%% This is the main function to do dynamic clamp to differnt SK mutant fly photoreceptors,
%% during the naturalistic stimuli.
%% This program calls DynamicClampIter to calculate Isyn
%% and all the K+ current. Then it calculates the ATP that is consumed during the naturalistic
%% stimuli pattern
%% Input: datasource saves the photoreceptor's intracellular's recordings; param is the parameter for the
%% Hodgkin Huxley model
%datasource = 'SKSlo4Vol_All'
%datasource = 'SKVol';
%datasource = 'WTVol';
%datasource = 'sloVol'
%% The parameters used in roger's clamp data
% param = [RestPos{1,2}+correct_restvol 20 -57.1 0 -85 4*0.085e-3 0 0 -5 0 2.4e-3 5e-3 0.11e-3 ];
% Skslo
% param = [RestPos{4,2}+correct_restvol 20 -57.1 0 -85 4*0.085e-3 0 0 -5 0 2.4e-3 0.85*5e-3 0.11e-3 ];
% Sk
% param = [-65 20 -57.1 0 -85 4*0.085e-3 0 0 -5 0 0.6*2.4e-3 0.6*5e-3 0.11e-3 ];
% slo
% %param = [-65 20 -57.1 0 -85 4*0.085e-3 0 0 -5 0 0.8*2.4e-3 0.65*5e-3 0.11e-3 ];
%% The parameters used for Table S2, including hypothetical
%%Droso dynamic clamp, for wt, slo, sloSK
%param = [restV 1 -57.1 0.585e-3 -85 0.85e-3 0 0 -5 0 9e-3 20e-3 1e-3 0];
%%Droso dynamic clamp, for SK with smaller shaker current
%param = [restV 1 -57.1 0.585e-3 -85 0.85e-3 0 0 -5 0 9e-3 10e-3 1e-3 0];
function DynamicClamp_Isyn_Cl(datasource,param)
% WTVol are the selected NS mean responses for different WT photoreceptors.
% the slected data are in the folder /Users/zhuoyisong/MATLAB/SK-Zhuoyi/DynamicConductance_Feedback/newOct2017/DynamicClamp_Diana_NS/NS_EXP_Diana/WT
wt_rest = -57; sk_rest = -47.45; slo18_rest = -46; SKslo18_rest = -41;
RestPos = cell(4,2);
RestPos{1,1} = 'wt';RestPos{2,1} = 'sk';RestPos{3,1} = 'slo18';RestPos{4,1} = 'SKslo18';
RestPos{1,2} = wt_rest; RestPos{2,2} = sk_rest; RestPos{3,2} = slo18_rest; RestPos{4,2} = SKslo18_rest;
eval(['VolEXP = ' datasource ';']);
%VolEXP = SKSlo4Vol_All;
%VolEXP = WTVol;
%VolEXP = SKVol;
%VolEXP = sloVol;
correct_restvol = 0; % a parameter to correct the resting potential for the experimental data
samprate = 1000;
VolSim = []; IK =[]; IShaker=[]; IShab=[]; INew=[]; ICleak=[];
ICl = []; ILeak=[]; ATP_m = [];ATPk_m = []; ATPcl_m = [];ATP_simon_m = [];
ISyn = [];
for gg = 1:size(VolEXP,2)
TT = 980;
Vol_exp = VolEXP(1:TT,gg);
load NS_xf_BG105_MacroC
II = mean(NS_xf_BG105_MacroC,2)*0.001;
I = II(length(II)-TT+1:end);
Isyn = zeros(size(I));
gsyn = zeros(size(I));
gsynm = 0;
samprate = 1000;
[t, y, Isyn,Ishaker,Ishab,Ileak,Inew,Icleak,Icl]= DynamicClampGoodIter(I, param, samprate,Vol_exp);
%figure(1);hold all; plot(t,y(:,1));plot(t,Vol_exp); title('Voltage');xlabel('ms'); ylabel('mV');
%figure(2); plot(Isyn); title('LIC'); xlabel('ms'); ylabel('nA');
Vol = y(:,1);
Ik = Ishaker + Ishab + Inew + Ileak;
VolSim = [VolSim, Vol]; IK =[IK,Ik]; IShaker=[IShaker,Ishaker];
IShab=[IShab,Ishab]; INew=[INew,Inew]; ICleak=[ICleak,Icleak];
ICl = [ICl,Icl]; ILeak=[ILeak,Ileak]; ISyn = [ISyn,Isyn];
timelength = length(I)/samprate;
% here outward current is positive, Icl is positive outward currrent, Cl
% in, K out
Ip = 0.5*(Ishaker + Ishab + Inew + Ileak - I*0.0086*0.001) - 0.25*(Icl+Icleak);
Ipk = 0.5*(Ishaker + Ishab + Inew + Ileak - I*0.0086*0.001);
Ipcl = -0.25*(Icl+Icleak); % the K extruded out by Na-K-Cl cotranspoter, does not require ATP
%To increase stability, 10^(-12) is multiplied to NA
NA = 6.02*10^(11); % avacado constant, 6.02*10^23/mol
F = 96485; % farady constant, C/mol
Ip_s = 201; Ip_e = length(I);
ATP = sum(Ip)*NA/F/(timelength)
Isimon = I+Isyn+Icl;
ATP_simon = (1/3)*(sum(Isimon))*NA/F/(timelength)
ATP_m = [ATP_m,ATP];
ATP_simon_m = [ATP_simon_m,ATP_simon];
subplot(2,2,1);hold all;
title('Voltage');xlabel('ms'); ylabel('mV');axis([1,TT,-110,-0]);
text(200,-80,['ATP ' num2str(ATP, '%10.5e\n')])
text(200,-90,['ATP simon ' num2str(ATP_simon, '%10.5e\n')])
subplot(2,2,2);hold all;
hold all;plot(Isyn,'k');plot(I,'b');
title('Isyn vs. LIC');xlabel('Time (ms)'); ylabel('Current (nA)');
subplot(2,2,3);hold all;
title('K+ currents');xlabel('Time (ms)'); ylabel('Current (nA)');
subplot(2,2,4);hold all;
title('leak currents');xlabel('Time (ms)'); ylabel('Current (nA)');
legend('K leak','Cl leak','Icl','Location','east');
% SaveDataFile = [datasource '_ATP_NSDynamicClamp_0Cl_wtC'];
% save(SaveDataFile,'param','VolEXP','VolSim', 'ISyn', 'ICleak', 'ICl', 'IShaker',...
% 'IShab', 'INew', 'ILeak', 'ATP_m', 'ATP_simon_m');