarg() > 3 ) {
	    title = $s4
	} else {
	    title = " "
	if( numarg() > 4 ) {
	    mode = $5
	} else {
	    mode = 0
	// Vector is plotted as a new plot, not a continuation of last vector 
	if( newp.x[ind] ) { 
	    xmin.x[ind] = xx.min()
	    xmax.x[ind] = xx.max()
	    ymin.x[ind] = yy.min()
	    ymax.x[ind] = yy.max()
	    newp.x[ind] = 0
	} else {
	    if( xx.max() > xmax.x[ind] ) {
		xmax.x[ind] = xx.max()
	    if( xx.min() < xmin.x[ind] ) {
		xmin.x[ind] = xx.min()
	    if( yy.max() > ymax.x[ind] ) {
		ymax.x[ind] = yy.max()
	    if( yy.min() < ymin.x[ind] ) {
		ymin.x[ind] = yy.min()
	if( mode == 0 ) {
	    for i = 0, siz - 1 {
    		xy[ind].line( xx.x[i], yy.x[i] )
	} else {
	    for i = 0, siz - 1 {
		xy[ind].mark( xx.x[i], yy.x[i], "O", 2 )
	//print "dim: ", xmin.x[ind], xmax.x[ind], ymin.x[ind], ymax.x[ind]
	w = xmax.x[ind] - xmin.x[ind] 
	h = ymax.x[ind] - ymin.x[ind] 
	xy[ind].size( xmin.x[ind] - 0.1 * w, xmax.x[ind] + 0.1 * w, ymin.x[ind] - 0.1 * h, ymax.x[ind] + 0.5 * h ) 
	xy[ind].label( xmin.x[ind] + 0.5 * w, ymax.x[ind] - 0.2 * h, title )
endtemplate View