defining # of excitatory and inhibitory synapses per 100 microns
of proximal & distal ssc dendrtie, and the ratio of identified
input sources. arrays of 5 numbers correspond to synapses from:
0 - empty
1 - LGN
2 - other SSC from L4
3 - L6 pyramids
4 - Inhibitory synapses from basket cell
These correspnd to Stratford et al. 1996 whoc clasfified inputs to
class1 to class 3 for the excitatory inputs.
(If array has only 4 cells, it is only for the three excitatory
//only about 80% of the synapses were accounted for by ahmed et al. 1994:
KnownExcSyn = 0.79 //excitatory
KnownInSyn = 0.84 //inhibitory
//# of excitatory and inhibitory synappses on soma and per 100
microns of proximal and distal dendrites:
DensOfSomaExcSyn = 0 //excitatory synapses on soma
DensOfSomaInSyn = 0 //inhibitory synapses on soma
DensOfProxExcSyn = 62 //excitatory synapses per proximal dendrite
DensOfProxInSyn = 33 //inhibitory synapses per proximal dendrite
DensOfDistExcSyn = 117 //excitatory synapses per distal dendrite
DensOfDistInSyn = 5 //inhibitory synapses per distal dendrite
//# of synapses on the soma is 0 for the ssc, the following is for compatability with basket cell:
double RatioSomaExcSyn[5]
//ratio of each input source out of the proximal excitatory synapses:
double RatioProxExcSyn[4]
RatioProxExcSyn[1] = 0.15 //LGN
RatioProxExcSyn[2] = 0.35 //L4
RatioProxExcSyn[3] = 0.5 //L6
//ratio of each input source out of the distal excitatory synapses:
double RatioDistExcSyn[4]
RatioDistExcSyn[1] = 0.07 //thalmaic afferents
RatioDistExcSyn[2] = 0.29 //othe L4 input
RatioDistExcSyn[3] = 0.64 //L6 input