// =================================================================================================
// writeConn(preSyn, postSyn, synID, fo)
// =================================================================================================
proc writeConn() {local i, postSyn, synID localobj preSyn, fo
preSyn = $o1
postSyn = $2
synID = $3
fo = $o4
for i=0, preSyn.size()-1 fo.printf("%d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s\n", preSyn.x[i], postSyn, synID, $s5, $s6, $s7)
// =================================================================================================
// generatePreConn(gids, N, preOut, noSelf), gids is a Vector
// gids - vector, contains the range of avaiable GIDs, and it is an output
// N - scalar, number of presynaptic GIDs to be selected
// isSelf - scalar, if >0 then do not allow self wiring, and must be the GID of the postsynaptic cell
// Generates the subset of N gids (vector), and returns it in the vector preOut
// No repetitions
// =================================================================================================
proc generatePreConn() {local i, ii, N, isSelf, Npre localobj rand, gids, preOut, preInd
gids = $o1
N = $2
isSelf = $3
preOut = $o4
Npre = gids.size()
// Generate the vector of possible presynaptic neurons
preInd = new Vector(Npre)
// Do not connect to itself
if (isSelf>0) preInd = gids.c.indvwhere("!=", isSelf)
if (preInd.size()<N) {
print "Number of GIDs too small comparing with N"
rand = new Random(startsw())
// Choose N presynaptic gids
for i=0, N-1 {
// Choose the presynaptic cell indexed by "i"
ind = rand.discunif(0, preInd.size()-1)
ii = preInd.x[ind]
preOut.append( gids.x[ii] )
// =================================================================================================
// generateConn(NN)
// synParam - list of synapses for particular population of neurons(pyr, bask, OLM). Elements
// are objects SynParam defined in synapses.hoc
// postGIDs - a vector of GIDs of the postsynaptic cells
// N - N is a vector of neuronal pools sizes
// =================================================================================================
proc generateConn() { localobj fo, preGIDsList, NN
NN = $o1
fo = new File()
preGIDsList = new List()
getGID( preGIDsList, NN)
generateConn2(synParamPyr, preGIDsList.object(0), NN, fo, preGIDsList, "Pyr")
generateConn2(synParamBask, preGIDsList.object(1), NN, fo, preGIDsList, "Bask")
generateConn2(synParamOLM, preGIDsList.object(2), NN, fo, preGIDsList, "OLM")
// =================================================================================================
// generateConn(synParam, postGIDs, N, fo, preGIDsList)
// synParam - list of synapses for particular population of neurons(pyr, bask, OLM). Elements
// are objects SynParam defined in synapses.hoc
// postGIDs - a vector of GIDs of the postsynaptic cells
// N - N is a vector of neuronal pools sizes
// =================================================================================================
proc generateConn2() { local i, j localobj synParam, postGIDs, N, preGIDsList, preGIDs, fo, preGIDsList
synParam = $o1
postGIDs = $o2
N = $o3
fo = $o4
preGIDsList = $o5
preGIDs = new Vector()
for i=0, synParam.count()-1 {
for j=0, postGIDs.size()-1 {
generatePreConn(preGIDsList.object(0), synParam.object(i).Npre[0], postGIDs.x[j], preGIDs)
writeConn(preGIDs, postGIDs.x[j], synParam.object(i).synID, fo, "Pyr", $s6, synParam.object(i).name)
generatePreConn(preGIDsList.object(1), synParam.object(i).Npre[1], postGIDs.x[j], preGIDs)
writeConn(preGIDs, postGIDs.x[j], synParam.object(i).synID, fo, "Bask", $s6, synParam.object(i).name)
generatePreConn(preGIDsList.object(2), synParam.object(i).Npre[2], postGIDs.x[j], preGIDs)
writeConn(preGIDs, postGIDs.x[j], synParam.object(i).synID, fo, "OLM", $s6, synParam.object(i).name)