function checkrNMDA( directory, DoPlot, rows, cols )
% checkrNMDA displays how an iteration of rNMDA evolves
% directory: Path to the catalog which
% contains the simulations to be plotted. Those
% simulations should be located in directories found in
% a subdirectory of that path named DATA.
% DoPlot: if DoPlot = 0 or is left out, the figure is plotted but not printed
% if DoPlot = 1, the figure is both plotted and printed
% rows : Number of rows on each page
% cols : Number of columns on each page
% Change path names to suit your preferences. Places are marked % CHANGE %
if nargin < 1 | nargin > 4
disp( 'usage1: checkrNMDA( directory ), ' )
disp( 'usage2: checkrNMDA( directory, DoPlot ), ' )
disp( 'usage3: checkrNMDA( directory, DoPlot ), ' )
disp( 'usage4: checkrNMDA( directory, DoPlot, rows, cols ), ' )
disp( 'Do "type checkrNMDA" for further information' )
if nargin < 4
rows = 4;
cols = 3;
if nargin < 2
DoPlot = 0;
thisdir = pwd;
d = getTreeSpec( directory )
d = d(2:end);
% plot the data in the catalogs in d
len = length( d );
% How many pages?
pages = floor( (len-1) / (rows*cols) ) + 1;
for i = 1: pages
figure ( i )
set( i,'Position', [ 550 * mod( ( i ), 2 ) 100 720 852 ] );
hand = zeros( 1, len ); % subplot handles
height = 0.93 / rows;
width = 0.90 / cols;
for ind = 1 : len
page = floor( (ind-1) / ( rows*cols ) ) + 1;
subp = ind - ( page-1 ) * rows * cols;
figure( page )
if subp == 1
bottom = 1 - height * ( floor( (subp-1) / cols ) + 1 );
left = 0.1 + mod( (subp-1), cols ) * width;
hand( ind ) = subplot( 'Position', [ left bottom width-0.05 height-0.07 ]);
perc = 0:100;
for ind = 1 : len
tit = sprintf( 'Iteration nr %d', ind );
filename = strcat( d(ind).name, '/', 'rAMPA' );
load( filename )
filename = strcat( d(ind).name, '/', 'rNMDA' );
load( filename )
filename = strcat( d(ind).name, '/', 'relNMDAdoneSoFar' );
load( filename )
page = floor( (ind-1) / ( rows*cols ) ) + 1;
subp = ind - ( page-1 ) * rows * cols;
figure( page )
subplot( hand( ind ) )
% plot
title( tit, 'Fontsize', 14 )
hold on
[ legh a b ] = plotyy( perc, rAMPA, perc, rNMDA );
hold on
c = plot( perc, relNMDAdoneSoFar(1:101)-0.5, 'r*' );
h = [a;b;c];
if subp == 1
legend( h, 'gAMPA', 'gNMDA', 'Measured' );
set( gca, 'box', 'on' )
set( gca, 'YLim', [0 1] )
set( gca, 'FontSize', 14 )
if mod((subp-1), cols )
set( gca, 'YTickLabel', [] )
% set titles and labels
for i = 1 : pages
figure( i )
thand( i ) = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off');
set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',thand( i ) )
xl(i) = text(.5,.03,'rNMDA (%)','FontSize',14, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
yl(i) = text(.03, .5, 'Cell #', 'Rotation', 90, 'FontSize', 14 , 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle');
tit(i) = text(.5, .99, sprintf( 'Relative NMDA and AMPA current contributions to total current' ), 'FontSize', 14, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'top');
% adjust paper size for printing
if DoPlot
for i = 1 : page
figure( i )
set( gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'centimeters' );
set( gcf, 'PaperType', 'A4');
papersize = get( gcf, 'PaperSize' );
left = 0.02;
bottom = 0.02;
width = papersize( 1 ) - 2 * left;
height = papersize( 2 ) - 2 * left;
myfiguresize = [ left, bottom, width, height ];
set( gcf, 'PaperPosition', myfiguresize );