function [hrf,p,t] = spm_hrf(dt,P);
% returns a hemodynamic response function
% FORMAT [hrf,p,t] = spm_hrf(RT,[p]);
% dt   - s
% p    - parameters of the response function (two gamma functions)
%							defaults
%							(seconds)
%	p(1) - delay of response (relative to onset)	   6
%	p(2) - delay of undershoot (relative to onset)    16
%	p(3) - dispersion of response			   1
%	p(4) - dispersion of undershoot			   1
%	p(5) - ratio of response to undershoot		   6
%	p(6) - onset (seconds)				   0
%	p(7) - length of kernel (seconds)		  32
% hrf  - hemodynamic response function
% p    - parameters of the response function
% t     - time of response function
% @(#)spm_hrf.m	2.7 Karl Friston 99/05/17

% global parameter
if nargin < 1
    dt = 0.001;
global fMRI_T; 
if isempty(fMRI_T), fMRI_T = 16; end;

% default parameters
p     = [6 16 1 1 6 0 32];
if nargin > 1
      p(1:length(P)) = P;

% modelled hemodynamic response function - {mixture of Gammas}

u     = [0:(p(7)/dt)] - p(6)/dt;
hrf   = spm_Gpdf(u,p(1)/p(3),dt/p(3)) - spm_Gpdf(u,p(2)/p(4),dt/p(4))/p(5);
hrf   = hrf'/sum(hrf);
t = p(6):dt:p(6)+p(7);