function FittedGabor = fFitGabors( RFs, PPA, PlotFittedGabor01, ForceOrientationDependance, BestOfNRuns )
% Function for fitting Gabors to RFs.
% Inputs:
% RFs: Receptive fields
% PPA: Pixels per angle
% PlotFittedGabor01: Plot the fit or not
% ForceOrientationDependance: Make Gabor envelope and sinusoid have the same orientation or not
% BestOfNRuns: Take the best fit out of N runs of the fitting function
% Outputs:
% FittedGabor: The fitted Gabor!
%% Extract parameters from the input
% Determine if it is a binocular or a monocular fit
NLR = size(RFs,3);
% Determine the size of the grid
PatchSize.Pix = [ size(RFs,2) size(RFs,1) ] ;
PatchSize.Ang = PatchSize.Pix ./ PPA ;
% Create a mesh
[Mesh.XX, Mesh.YY] = meshgrid(...
linspace(-PatchSize.Ang(1)/2, PatchSize.Ang(1)/2, PatchSize.Pix(1)),...
linspace(-PatchSize.Ang(2)/2, PatchSize.Ang(2)/2, PatchSize.Pix(2)));
Mesh.YY = flipud(Mesh.YY) ;
% Extract a measure of the total variance from the data
for nLR = 1:NLR
% Variance estimate (unbiased estimator)
SS_tot(nLR) = var( reshape( RFs(:,:,nLR),[],1) , 0 , 1 ) ;
%% Decide the starting point for the optimisation
% A meshgrid of frequencies
[F.XX, F.YY] = ...
meshgrid( -0.5*PPA(1) : PPA(1)/PatchSize.Pix(1) : 0.5*PPA(1) - PPA(1)/PatchSize.Pix(1) , ...
-0.5*PPA(2) : PPA(2)/PatchSize.Pix(2) : 0.5*PPA(2) - PPA(2)/PatchSize.Pix(2) );
for nLR = 1:2
% Monocular field
RF = RFs(:,:,nLR);
% Find max indices for the spatio-temporal domain.
[RFMax, tInd_RFMax] = max( reshape( RF ,1,[]) );
[~, tInd_RFMin] = min( reshape( RF ,1,[]) );
% Gabor scalings
Gabor.ScalingFactor(nLR) = RFMax ;
% The frequency and orientation.
RFf.FFT = fftshift( fft2( flipud( RF ) ) ) ;
RFf.Abs = abs( RFf.FFT);
RFf.Phase = rad2deg( angle( RFf.FFT) );
[~, tInd_FMax] = max( reshape( RFf.Abs ,1,[]) );
% Gabor Sinusoid frequency is f_Gabor = max_f{ |FFT(f)| }
Gabor.Sinusoid.Frequency(nLR) = norm([F.XX(tInd_FMax) F.YY(tInd_FMax)]);
% Gabor sinusoid orientation is Theta_Gabor = arg( f_opt ) in [0,180)
Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(nLR) = atan2d( F.YY(tInd_FMax), F.XX(tInd_FMax) );
if ( Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(nLR) < 0 )
Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(nLR) = Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(nLR) + 180 ;
% Gabor centre
Gabor.Centre(:,nLR) = [mean(Mesh.XX([tInd_RFMin tInd_RFMax])) mean(Mesh.YY([tInd_RFMin tInd_RFMax])) ].' ;
% Gaussian: Orientation
Gabor.Gaussian.Theta(nLR) = Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(nLR);
% Gaussian: Spread
Gabor.Gaussian.Spread(:,nLR) = sqrt(2*pi) * (1/3)* [PatchSize.Ang(1)/2 PatchSize.Ang(2)/2].' ;
% Sinusoid phase is phi_Gabor = arg( FFT(f_opt) )
Gabor.Sinusoid.Phase(nLR) = RFf.Phase(tInd_FMax) ;
%% Optimisation
% Constraints
LB0 = [ 0 ...
-PatchSize.Ang / 2 ...
0 ...
1./PPA ...
1/ max( PatchSize.Ang ) ...
0 ...
0 ...
UB0 = [ Inf ...
PatchSize.Ang / 2 ...
180 ...
2*PatchSize.Ang ...
(1/2) * max( PPA ) ...
180 ...
360 ...
Aineq = [];
bineq = [];
% Optimise the left and the right images separately.
for nRun = 1:BestOfNRuns
for nLR = 1:NLR
% Starting point
P0 = [ Gabor.ScalingFactor(nLR) ...
Gabor.Centre(:,nLR).' ...
Gabor.Gaussian.Theta(:,nLR) ...
Gabor.Gaussian.Spread(:,nLR).' ...
Gabor.Sinusoid.Frequency(:,nLR) ...
Gabor.Sinusoid.Theta(:,nLR) ...
Gabor.Sinusoid.Phase(:,nLR) ...
% Redefine the LB and UB based on the general template
LB = LB0; UB = UB0;
% Change the frequency bounds. It makes the fitting very specific
% to Gabors
LB(7) = P0(7) * 0.25 ; UB(7) = P0(7) * 2 ;
% Initialise global optimisation problem
switch ForceOrientationDependance
case 0
Aeq = [] ;
beq = [] ;
case 1
Aeq = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0] ;
beq = 0 ;
% Scaling the error for faster and more accurate calcualtion
ErrorScalingFactor = 1e-6 ;
GProb = createOptimProblem( 'fmincon','objective',...
@(x)fObjFitGabors( x, RFs(:,:,nLR), Mesh, ErrorScalingFactor), ...
'Aeq',Aeq,'beq',beq ,...
% Initialise the solver
GSolver = GlobalSearch('Display','off'); %('UserParallel',true);
% Calculate optima
[ P_opt_NRuns(:,nLR, nRun) , SS_res_NRuns_By_k(nLR, nRun) ] = run(GSolver,GProb);
SS_res_NRuns(nLR, nRun) = (ErrorScalingFactor * SS_res_NRuns_By_k(nLR, nRun)) ;
R2_NRuns(nLR, nRun) = 1 - SS_res_NRuns(nLR, nRun) / SS_tot(nLR) ;
%% Picking the best fits based on R2 amongst the BestOfNRuns runs
% Find the best run
[R2 , NBestRun] = max(R2_NRuns,[],2) ;
for nLR = 1:NLR
SS_res(nLR) = SS_res_NRuns(nLR, NBestRun(nLR) ) ;
% Optimal parameters for L/R separately
P_opt(:,nLR) = squeeze( P_opt_NRuns(:,nLR, NBestRun(nLR) ) ) ;
%% The optimised parameters, fitting error and R2 goodness-of-fit
FittedGabor.FittingErrors = SS_res ;
FittedGabor.R2 = R2 ;
FittedGabor.R2_NRuns = R2_NRuns ;
FittedGabor.Parameters_vec = P_opt ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.ScalingFactor = P_opt(1 ,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Centre = P_opt(2:3,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Gaussian.Theta = P_opt(4 ,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Gaussian.Spread = P_opt(5:6,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Frequency = P_opt(7 ,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Theta = P_opt(8 ,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Phase_rel = P_opt(9 ,:) ;
FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Phase_abs = ...
(FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Phase_rel / 360) .* ...
(1 ./ FittedGabor.Parameters.Sinusoid.Frequency ) ;
%% Plot the fitted Gabor if required
if ( PlotFittedGabor01 == 1)
% Mesh
x = [Mesh.XX(:) Mesh.YY(:)].';
% Calculate the fitted Gabor RFs
for nLR = 1:NLR
% Gabor
k = P_opt(1,nLR);
c = P_opt(2:3,nLR);
x_centred = x - c*ones(1, size(x,2) ) ;
G.U = ...
[cosd(P_opt(4,nLR)) -sind(P_opt(4,nLR)) ; ...
sind(P_opt(4,nLR)) cosd(P_opt(4,nLR)) ] ;
G.S = diag( P_opt(5:6,nLR) );
S.f = P_opt(7,nLR);
S.V = [ cosd(P_opt(8,nLR)) sind(P_opt(8,nLR)) ].';
S.p = P_opt(9,nLR);
% RF
gRF(:,:,nLR) = real( ...
k * ...
( exp( -pi * sum ( ( deg2rad(G.S) \ (G.U.') * deg2rad( x_centred ) ).^2 , 1) ).' ) .* ...
( exp( 1i*(2*pi* ( 1/deg2rad(1/S.f) ) * ( S.V.') * deg2rad(x_centred) + deg2rad(S.p) ) ).' )...
% Plot the fitted Gabors
figure('position',[100 100 1000 600],'color','w');
% Limits for the axes
MaxSensitivity = max( abs( [RFs(:) ; gRF(:)] ) );
for nLR = 1:NLR
% Actual RFs
subplot(NLR,2, 1 + (nLR-1)*2 );
view([0 90]);
colorbar; axis('tight');
pbaspect([PatchSize.Ang(1) PatchSize.Ang(2) max(PatchSize.Ang)]);
caxis([-1 1]*MaxSensitivity); colormap(jet);
zlim([-1 1]*MaxSensitivity) ;
if (nLR == 1)
title('Actual RF');
% Fitted Gabor
subplot(NLR,2, 2 + (nLR-1)*2 );
surfc(Mesh.XX,Mesh.YY,reshape( gRF(:,:,nLR),size(Mesh.XX)),...
view([0 90]);
colorbar; axis('tight');
pbaspect([PatchSize.Ang(1) PatchSize.Ang(2) max(PatchSize.Ang)]);
caxis([-1 1]*MaxSensitivity); colormap(jet);
zlim([-1 1]*MaxSensitivity) ;
if (nLR == 1)
title('Fitted Gabor RF');