//genesis //STDP.g //Can give pattern of current injection and/or pattern of pre-syn stim, allowing STDP, HFS, Theta, etc //pulse>=1 and numtrains>=1 else there will be NO pre-syn stim (good for evaluating AP alone) //AND preStimPct>0, else there will be NO pre-syn stim //inject=0 will give pre-syn stim alone, without triggered AP (e.g. hfs or theta) //set TooFast = 100 will revert to stimulating just one spine, even for 50 Hz stimulation //If no synaptic stimulation StimComp is where one specifies which spine output to save /*Commented out lines allow giving a pulse before and after, to test the plasticity and also repeating the pairings. BUT, these will mess up the alignment of the pre-synaptic stim and the post-synaptic depol. So, fix the pulse generators when you uncomment them */ function connect_synapse_with_delay(precell,name,stimname,StimDelay) str precell, name, stimname ,neuronname float StimDelay int msgnum if ({exists {stimname}/{name}}) addmsg {precell}/spikegen {stimname}/{name} SPIKE msgnum = {getfield {stimname}/{name} nsynapses} - 1 echo {msgnum} setfield {stimname}/{name} synapse[{msgnum}].weight 1 synapse[{msgnum}].delay StimDelay else echo could not connect to {stimname}/{name} end end function connect_synapse(precell,name,neuronname,stimname) str neuronname, stimname, name, precell if ({exists {neuronname}/{stimname}/{name}}) addmsg {precell}/spikegen {neuronname}/{stimname}/{name} SPIKE else echo could not connect to {neuronname}/{stimname}/{name} end end function STDP(PreStim, StimComp, file,numAP,inj,dur,interval, isi, pulseFreq, pulses, burstFreq, numbursts, trainFreq, numtrains, jitter) int PreStim str StimComp,file, compt //These are parameters related to both pre-and post-synaptic AP (EPSP) pattern int numbursts, numtrains float trainFreq, burstFreq float isi //interval between onset of EPSP and onset of AP //These are parameters related to pre-synaptic stimulation - pulses in a burst int pulses float pulseFreq //These parameters describe post-synaptic stimulation - AP in a burst int numAP float inj, dur, interval, interpulse=0 // Determine the interpulse intervals for pre-synaptic stimulation if ({pulses}>1) interpulse=1/{pulseFreq} end // Determine the interburst and intertrain intervals for pre- and post- stimulation float intertrain=0, interburst=0 interburst = 1.0/{burstFreq} intertrain = 1.0/{trainFreq} int pulse, train, burst float initSim=0.1 //delay refers to onset of current injection relative to first pulse, which occurs at initSim float TooFast = 30 //if pre-syn pulses in burst are too fast, distribute them among multiple spines if ({pulseYN}) float AP_delay= {2*initSim + isi}//+ (pulses-1)*interpulse} else float AP_delay = {initSim + isi}// + (pulses-1)*interpulse} end if ({isi} > 0) AP_delay = {AP_delay} + ({pulses}-1)*{interpulse} else AP_delay = {AP_delay} - ({numAP}-1)*{interval} end echo {AP_delay} //parameters for post-synaptic spike generators if ({interval} == 0 ) echo "Wrong paradigm chosen. You can choose: P_and_K (Pawlak and Kerr), K_and_P (Kerr and Plenz), Shindou, Shen and IF (IF curves)" return end if ({interval}<{dur}) echo "please define lower AP frequency" end int anystim float PreStimPct //**********set the filenames, and //set up presynaptic element for stimulating str filenam={file}@"_STDP_" if ({jitter} == 1) filenam = {filenam}@"jitter_" end if ({abs {isi}}<{SMALLNUMBER}) isi=0 end if ({PreStim}==2) PreStimPct=2 //Used for stimulation during simulation filenam={filenam}@"Stim_"@{StimComp}@"_AP_"@{numAP}@"_ISI_"@{isi} PreSynStim {precell} if ({spinesYesNo}) str stimname echo "before pulseFreq entry pulseFreq" {pulseFreq} {TooFast} {pulses} if ({pulseFreq}>{TooFast} && {pulses}>1) int stim=0, msgnum float StimDelay echo "in pulseFreq" //Connect up to the number of pulses in the burst echo "Stim Comp" {StimComp} foreach compt ({el {neuronname}/{StimComp}/##[TYPE=compartment]}) echo "compt" {compt} if ({strcmp {getpath {compt} -tail} "head"} == 0) echo "this should be a head compartment in our StimComp:" {compt} //Double check whether compt includes StimComp as part of name if ({stim} < {pulses}) //This won't work if number of spines is fewer than number of pulses in burst StimDelay = {stim}*{interpulse} str stimname={compt} if ({exists {stimname}/{NMDAname}}) addmsg {precell}/spikegen {stimname}/{NMDAname} SPIKE msgnum = {getfield {stimname}/{NMDAname} nsynapses} - 1 setfield {stimname}/{NMDAname} synapse[{msgnum}].weight 1 synapse[{msgnum}].delay StimDelay end if ({exists {stimname}/{AMPAname}}) addmsg {precell}/spikegen {stimname}/{AMPAname} SPIKE msgnum = {getfield {stimname}/{AMPAname} nsynapses} - 1 setfield {stimname}/{AMPAname} synapse[{msgnum}].weight 1 synapse[{msgnum}].delay StimDelay end stim = {stim+1} end end end /*Above results in stimulating all pulses in burst with single stim, so need to NOT loop over pulses below during simulation, e.g. set pulses = 1 */ pulses=1 else str stimname={StimComp}@"/spine_1/"@{spcomp1} echo "1 pulse" {stimname} echo {StimComp}"/spine_1/"{spcomp1} connect_synapse {precell} {NMDAname} {neuronname} {stimname} connect_synapse {precell} {AMPAname} {neuronname} {stimname} end else str stimname={StimComp} connect_synapse {precell} {NMDAname} {neuronname} {stimname} connect_synapse {precell} {AMPAname} {neuronname} {stimname} end showmsg {precell}/spikegen add_outputSpikeHistory {precell} {presynfile} {filenam} else PreStimPct= {PreStim} if ({PreStimPct}>0 && {PreStimPct}<=1) filenam={filenam}@"Pct_"@{StimComp}@"_AP_"@{numAP}@"_ISI_"@{isi} PreSynStim {precell} anystim={PreSynSyncRandom {precell} {neuronname} {PreStimPct} {StimComp}} if ({anystim}==0) echo "ERROR in STDP/PreSynSync: no successful connections" else add_outputSpikeHistory {precell} {presynfile} {filenam} end elif ({PreStimPct}<=0) filenam={filenam}@"NoStim" else echo "ERROR in STDP: PreStim," {PreStim} ", must be string <=1" end end echo "################ simulating STDP, " {numAP} "AP, ISI: " {isi} //set-up file names, post-synaptic spike generators if ({spinesYesNo}) if ({PreStim}>0) spinehead={add_outputMultiSpines {spinefile} {PreStim}} else spinehead={add_outputOneSpinePerComp {spinefile} {neuronname} {StimComp}} end end //setfilename {Vmfile} {Cafile} {Gkfile} {spinefile} {filenam} 1 {Vmhead} {Cahead} {Gkhead} {spinehead} setfilename {Vmfile} {filenam} 1 {Vmhead} setfilename {Cafile} {filenam} 1 {Cahead} setfilename {Gkfile} {filenam} 1 {Gkhead} setfilename {spinefile} {filenam} 1 {spinehead} int go = 1 float width_burst = {numAP}*{interval} float width_train = {numbursts}/{burstFreq} float very_big_number = {1e9} float exp_duration = {numtrains}/{trainFreq} if ({dur} > {interval}) go = 0 echo "The AP is wider than the inter AP interval" else if ({width_burst} > {interburst}) if (({numbursts} == 1) && ({numtrains} == 1)) interburst = 2*{width_burst} width_train = {interburst} if ({width_train} > {intertrain}) echo "Train frequency smaller than duration of all bursts" intertrain = 2*{width_train} exp_duration = 2*{width_train} end else go = 0 end else if ({width_train} > {intertrain}) if ({numtrains} == 1) intertrain = 2*{width_train} exp_duration = 1.2*{width_train} echo "Train frequency smaller than duration of all bursts" else go = 0 echo "The train is wider than the intertrain interval" end end end end if ({go} == 1) //onset of the injections jitter (shift lower than 1 ms): if ({jitter} == 1) AP_delay = {AP_delay} + {rand 0 0.0005} //amplitude jitter inj = {inj} + {rand 0 {inj}/20.} //width jitter dur = {dur} + {rand 0 0.0005} end echo AP_delay {AP_delay} inj {inj} AP_duration {dur} createPulseGen {inj} {basal_current} 0 {interval} {dur} {neuronname}/soma {injectName} 2 "INJECT" createPulseGen {inj} {basal_current} 0 {interburst} {width_burst} {injectName} {injectName}/burst_gate 2 "INPUT" createPulseGen {inj} {basal_current} 0 {intertrain} {width_train} {injectName}/burst_gate {injectName}/train_gate 2 "INPUT" createPulseGen {inj} {basal_current} {AP_delay} {very_big_number} {exp_duration} {injectName}/train_gate {injectName}/experiment_gate 0 "INPUT" str inj_header inj_header = {add_outputPulseGen {somainjfile} {injectName}} setfilename {somainjfile} {filenam} 1 {inj_header} end //if ({getmsg /output/Vm -in -find /injectCurr SAVE}<0) // addmsg /injectCurr /output/Vm SAVE output //end reset //step through the simulation step {initSim} -time if ({pulseYN}) setfield {precell} Vm 10 step 1 setfield {precell} Vm 0 step {initSim} -time end for (train=0; train<{numtrains}; train={train+1}) for (burst=0;burst<{numbursts}; burst=burst+1) if ({PreStim}!="0") for (pulse=0; pulse<{pulses}; pulse={pulse+1}) setfield {precell} Vm 10 step 1 setfield {precell} Vm 0 step {interpulse} -time end end step {interburst-(pulses*interpulse)} -time end if ({train<numtrains-1}) step {intertrain -(numbursts*interburst)} -time end end step {initSim} -time if({pulseYN}) setfield {precell} Vm 10 step 1 setfield {precell} Vm 0 step {initSim} -time end fileFLUSH {Vmfile} fileFLUSH {Cafile} fileFLUSH {Gkfile} fileFLUSH {spinefile} fileFLUSH {somainjfile} //eliminate both current injection input and spikegenerator input in preparation for another stimulation paradigm //setfield {injectName} level1 0 if ({PreStim}>0) int nummsg={getmsg {precell}/spikegen -out -count} int i for (i=0; i<nummsg; i=i+1) deletemsg {precell}/spikegen 0 -outgoing end end end