function Patches = fPickPatches( TrimmedFilteredImage , PatchesSize , X_Center, Y_Center )
% This function extracts patches from TrimmedFilteredImage, with the given
% centers (X_Center Y_Center ) and the given size (PatchesSize). It works
% best with outputs from fGenerateParameterSubsetPatches.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% TrimmedFilteredImage [height x width x [] ] The filtered image from which patch should be extracted
% PatchesSize [2] Size of extracted patches in pixels [X Y]
% X_Center [NPatches]
% Y_Center [NPatches]
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Patches [ PatchesSize x [] x NPatches]
%% Check inputs
if(length(X_Center) ~= length(Y_Center))
disp('Error from fPickPatches : X_Center and y_center doesnt have the same length ... ') ;
%% Resize inputs
dim = size(TrimmedFilteredImage);
TrimmedFilteredImage_Reshape = reshape(TrimmedFilteredImage, dim(1), dim(2),[] );
%% Extract patches
NPatches = length(X_Center);
Patches = zeros([fliplr(PatchesSize) size(TrimmedFilteredImage_Reshape,3) NPatches]);
for i = 1:NPatches
X_ = X_Center(i);
Y_ = Y_Center(i);
for d = 1:size(TrimmedFilteredImage_Reshape,3)
Patches(:,:, d ,i) = TrimmedFilteredImage_Reshape( (X_ - floor((PatchesSize(2) - 1) ./ 2) ):(X_ + ceil((PatchesSize(2) - 1) ./ 2) ) , (Y_- floor((PatchesSize(1) - 1) ./ 2) ):(Y_ + ceil((PatchesSize(1) - 1) ./ 2) ), d );
%% Resize outputs
Patches = reshape(Patches, [PatchesSize dim(3:end) NPatches] );