//*************** Parameters to control model (p file, spinesYesNo) and simulations str neuronname = "/cell" str pfile="MScell/MScelltaperspines.p" //"MScell/MScellTest.p" // float outputclock=2e-4 //output time step (Sec) float simdt=5e-6 // Simulation time step (Second) int spinesYesNo=1 int synYesNo=1 str DA="UI" str whichSpines = "1,2,3" float initSim = 0.9 int TooFast = 30 //what is the frequency that results in depletion of synaptic vesicles //Parameters for learning rule int plastYesNo = 1 float post_thresh_hi = .46e-3 //0.5 float post_thresh_lo = 0.2e-3 //0.2 float dur_hi = 2.e-3 // float dur_lo = .032 //0.2 //whether to elicit and single pulses before and after plasticity protocol int pulseYN=0 int desensYesNo=0 str facchan="/cell/desens" int GABAYesNo = 0 // phasic GABA switch int GABAtonic = 0//tonic GABA switch str GABAstim = "tertdend1_1" //Parameters for current injection for IV/IF curves str input_name = "spine_stim" float SMALLNUMBER=1e-15 str precell="/othercell" //Parameters for current injection for IV/IF curves str injectName="/injectCurr" float injectstart=-300e-12 //1e-9 float inc=100e-12 //20e-12 float delay=0.1 float duration=0.25 //0.005 int numcurr=7 float basal_current=0 //parameters for current injection to produce AP during upstate or STDP float upstate_time = 0.3 float AP_durtime = 0.005 //duration of AP depolarization at soma, 5 ms //parameters for synaptic stimulation int tertdendstart=1 int tertdendsegstart=1 str stimcomp str multispinefile str multispinehead //output files. Xfile is name of ascii object and suffix for filename //Xhead is the header written to the file //Vm output is required, Gk and Ca are optional str Vmfile="Vm" if ({plastYesNo}) Vmfile = {Vmfile}@"_plasticity" end str Vmhead int CaOut=1 str Cafile str Cahead int GkOut=0 str Gkfile str Gkhead str spinefile str spinehead str presynfile str somainjfile = "somaInj" //list of compartments, channels and calcium objects for output, comma separated str comps="soma,primdend1,secdend11,tertdend1_1,tertdend1_2,tertdend1_3,tertdend1_4,tertdend1_5,tertdend1_6,tertdend1_7" //These should include comps of stim spines to see NMDA str chans="CaL12_channel,CaL13_channel,CaR_channel" //these must match the calcium type, i.e. pools for type 1 and CaMN, etc for type 0 str CaBufs="X"//"CaMN,CaMC,calbindin"//"Ca_pool_LT,Ca_pool_NR,Ca_pool_all,Ca_pool_nmda" // X = just calcium, no buffers //***********input rates for Glutamate, and durations when doing a gradient. //most of these values should be passed in as parameters or declared in SimParams //make the secondRate and thirdRate = first rate when second_time and third_time = 0 //*rates used for gradient and flat inputs, multiply by 10 //18: high=*50, med=*3, low=*1, gaba=*7 //19: high=*40, med=*5, low=*2, gaba=*7 //flat: rate=*4 gaba=*7 float first_time = 0.01 float second_time = 0.2 int Rate1 int Rate2 int Rate3 int GabaRate=70 create table APtime int xmax=7 call APtime TABCREATE 7 0 7 setfield APtime table->table[0] 0.005 \ table->table[1] 0.010 \ table->table[2] 0.020 \ table->table[3] 0.030 \ table->table[4] 0.050 \ table->table[5] 0.100 \ table->table[6] 0.175 \ table->table[7] 0.290 //From STDP files: //1: high=*50, med =*1, low =/1.5, gaba = *2 //2: high=*40, med =*1, low =/1.5, gaba = *2 //3: high=*40, med =*1, low =/1.5, gaba = *3 //*****4: high=*40, med =*1, low =/1.5, gaba = *4 //5: high=*60, med =/2, low =/5, gaba = *4 //6: high=*30, med =*1, low =/1.5, gaba = *4 /* Three variations for stimulation in PlasStim a. PreStim=0 indicates stimulate a single compartment, second parameter must be name of compartment b. PreStim between 0 and 1.0 indicates stimulate a percentage of glutamate synapses. The PreStim value is treated as percent. in this case, StimComp should be either b1. "any", meaning stimulate a percentage of _any_ compartments, or b2. a value indicating minimum distance from soma for stimulation. of course, setting a value = 0 is the same as "any" Same variations plus one more for stimulation in STDP If PreStim <= 0, no stim, only AP*/