// Feed forward connections

//proc FFtoII(){
// // feedforward to Layer II/III pyramidals
// // usage FFtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay, 0)
// for i=0,9{
 //                rconnect(FF, PL2[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

/* test */
proc FFtoII(){
// feedforward to Layer2 pyramidals
// usage FFtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,9{ 
weight = $3 * exp( -(abs(i-5))^2 / ( 50^2) ) //WSC^2=10^2 increase >synchy
delay = $4 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - 5))^2 / ( 50^2) ) ) //DSC^2=10^2

                 rconnect(FF, PL2[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc FFtoV(){
// feedforward to LayerV pyramidals
// usage FFtoII(L5_section, receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,9{
                 rconnect(FF, PL5[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

proc FFtoIL2(){
// feedforward to Layer II inhibitory cells 
// usage FFtoIL2(receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,2{
                 rconnect(FF, IPL2[i], 0, $1, $2, $3, 0) } }

proc FFtoIL5(){
// feedforward to Layer V inhibitory cells
// usage FFtoIL5(receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,2{
                 rconnect(FF, IPL5[i], 0, $1, $2, $3, 0) } }
// Feed forward 2 connections

proc FF2toII(){
// feedforward to Layer II/III pyramidals
// usage FF2toII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay, 0)
for i=0,9{
                 rconnect(FF2, PL2[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

proc FF2toV(){
// feedforward to LayerV pyramidals
// usage FF2toII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,9{
                 rconnect(FF2, PL5[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

proc FF2toIL2(){
// feedforward to Layer II inhibitory cells 
// usage FF2toIL2(receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,2{
                 rconnect(FF2, IPL2[i], 0, $1, $2, $3, 0) } }

proc FF2toIL5(){
// feedforward to Layer V inhibitory cells
// usage FF2toIL2(receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,2{
                 rconnect(FF2, IPL5[i], 0, $1, $2, $3, 0) } }

// Feed back connections
proc FBtoII(){
// feedback to Layer II/III pyramidals
// usage FBtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay, 0)
for i=0,9{
                 rconnect(FB, PL2[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

//proc FBtoV(){
// // feedback to LayerV pyramidals
// // usage FBtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay)
//for i=0,9{
//                 rconnect(FB, PL5[i], $1, $2, $3, $4, 0) } }

/* testing */
proc FBtoV(){
// feedback to LayerV pyramidals
// usage FBtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,9{ 
weight = $3 * exp( -(abs(i-5))^2 / ( 50^2) ) //WSC^2=10^2
delay = $4 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - 5))^2 / ( 50^2) ) ) //DSC^2=10^2

                 rconnect(FB, PL5[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc FBtoIL2(){
// feedback to Layer II inhibitory cells
// usage FBtoIL2(receptor_type, weight, delay)
for i=0,2{
                 rconnect(FB, IPL2[i], 0, $1, $2, $3, 0) } }

// Pyramidal to Pyramidal Connections ------------------------------------------//////////////////////////////////////////
proc VtoV(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer V to Layer V Pyramidals
// Usage: VtoV( Max_Weight, Space constant, compartment [0-8] receptor type [0=ampa, 1=nmda],
// minimum_delay, delay_space_constant )
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )} 
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $6^2) ) ) }

       rconnect(PL5[i], PL5[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc VtoII(){ local weight
// Connects Layer V to Layer II/III Pyramidals
// Usage: VtoII( Max_Weight, Space constant, compartment [0-7] receptor type
// [0=ampa, 1=nmda],
// minimum_delay, delay_space_constant )
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
{weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )}
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $6^2) ) )}

       rconnect(PL5[i], PL2[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc IItoII(){ local weight,delay
// Connects  Layer II/III to  Layer II/III Pyramidals
// Usage: VtoII( Max_Weight, Space constant, compartment [0-7] receptor type
// [0=ampa, 1=nmda],
// minimum_delay, delay_space_constant )
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )}
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $6^2) ) )}

       rconnect(PL2[i], PL2[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc IItoV(){ local weight,delay
// Connects  Layer II/III to  Layer V Pyramidals
// Usage: VtoII( Max_Weight, Space constant, compartment [0-8] receptor type
// [0=ampa, 1=nmda],
// minimum_delay, delay_space_constant )
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
{weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )}
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $6^2) ) )}

       rconnect(PL2[i], PL5[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }
// Inhibitory to Pyramidal connections -----------------------------------------//////////////////////////////////////////

proc IL5toV(){ local weight,delay
// Connects Layer V inhibitory cells to Layer V Pyramidals
// usage: ItoV(Inhib_Cell# [1-3],  max_weight, weight_space_constant [>1], max-position [0-9] ,
// L.5 Pyram_compartment [0-8], receptor type [ 2=GABAa, 3-GABAb ],
// Min-delay [ms.] , delay-space-constant [>1] )
for i=0,9{

if (i==$4){weight=$2}else{  weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) ) }
if (i==$4){delay = $7}else{ delay = $7 * ( 1 / exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $8^2) ) ) }

rconnect(IPL5[$1], PL5[i], $5, $6, weight, delay, 0) }  }

proc IL2toV(){ local weight,delay
// Connects Layer II/III inhibitory cells to Layer V Pyramidals
// usage: ItoV(Inhib_Cell# [1-3],  max_weight, weight_space_constant [>1], max-position [0-9] ,
// L.5 Pyram_compartment [0-8], receptor type [ 2=GABAa, 3-GABAb ],
// Min-delay [ms.] , delay-space-constant [>1] )
for i=0,9{

if (i==$4){weight=$2}else{  weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) ) }
if (i==$4){delay = $7}else{ delay = $7 * ( 1 / exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $8^2) ) ) }

rconnect(IPL2[$1], PL5[i], $5, $6, weight, delay, 0) }  }

proc IL2toII(){ local weight,delay
// Connects Layer II/II inhibitory cells to Layer II/III Pyramidals
// usage: IL2toII(Inhib_Cell# [1-3],  max_weight, weight_space_constant [>1],
// position [0-9] ,
// L.2 Pyram_compartment [0-7], receptor type [ 2=GABAa, 3-GABAb ],
// Min-delay [ms.] , delay-space-constant [<1] )
for i=0,9{

if (i==$4){weight=$2}else{  weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) ) }
if (i==$4){delay = $7}else{ delay = $7 * ( 1 / exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $8^2) ) ) }

rconnect(IPL2[$1], PL2[i], $5, $6, weight, delay, 0) }  }
// Inhibitory to inhibitory

proc IL2toIL2(){ local weight,delay
// Connect Layer II/III inhibitory cells to themselves
// usage: IL2toIL2(Max_Weight. Space_Constant, Min_Delay, Delay_Space_Constant, receptor_type )
for i=0,2{
   for j=0,2{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )}  
if (i==j) {delay = $3}else { delay = $3 * ( 1 / exp( -(abs(i-j))^2 / ( $4^2) ) ) }
} } }

proc IL5toIL5(){ local weight,delay
// Connect LayerV  inhibitory cells to themselves
// usage: IL5toIL5(Max_Weight. Space_Constant, Min_Delay, Delay_Space_Constant, receptor_type )
for i=0,2{
   for j=0,2{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight = $1 * exp( -(abs(i - j))^2 / ( $2^2) )}
if (i==j) {delay = $3}else { delay = $3 * ( 1 / exp( -(abs(i-j))^2 / ( $4^2) ) ) }
} } }
//Pyramidal to Inhibitory Connections added 5_18_06
proc VtoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer V to Layer V Inhibitory
for i=0,9{
weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) )
delay = $6 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - $4))^2 / ( $7^2) ) )

       rconnect(PL5[i], IPL5[$1], 0, $5, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc IItoIL2(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer II to Layer2 Inhibitory
for i=0,9{
weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) )
delay = $6 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - $4))^2 / ( $7^2) ) )

       rconnect(PL2[i], IPL2[$1], 0, $5, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc IItoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer II to Layer5 Inhibitory
for i=0,9{
weight = $2 * exp( -(abs(i-$4))^2 / ( $3^2) )
delay = $6 * 1 / (exp( -(abs(i - $4))^2 / ( $7^2) ) )

       rconnect(PL2[i], IPL5[$1], 0, $5, weight, delay, 0) } }

// Disconnect all connections
proc unconnect(){
objref netcon

// objref AMPAconnects
// AMPAconnects = new List()
// objref NMDAconnects
// NMDAconnects = new List()
objref GABAAconnects
GABAAconnects = new List()
// objref GABABconnects
// GABABconnects = new List()
// Intra-cortical connections using a uniform random distribution
objref w, d
///////////////// Pyramidal to Pyramidal Connections ////////////////////
// Usage: U_XtoX( MinWeight, MaxWeight , target compartment, rtype, MinDelay, MaxDelay )
proc U_VtoV(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer V to Layer V Pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()} 
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay=d.repick()}
// Would like to use w.play(&weight) and d.play(&delay), but that does not work!!!!

       rconnect(PL5[i], PL5[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc U_VtoII(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer V to Layer II/III Pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()}                             
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay=d.repick()}

       rconnect(PL5[i], PL2[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc U_IItoII(){ local weight,delay
// Connects  Layer II/III to  Layer II/III Pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()}
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay=d.repick()}

       rconnect(PL2[i], PL2[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }

proc U_IItoV(){ local weight,delay
// Connects  Layer II/III to  Layer V Pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{
    for j=0,9{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()}
if (i==j) {delay = $5}else {delay=d.repick()}

       rconnect(PL2[i], PL5[j], $3, $4, weight, delay, 0) } } }
///////////////////////////Inhibitory to Pyramidal connections //////////////////////////////////////////
// Usage: U_ILxtoX(Inhib_Cell#,  MinWeight, MaxWeight, Pyramidal compartment, rtype, MinDelay, MaxDelay)

proc U_IL5toV(){ local weight,delay
// Connects Layer V inhibitory cells to Layer V Pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($6,$7)
for i=0,9{

rconnect(IPL5[$1], PL5[i], $4, $5, weight, delay, 0) }  }

proc U_IL2toV(){ local weight,delay
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($6,$7)
for i=0,9{

rconnect(IPL2[$1], PL5[i], $4, $5, weight, delay, 0) }  }

proc U_IL2toII(){ local weight,delay
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($6,$7)
for i=0,9{

rconnect(IPL2[$1], PL2[i], $4, $5, weight, delay, 0) }  }

// Inhibitory to Inhibitory Connections
// Usage: U_ILxtoILx(MinWeight. MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay, receptor_type )

proc U_IL2toIL2(){ local weight,delay
// Connect Layer II/III inhibitory cells to themselves
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($3,$4)
for i=0,2{
   for j=0,2{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()} 
if (i==j) {delay = $3}else {delay=d.repick()}

                rconnect(IPL2[i],IPL2[j],0,$5,weight,delay,0) } } }

proc U_IL5toIL5(){ local weight,delay
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($3,$4)
for i=0,2{
   for j=0,2{
if (i==j) {weight = 0}else {weight=w.repick()}
if (i==j) {delay = $3}else {delay=d.repick()}

                rconnect(IPL5[i],IPL5[j],0,$5,weight,delay,0) } } }
// Pyramidal to Inhibitory Connections
// Usage: U_XtoILx(Inhib Cell #, MinWeight, MaxWeight, rtype, MinDelay, MaxDelay)
proc U_VtoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer V to Layer V Inhibitory
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($3,$4)
for i=0,9{

rconnect(PL5[i], IPL2[$1], 0, $4, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_IItoIL2(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer II to Layer2 Inhibitory
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($3,$4)
for i=0,9{

       rconnect(PL2[i], IPL2[$1], 0, $4, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_IItoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// Connects Layer II to Layer5 Inhibitory
w = new Random()  w.uniform($1,$2)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($3,$4)
for i=0,9{

       rconnect(PL2[i], IPL5[$1], 0, $4, weight, delay, 0) } }
// Feed forward connections

proc U_FFtoII(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II/III pyramidals
// // usage FFtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay )
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                rconnect(FF, PL2[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FFtoV(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to LayerV pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                 rconnect(FF, PL5[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FFtoIL2(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II inhibitory cells 
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FF, IPL2[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FFtoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer V inhibitory cells
// usage U_FFtoIL5(receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay)
w = new Random() w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random() d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FF, IPL5[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }
// Feed forward 2 connections
proc U_FF2toII(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II/III pyramidals
// // usage FFtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay )
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                rconnect(FF2, PL2[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FF2toV(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to LayerV pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                 rconnect(FF2, PL5[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FF2toIL2(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II inhibitory cells
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FF2, IPL2[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FF2toIL5(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer V inhibitory cells
// usage FFtoIL5(receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay)
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FF2, IPL5[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }

// Feed back connections
proc U_FBtoII(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II/III pyramidals
// // usage FFtoII(L2_section, receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay )
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                rconnect(FB, PL2[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FBtoV(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to LayerV pyramidals
w = new Random()  w.uniform($3,$4)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($5,$6)
for i=0,9{

                 rconnect(FB, PL5[i], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FBtoIL2(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer II inhibitory cells
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FB, IPL2[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }

proc U_FBtoIL5(){ local weight, delay
// feedforward to Layer V inhibitory cells
// usage FFtoIL5(receptor_type, MinWeight, MaxWeight, MinDelay, MaxDelay)
w = new Random()  w.uniform($2,$3)
d = new Random()  d.uniform($4,$5)
for i=0,2{

                 rconnect(FB, IPL5[i], 0, $1, weight, delay, 0) } }