%%% This programe is a dynamic clamp programe to Reconstruct the synaptic current 
%% In this programe, then HH model is solved by using ODEs.

% The program takes the experimental recording as the voltage command, assumes that
% parameters for all conductances are known and fixed, asummes that LIC
% is fixed (biophysical model simulated). Then to get the HH model output
% achieving the voltage command level, an extra current Isyn is needed to be
% injected. Isyn is assumed to be attributed to a synaptic feedback current, which
% has a bimodal shape, where each modal may corresponding to different synaptic
% feedback dynamics, such as AMBA or NMDA

% injected current is obtained by an iterative process, until the
% simulated membrane voltage achieves the voltage command

function [t, y, Isyn,Ishaker,Ishab,Ileak,Inew,Icleak,Icl]= DynamicClampGoodIter(Im, param, samprate,Vol_exp)

% param param_1; % goal is the experimental voltage response
% created in the workspace
% ---------------initial values for the voltage and the conductances
goal = Vol_exp;
diffGoal = diff(goal);
diffGoal = [diffGoal;0];

V0=param(1); % typically -66 mV, resting potential
h0=1/(1+exp((-25.7-V0)/-6.4));     % start point at Shab inact. curve
n0=(1/(1+exp((-1-V0)/9.1)))^(1/2); % start point at Shab act. curve
mKA0=(1/(1+exp((-23.7-V0)/12.8)))^(1/3); % start point at Shaker act. curve
hKA0=(0.8/(1+exp((-55.3-V0)/-3.9))+0.2/(1+exp((-74.8-V0)/-10.7))); % start point at Shaker inact. curve
gnew0=1/(1+exp((-14-V0)/10.6)); % start point at new K+ conduct. act. curve
% S/cm^2, new-potassium max conductance

% -------------- Fixed parameters needed for the calculatios -------------
Cm=param(2);        % 4(*10^-6 F/cm^2), membrane capacitance
Vl=param(3);        % -30 mV, Chloride leak rev. potential
gl=param(4);        % 0.0585*10^-3 S/cm^2, Chloride leak conductance
VK=param(5);        % -85 mV, Potassium rev. potential
gl2=param(6);       % 0.0855*10^-3 S/cm^2, Potassium leak conductance
Vlic=param(7);      % 10 mV, LIC rev. potential
glic=param(8);      % 0 S/cm^2, Light leak conductance
Vsyn=param(9);      % -5 mV, synaptic rev. potential
gsyn=param(10);     % 0 S/cm^2, synaptic leak conductance
gKsm=param(11);     % 3*10^-3 S/cm^2, Shab max conductance
gKAm=param(12);     % 0.8*10^-3 S/cm^2, Shaker max conductance
gnewm=param(13);    % 0.11*10^-3 S/cm^2, Novel K+ channel max conductance

if param(12)==0, gKAmf=0; % S/,resol,channcm^2, partial failure in Shaker inactivation is 0 if no Shaker conducntance
else gKAmf=0.087*10^-3;   % otherwise  gKAmf=0.087*10^-3;
end % S/cm^2, partial failure in Shaker inactivation

Sb = 1.57*10^-5; % cell body membrane area;

% calculation of other currents

% ----------------- Activation-inactivation parameters --------------------
% Steady-state activation and inactivation curves for voltage-gated channs
% are fitted with Boltzman functions: [g/gmax]=1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s), where
% V50 is the voltage producing a steady-state conductance of 50% max and
% s is the slope factor of the function. Fits to experimental data (Hardie
% 1991; Hevers & Hardie, 1995).
%------------- HH activation and inactivation rate constants --------------
% the Hodgkin-Huxley rate constants are calculates as:
% alpha = {[1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s)]^1/n_gate}/tau/temp_Q10
% beta = {1-[1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s)]^1/n_gate}/tau/temp_Q10
% where n_gate is the number of gating particles, tau is the time contant
% for activation/inactivation and temp_Q10 is the temperature correction of
% 1.35 (here from 20C to 25C).
%------------- Estimation of the time constants, tau ----------------------
% Time constants were derived from experimental data. Experimental data was
% fitted with the bell shaped function:
% tau = 1/{[p1*exp((p2-Vm)/p3)] + [(p4*(p5-Vm))/(exp((p5-Vm)/p6)-1)]}
% where pi are the free parameters for fitting
n = zeros(length(goal),1);
h = zeros(length(goal),1);
mKA = zeros(length(goal),1);
hKA = zeros(length(goal),1);
gnew = zeros(length(goal),1);
n(1) = n0;
h(1) = h0;
mKA(1) = mKA0;
hKA(1) = hKA0;
gnew(1) = gnew0;

Isyn = zeros(length(goal),1);

for counter = 1:50
% -------------fix the time intervals by the stimulus -------------
% duration of complete experiment in ms
time_resol=1000/samprate;                       % distance between points in a ms
time_stimulus_resol=1000/samprate;              % time resolution 0.1 ms
tspan = 0:time_stimulus_resol:time_length-time_stimulus_resol;
% tspan, time points for solutions

Sb = 1.57*10^(-5);% cell body membrane area , cm^2;

% ------------------ Cl- channel dynamics----------------------------------
%gclm = 0.585e-3;
gclm = 0;
v05 = - 0.0986;
A = 0.0045; % RT/z'/F calculated according to G.Ugarte 2005. z' = 5.6
gcl = gclm./(1+exp((y(:,1).*0.001-v05)/A));
Icleak = param(4)*(y(:,1)-param(3))*Sb*1e6;
Icl = gcl.*(y(:,1)-param(3))*Sb*1e6;

% ----------- Conductances
gKs=(y(:,3).^2).*y(:,2)*gKsm; % Shab (or delayed rectifier)
gKA=((y(:,4).^3).*y(:,5)*gKAm)+((y(:,4).^3)*gKAmf); % Shaker
gnewC=y(:,6).*gnewm; % Novel K+ conductance

Inew = gnewC.*(y(:,1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;  % outward current in unit of nA+
Ishaker = gKA.*(y(:,1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;
Ishab = gKs.*(y(:,1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;
Ileak = gl2.*(y(:,1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;

Isyn = Cm*Sb*diffGoal*1e3 + Inew + Ishaker + Ishab + Ileak + Icleak + Icl -Im + (goal-y(:,1))*0.01;
% diffy = diff(y(:,1)); diffy = [diffy;0];
% Isyn = Cm*Sb*diffy*1e3 + Inew + Ishaker + Ishab + Ileak + Icleak + Icl -Im + (goal-y(:,1))*0.01;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- WT photoreceptor model -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function dy=cur_clamp(t,y,Iin,time_resol,param)
% Current injection protocol
time_point=floor(t/time_resol+1);   % Current stimulus at time t
if time_point>length(Iin),

% -------------- Fixed parameters needed for the calculatios -------------
Cm=param(2);        % 4(*10^-6 F/cm^2), membrane capacitance
Vl=param(3);        % -30 mV, Chloride leak rev. potential
gl=param(4);        % 0.0585*10^-3 S/cm^2, Chloride leak conductance
VK=param(5);        % -85 mV, Potassium rev. potential
gl2=param(6);       % 0.0855*10^-3 S/cm^2, Potassium leak conductance
Vlic=param(7);      % 10 mV, LIC rev. potential
glic=param(8);      % 0 S/cm^2, Light leak conductance
Vsyn=param(9);      % -5 mV, synaptic rev. potential
gsyn=param(10);     % 0 S/cm^2, synaptic leak conductance
gKsm=param(11);     % 3*10^-3 S/cm^2, Shab max conductance
gKAm=param(12);     % 0.8*10^-3 S/cm^2, Shaker max conductance
gnewm=param(13);    % 0.11*10^-3 S/cm^2, Novel K+ channel max conductance
if param(12)==0, gKAmf=0; % S/cm^2, partial failure in Shaker inactivation
    % is 0 if no Shaker conducntance
else gKAmf=0.087*10^-3;   % otherwise  gKAmf=0.087*10^-3;
end % S/cm^2, partial failure in Shaker inactivation

% calculation of other currents

% ----------------- Activation-inactivation parameters --------------------
% Steady-state activation and inactivation curves for voltage-gated channs
% are fitted with Boltzman functions: [g/gmax]=1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s), where
% V50 is the voltage producing a steady-state conductance of 50% max and
% s is the slope factor of the function. Fits to experimental data (Hardie
% 1991; Hevers & Hardie, 1995).
%------------- HH activation and inactivation rate constants --------------
% the Hodgkin-Huxley rate constants are calculates as:
% alpha = {[1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s)]^1/n_gate}/tau/temp_Q10
% beta = {1-[1/(1+exp((V50-Vm)/s)]^1/n_gate}/tau/temp_Q10
% where n_gate is the number of gating particles, tau is the time contant
% for activation/inactivation and temp_Q10 is the temperature correction of
% 1.35 (here from 20C to 25C).
%------------- Estimation of the time constants, tau ----------------------
% Time constants were derived from experimental data. Experimental data was
% fitted with the bell shaped function:
% tau = 1/{[p1*exp((p2-Vm)/p3)] + [(p4*(p5-Vm))/(exp((p5-Vm)/p6)-1)]}
% where pi are the free parameters for fitting

% ---------------------- Shab K+ channel dynamics -------------------------
% ------- Inactivation: V50=-25.7, s=-6.4; tau=1200 ms

% ------- Activation: V50=-1; s=9.1;
if abs(exp((-y(1)-23.8032)/1.34548)-1)<1e-7
    an = ((1/(1+exp((-1-(y(1)))/9.1)))^(1/2))/(8.4297/1.35);

if abs(exp((-y(1)-23.8032)/1.34548)-1)<1e-7
    bn = ((1-(1/(1+exp((-1-(y(1)))/9.1)))^(1/2)))/(8.4297/1.35);

% --------------------- Shaker K+ channel dynamics ------------------------
% ------- Activation: V50=-23.7, s=12.8
if abs(exp((-y(1)-59.639)/4.50122)-1)<1e-7
    amKA = ((1/(1+exp((-23.7-y(1))/12.8)))^(1/3))/(2.7796/1.35);

if abs(exp((-y(1)-59.639)/4.50122)-1)<1e-7
    bmKA = (1-((1/(1+exp((-23.7-y(1))/12.8))))^(1/3))/(2.7796/1.35);
% ------- Inactivation: V50(1)=-55.3, s(1)=-3.9; V50(2)=-74.8, s(2)=-10.7
% ------- two components: V50(1) contibutes 80% and V50(2) 20%

if abs(exp((-y(1)+13.4859)/11.11)-1)<1e-7
    ahKA = (0.8/(1+exp((-55.3-y(1))/-3.9))+0.2/(1+exp((-74.8-y(1))/...

if abs(exp((-y(1)+13.4859)/11.11)-1)<1e-7
    bhKA = (1-(0.8/(1+exp((-55.3-y(1))/-3.9))+0.2/(1+exp((-74.8-y(1))/...

% -------------------- Novel K+ channel dynamics --------------------------
if gnewm==0,anew=0; bnew=0; % so that gnew, y(6), would not be calculated
else    % unnecessarily, otherwise...

Sb = 1.57*10^(-5);% cell body membrane area , cm^2;
% ------------------ Cl- channel dynamics----------------------------------
%gclm = 0.585e-3;
gclm = 0;
v05 = - 0.0986;
A = 0.0045; % RT/z'/F calculated according to G.Ugarte 2005. z' = 5.6
gcl = gclm/(1+exp((y(1)*0.001-v05)/A));
% Icleak = param(4)*(param(3)-y(1))*Sb*1e6;
% Icl = gcl*(param(3)-y(1))*Sb*1e6;

% ----------- Conductances
gKs=(y(3)^2)*y(2)*gKsm; % Shab (or delayed rectifier)
gKA=((y(4)^3)*y(5)*gKAm)+((y(4)^3)*gKAmf); % Shaker
gnew=y(6)*gnewm; % Novel K+ conductance

% ----------- Differential equations
% y(1) is the voltage, y(2) h, y(3) n, y(4) mKA, y(5) hKA, y(6) gnew
%now the unit is calibrated to the right place
% [Inaca Ica]= NaCaPump_Body(y(1),y(9),y(7)); % in unit of nA
% Inak = NaKPump(y(1),y(7));

Inew = gnew*(y(1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;  % outward current in unit of nA+
Ishaker = gKA*(y(1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;
Ishab = gKs*(y(1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;
Ileak = gl2*(y(1)-param(5))*Sb*1e6;
