%% Clear workspace
%% Add required directories for the STDP toolbox
addpath( './Libraries/tbSTDP/' ) ;
% Sampling
addpath( './Libraries/tbSampling/' ) ;
% DoG
addpath( './Libraries/tbDoG/' ) ;
% Test-bench to explore the converged network
addpath( './Libraries/tbTestBench/' ) ;
%% Declare the project
% The project name. The ROI mapping MUST BE DONE MANUALLY later
NProject = 'Foveal';
% Create directory if it doesn't already exist
mkdir(['./Data/' NProject '/']);
% Project folder
ProjectFolder = ['./Data/' NProject '/'] ;
%% Dataset: Load paths, data about files, declare dataset PPA
% Name the dataset
Dataset.Name = 'Hibbard'; % {'KITTI','Hibbard'}
% Cortical magnification factor (CMF).
Dataset.CorticalMagnification = 1.5 ;
switch lower(Dataset.Name)
case lower('KITTI')
% Dataset path
Dataset.Path = './Datasets/KITTI/' ;
% Add path to the dataset
addpath(genpath( Dataset.Path ));
% File names
FilaNames.Folders = {'L/','R/'};
tDir.L = dir( [Dataset.Path FileNames.Folders{1}] ) ;
tDir.R = dir( [Dataset.Path FileNames.Folders{2}] ) ;
FileNames.FileNames(:,1) = {tDir.L(~[tDir.L.isdir]).name}.' ;
FileNames.FileNames(:,2) = {tDir.R(~[tDir.R.isdir]).name}.' ;
clearvars tDir ;
% Set the number of files in the dataset
Dataset.NFiles = size(FileNames.FileNames,1);
% Calculating the PPA
% Rescaling the dataset
Dataset.Rescaling = [1 1] ; % In pixels [horizontal x vertical]
% Camera opening angles from the white paper on their website
Dataset.ImageSize.Ang = [90 35]; % In degrees [horizontal x vertical]
% Pixels on the sensor / rescaling
Dataset.ImageSize.Pix = [1242 375]; % In pixels [horizontal x vertical]
% PPA = Pixels / Camera angle
Dataset.PPA = Dataset.ImageSize.Pix ./ Dataset.ImageSize.Ang ; % Approximate [horizontal x vertical]
case lower('Hibbard')
% Dataset path
Dataset.Path = './Datasets/HH/' ;
% Add path to the dataset
addpath(genpath( Dataset.Path ));
% File names
FileNames.Folders = {'L/','R/'};
tDir.L = dir( [Dataset.Path FileNames.Folders{1}] ) ;
tDir.R = dir( [Dataset.Path FileNames.Folders{2}] ) ;
FileNames.FileNames(:,1) = {tDir.L(~[tDir.L.isdir]).name}.' ;
FileNames.FileNames(:,2) = {tDir.R(~[tDir.R.isdir]).name}.' ;
clearvars tDir ;
% Set the number of files in the dataset
Dataset.NFiles = size(FileNames.FileNames,1);
% Calculating the PPA
% Rescaling for the dataset for faster processing
Dataset.Rescaling = Dataset.CorticalMagnification * [4 4] ; % In pixels [horizontal x vertical]
% Rescaled image size in pixels = Pixels on the sensor / Rescaling
Dataset.ImageSize.Pix = floor( [1201 1201] ./ Dataset.Rescaling ) ; % In pixels [horizontal x vertical]
% PPA = Pixels / Camera angle after the rescaling
Dataset.PPA = [60 60] ./ Dataset.Rescaling ; % Approximate [horizontal x vertical]
% Camera opening angles from the white paper on their website
Dataset.ImageSize.Ang = Dataset.ImageSize.Pix ./ Dataset.PPA ; % In degrees [horizontal x vertical]
%% Declare the PPA, patch-size and number of filters
PPA = Dataset.PPA;
% Patch size: Width x Height
PatchSize.Ang = [3 3] ;
PatchSize.Pix = floor( PatchSize.Ang .* PPA ) ; % Width x Height
% Number of features: Number of pixels per patch x 2(ON/OFF) x 2(L/R)
NFeatures = prod(PatchSize.Pix) * 2 * 2;
%% Initialise the DoG filters and trim-size
% Define the OFF kernel size: MatlabNotation(Height x Width)
tKSizeOFF.Ang = [1 1] ;
tKSizeOFF.Pix = ceil( tKSizeOFF.Ang .* PPA ) ;
% Define the OFF cell centre and surround radii
tSigmaCentreSurround.OFF.Ang = [0.3 1] ;
tSigmaCentreSurround.OFF.Pix = tSigmaCentreSurround.OFF.Ang .* PPA ;
% Define the OFF cell
DoG.OFF = fCreateDoG( tKSizeOFF.Pix , PPA, ...
tSigmaCentreSurround.OFF.Pix , 'off');
% Spatial ON/OFF RF scaling factor
DoG.OnOffRFScalingFactor = 1 ;
% Define the ON kernel size: MatlabNotation(Height x Width)
tKSizeON.Ang = DoG.OnOffRFScalingFactor * tKSizeOFF.Ang ;
tKSizeON.Pix = ceil( tKSizeON.Ang .* PPA );
% Define the ON cell centre and surround radii
tSigmaCentreSurround.ON.Ang = tSigmaCentreSurround.OFF.Ang ;
tSigmaCentreSurround.ON.Pix = tSigmaCentreSurround.ON.Ang .* PPA ;
% Define the ON cell
DoG.ON = fCreateDoG( tKSizeON.Pix , PPA, ...
tSigmaCentreSurround.ON.Pix , 'on');
% Determine trim size (to remove the edges) after the LGN processing
TrimSize = floor ( max([DoG.ON.Size.Pix ; DoG.OFF.Size.Pix],[],1) / 2 ) ;
% Get rid of temporary variables
clearvars t* ;
%% Trimmed image size
% Image size: Width x Height
ImSize.Pix = Dataset.ImageSize.Pix - 2*TrimSize ;
ImSize.Ang = ImSize.Pix ./ PPA;
%% SAVING: DoG filtered images (beware of very large datasets)
% Option to skip
sw.SkipIt = 1 ;
if ~sw.SkipIt
for nFile = 1:Dataset.NFiles
% For the left and the right image
for nLR=1:2
% Read the image
tIm = imread( [FileNames.Folders{nLR} FileNames.FileNames{nFile,nLR}] ) ;
% Resize the image
tIm = imresize(tIm, fliplr( Dataset.ImageSize.Pix ) ) ;
% If the image is in colour, convert it to greyscale
if (size(tIm,3) == 3)
tIm = rgb2gray(imread(tIm)) ;
% Convert the image to double
tIm = im2double (tIm) ;
% An optional grey-world type contrast normalisation
sw.GreyWorldNormalisation = 1; % 0 -> No, 1 -> Yes
if sw.GreyWorldNormalisation
% Centring each image at zero
tIm = tIm - mean( tIm(:) ) ;
% Scaling such that max power in any given pixel is one
tIm = tIm / norm( tIm(:) , 2);
% Filtering followed by rectification. This rectification is a
% crude method of implementing a firing threshold in the ON/OFF
% cells - the threshold being a uniform light field.
tFI.ON = imfilter(tIm,DoG.ON.Kernel);
tFI.ON( tFI.ON < 0 ) = 0 ;
tFI.OFF = imfilter(tIm,DoG.OFF.Kernel);
tFI.OFF( tFI.OFF < 0 ) = 0 ;
% Untrimmed image: MATLABFormat(height x width ) x 2(ON / OFF)
tUntrimmedFilteredImage = cat(3, tFI.ON, tFI.OFF) ;
% Trim the image to get rid of partial DoGs on the edge
tTrimmedFilteredImage = tUntrimmedFilteredImage(...
1+TrimSize(2) : end - TrimSize(2) , ...
1+TrimSize(1) : end - TrimSize(1) , : );
% Retinotopic RGC map: MATLABFormat(height x width ) x 2(ON /
% OFF) x 2(L/R) x NFiles
Retinotopic_RGCActivations(:,:,:,nLR,nFile) = tTrimmedFilteredImage ;
% Save the filtered patches to HD
save([ProjectFolder Dataset.Name '_RetinotopicRGCActivations' '.mat'],'Retinotopic_RGCActivations');
clearvars t* n* db* Retinotopic_RGCActivations ;
% Make a position map for the patches.
[PatchMap.X, PatchMap.Y] = meshgrid(...
linspace(-ImSize.Ang(1)/2, ImSize.Ang(1)/2, ImSize.Pix(1)),...
linspace(-ImSize.Ang(2)/2, ImSize.Ang(2)/2, ImSize.Pix(2)));
PatchMap.Y = flipud(PatchMap.Y) ;
PatchMap.R = (PatchMap.X.^2 + PatchMap.Y.^2).^(1/2);
PatchMap.Phi = atan2d( PatchMap.Y , PatchMap.X);
% Define edges beyond which sampling is impossible and make a mask
EdgeWidths = (ImSize.Ang / 2) - (PatchSize.Ang/2) ;
ROIMap.EdgeMask = ~( (abs(PatchMap.X) > EdgeWidths(1) ) |...
(abs(PatchMap.Y) > EdgeWidths(2) ) ) ;
% Manual ROI setting
ROIMap.Logical = (PatchMap.R <= 3) & ROIMap.EdgeMask ; % Foveal
% Cleanup
clearvars t* ;
%% Decide DoG thresholds based on a given batch
% Decide thresholds for the filters. A good strategy is to decide the
% average number of filters allowed to fire based on the threshold of the
% LGN cells.
% Load the entire dataset
load([ProjectFolder Dataset.Name '_RetinotopicRGCActivations' '.mat'],'Retinotopic_RGCActivations');
% Generate random patches per image to decide the average threshold. The
% number of samples should be as large as possible.
tNRandomSamplesPerImage = 10; % 1000
% ROI map
tParams.AvailablePosition = ROIMap.Logical ;
for nImage = 1:Dataset.NFiles
[tRandPatch_xc, tRandPatch_yc] = ...
fGenerateParameterSubsetPatches('Manual',tNRandomSamplesPerImage, PatchSize.Pix,ImSize, tParams ) ;
tRF.ON (:,:,:,(1:tNRandomSamplesPerImage) + tNRandomSamplesPerImage*(nImage-1) ) = ...
fPickPatches( squeeze( Retinotopic_RGCActivations(:,:,1,:,nImage) ), PatchSize.Pix, tRandPatch_xc, tRandPatch_yc ) ;
tRF.OFF(:,:,:,(1:tNRandomSamplesPerImage) + tNRandomSamplesPerImage*(nImage-1) ) = ...
fPickPatches( squeeze( Retinotopic_RGCActivations(:,:,2,:,nImage) ), PatchSize.Pix, tRandPatch_xc, tRandPatch_yc ) ;
% Decide the thresholds
FilterOutputThresholdingMethod = 'Automatic'; %{'Automatic','Graphical','Manual'}
switch lower(FilterOutputThresholdingMethod)
case lower('Automatic')
% The average number of ON/OFF filters allowed to fire
DoG.AllowedToFire.ON = floor( 0.10 * NFeatures/2) ;
DoG.AllowedToFire.OFF = floor( 0.10 * NFeatures/2) ;
% ON threshold
[tDir.ON ,tX.ON ] = ecdf(tRF.ON(:) );
DoG.Threshold.ON = interp1q(tDir.ON, tX.ON, 1 - DoG.AllowedToFire.ON / (NFeatures/2)) ;
% OFF threshold
[tDir.OFF,tX.OFF] = ecdf(tRF.OFF(:));
DoG.Threshold.OFF = interp1q(tDir.OFF, tX.OFF, 1 - DoG.AllowedToFire.OFF / (NFeatures/2)) ;
case lower('Graphical')
% Calcualte the distribution of the Gabor responses. This can be used
% to decide the Gabor thresholds.
% ON
[tDir.ON ,tX.ON ] = ecdf(tRF.ON(:) );
[tDir.OFF,tX.OFF] = ecdf(tRF.OFF(:));
figure; hold on;
tpDebuggerGabbies(1) = plot(tX.ON , 100* (1-tDir.ON) , 'g--' ) ;
tpDebuggerGabbies(2) = plot(tX.OFF, 100* (1-tDir.OFF), 'r--' ) ;
% tpDebuggerGabbies(3) = plot(tX.OnOff , (NFeatures)* (1-tF.OnOff), 'k' ) ;
xlabel('Simulated threshold');
ylabel('% of DoGs firing');
grid minor; axis('tight');
legend(tpDebuggerGabbies,{'ON DoGs','OFF DoGs'});
disp('This option only displays the graphs. No thresholds have been set. If you want to set thresholds (perhaps based on these graphs?), use the option ''manual''.');
% Set the thresholds to 0, which is the same as doing nothing to
% the activations.
DoG.Threshold.ON = 0 ;
DoG.Threshold.OFF = 0 ;
case lower('Manual')
% Set the thresholds manually.
DoG.Threshold.ON = 1e-4 ; % Normalised 5 x 5
DoG.Threshold.OFF = 1e-4 ; % Normalised 5 x 5
% Clean up temporary variables
clearvars db* t* n* h* Retinotopic_RGCActivations;
%% SAVING: Threshold and SAVE.
% Option to skip
sw.SkipIt = 1 ;
if ~sw.SkipIt
% 1 <- Equal On/Off threhsolds, 0 <- Possibly unequal On/Off thresholds
DoG.BalanceDoGOnOffThresholding = 1 ;
if DoG.BalanceDoGOnOffThresholding
tThreshold = min([DoG.Threshold.ON DoG.Threshold.OFF]);
DoG.Threshold.ON = tThreshold;
DoG.Threshold.OFF = tThreshold ;
% Load unthresholded retinotopic RGC map as an object. Slower but less
% memory intensive
objRetinotopic_RGCActivations = ...
matfile( [ProjectFolder Dataset.Name '_RetinotopicRGCActivations' '.mat'] );
tRetinotopic_RGCActivations = objRetinotopic_RGCActivations.Retinotopic_RGCActivations ;
% Threshold file by file
for nFile = 1:Dataset.NFiles
tRF.ON = tRetinotopic_RGCActivations(:,:,1,:,nFile) ;
tRF.ON( tRF.ON < DoG.Threshold.ON) = 0;
Retinotopic_RGCActivations_Thresholded(:,:,1,:,nFile) = tRF.ON ;
tRF.OFF = tRetinotopic_RGCActivations(:,:,2,:,nFile) ;
tRF.OFF( tRF.OFF < DoG.Threshold.OFF) = 0;
Retinotopic_RGCActivations_Thresholded(:,:,2,:,nFile) = tRF.OFF ;
% Save as a new variable
save([ProjectFolder Dataset.Name '_RetinotopicRGCActivations_Thresholded' '.mat'],'Retinotopic_RGCActivations_Thresholded');
% Clear the unnecessary variables
clearvars t* n* db* obj* Retinotopic_RGCActivations_Thresholded ;
%% STDP: Declare the overall network and parameters
% Declare the overall structure
Layer = struct();
% NInputs
Layer(1).NInputs = NFeatures;
% Name
Layer(1).Name = 'L1';
% Number of neurones
Layer(1).NNeurones = 300 ;
% Threshold
Layer(1).Threshold = 18 ;
% Initial random weights
% {'UniformBalanced','UniformUnbalanced','NormalBalanced','NormalUnbalanced'}
WeightInitialisationScheme = 'NormalUnbalanced' ;
switch lower(WeightInitialisationScheme)
case lower('UniformUnbalanced')
tW0_vec = rand( Layer(1).NInputs , Layer(1).NNeurones) ;
case lower('UniformBalanced')
tW0_vec_Mono = rand( Layer(1).NInputs / 2 , Layer(1).NNeurones) ;
tW0_vec = [tW0_vec_Mono ; tW0_vec_Mono];
case lower('NormalUnbalanced')
tW0_mu = 0.2 ; tW0_sd = 0.2 / 3;
tW0_vec = tW0_sd * randn( Layer(1).NInputs , Layer(1).NNeurones ) + tW0_mu;
tOutlierWs = ( (tW0_vec <= 0) | ( tW0_vec >= 1 ) ) ;
tW0_vec( tOutlierWs ) = ...
(tW0_mu - tW0_sd) + 2*tW0_sd * rand( sum(tOutlierWs(:)) , 1 ) ;
case lower('NormalBalanced')
tW0_mu = 0.6 ; tW0_sd = 0.4 / 2;
tW0_vec_Mono = tW0_sd * randn(Layer(1).NInputs/2,Layer(1).NNeurones) + tW0_mu;
tOutlierWs = ( (tW0_vec_Mono <= 0) | ( tW0_vec_Mono >= 1 ) ) ;
tW0_vec_Mono( tOutlierWs ) = ...
(tW0_mu - tW0_sd) + 2*tW0_sd * rand( sum(tOutlierWs(:)) , 1 ) ;
tW0_vec = [tW0_vec_Mono ; tW0_vec_Mono];
Layer(1).Weight = tW0_vec;
% Inhibition strategy
% {Uninhibited', 'LateralInhibition','LateralInhibitionCustom'}
Layer(1).InhibStrategy.Type = 'LateralInhibitionCustom';
% Number of neurons allowedto spike (used only with 'LateralInhibitionCustom' )
Layer(1).InhibStrategy.NFirstsNeurons = 1 ;
% LTP and LTD rate adjustment
% Strategy used to adjust LT rates with respect to the convergence of the
% weight {'none', 'convergence'}. 'convergence' option is EXPERIMENTAL.
Layer(1).LTRates.Strategy = 'none';
% Number of frames to run without updating LT rates. CAUTION: Should be
% more than the parameter LocalNeighbourhood send to fAdjustLTRates ( 5 by
% default). Anything except 'Inf' is EXPERIMENTAL.
Layer(1).LTRates.Delay = Inf;
Layer(1).LTP.Rate = 0.005 * diag( ones(Layer(1).NNeurones,1) ) ;
Layer(1).LTP.Bounds = 'hard'; % {'soft','hard'}
Layer(1).LTP.Mu = 0.65 ; % [0 1] Non linearity exponent
Layer(1).LTD.Rate = - 0.75 * Layer(1).LTP.Rate ; % MUST be negative
Layer(1).LTD.Bounds = 'hard'; % {'soft','hard'}
Layer(1).LTD.Mu = 0.05; % [0 1] Non linearity exponent
% Clean up temporary variables
clearvars db* t* n* h* ;
%% STDP: Run L1 to convergence, with lateral inhibition
% Number of patches to test
Training.NPatches = 1e5 ;
% Number of batches
Training.NMaxPatchesPerBatch = 100 ;
% ROI Map. Temporary variable to store parameters.
tParams.AvailablePosition = ROIMap.Logical ;
% Counter for iterations
nTotalPatchesRun = 0;
% Load mat file of thresholded RGC outputs
tRGC_Object = matfile([ProjectFolder Dataset.Name '_RetinotopicRGCActivations_Thresholded' '.mat']);
tRGC_Activations = tRGC_Object.Retinotopic_RGCActivations_Thresholded ;
% Total processing time
tTotalProcessingTime = 0;
% Time lapse weights file (to store the time-course of weights)
tFile_WsTimeLapse = ['Ws_TimeLapse_' Dataset.Name '_' datestr(now,'ddmmyyHHMMSS') '.mat'] ;
% Parameters for snapshots of weights
tNSnapshotsForWsTimeLapse = 200 + 1 ; % 1 for the random initial weights
tApproxPatchesBetweenSnapshot = round( Training.NPatches / tNSnapshotsForWsTimeLapse ) ;
% Initialise the .mat file for weight snapshots
dbSnapshotWeights = 1;
if dbSnapshotWeights
% Counter for patches run between snapshots
nPatchesSinceLastSnapshot = 0;
% Declare a dummy first frame so that matlab doesn't get confused
Ws_TimeLapse(:,:,1) = zeros( size(Layer(1).Weight) ) ;
% Store the random initial weights
Ws_TimeLapse(:,:,2) = Layer(1).Weight ;
% fplotUpdateWeight(Ws_TimeLapse(:,:,1) ,1) ;
% Save weights
save([ProjectFolder tFile_WsTimeLapse],'Ws_TimeLapse','-v7.3');
% clear the workspace variable
clearvars Ws_TimeLapse ;
% Counter for batches
nBatchN = 0;
% Keep running the network till Trainin.NPatches patches are run
while (nTotalPatchesRun < Training.NPatches)
% Increment batch number
nBatchN = nBatchN + 1;
% Number of patches to run in this batch
if ( (Training.NPatches - nTotalPatchesRun) >= Training.NMaxPatchesPerBatch )
nPatchesToRunThisBatch = Training.NMaxPatchesPerBatch ;
nPatchesToRunThisBatch = (Training.NPatches - nTotalPatchesRun);
% Total number of patches run
nTotalPatchesRun = nTotalPatchesRun + nPatchesToRunThisBatch ;
% Initialise random images to sample from
nImagesToSample = randi([1 Dataset.NFiles],nPatchesToRunThisBatch,1) ;
% Initialise random sampling positions within the ROI
[tRandPatch_xc, tRandPatch_yc] = ...
fGenerateParameterSubsetPatches('Manual',nPatchesToRunThisBatch, PatchSize.Pix, ImSize, tParams ) ;
% Randomly sample patches for the current batch
for nPatchBeingSampled = 1:nPatchesToRunThisBatch
tFilterActivations(:,:,:,:,nPatchBeingSampled) = ...
fPickPatches( squeeze(tRGC_Activations(:,:,:,:,nImagesToSample(nPatchBeingSampled)) ) , ...
PatchSize.Pix, tRandPatch_xc(nPatchBeingSampled), tRandPatch_yc(nPatchBeingSampled) ) ;
% Convert the filter intensity vector to a latency vector
tFilterLatencies_vec = reshape( fIntencity2Latency(tFilterActivations,'1/x') , [] , nPatchesToRunThisBatch) ;
% Clear the batch-activations
clearvars tFilterActivations ;
% Run the network
Layer = fmultiLayersSTDP(Layer , tFilterLatencies_vec, 1, 0, 0);
% Plot the last batch for debugging
dbPlotWeightsLastBatch = 0 ;
if ( (dbPlotWeightsLastBatch) && ( nTotalPatchesRun == Training.NPatches ) )
% Only plot the first 20 neurones
fplotUpdateWeight ( Layer(1).Weight(:,1:20) , 1) ;
% Update processing time
tTotalProcessingTime = tTotalProcessingTime + Layer(1).Diagnostic.ProcessingTime ;
% Display processing times per batch for diagnostics
dbDisplayProcessingTimesPerBatch = 1 ;
if dbDisplayProcessingTimesPerBatch
disp(['Convergence ' Layer(1).Name ': Batch# ' num2str(nBatchN) ', ' ...
num2str(nPatchesToRunThisBatch) ' patches, ' ...
num2str(Layer(1).Diagnostic.ProcessingTime) ' s.']);
% Store weights after each run for debugging
if dbSnapshotWeights
% Increment patches since last snapshot
nPatchesSinceLastSnapshot = nPatchesSinceLastSnapshot + nPatchesToRunThisBatch ;
% If enough patches processed, store weights-snapshot
if (nPatchesSinceLastSnapshot >= tApproxPatchesBetweenSnapshot)
% Load the time lapse file and store the weights
tWs_TimeLapse = matfile([ProjectFolder tFile_WsTimeLapse],'Writable',true);
% tWs_TimeLapse.Ws_TimeLapse(:,:,nBatch + 1) = Layer(1).Weight ;
tWs_TimeLapse.Ws_TimeLapse(:,:,end + 1) = Layer(1).Weight ;
% Reset the patch counter
nPatchesSinceLastSnapshot = 0;
% Display overall processing times
disp(['Convergence ' Layer(1).Name ': Total ' num2str(nBatchN) ' batch(es), ' ...
num2str( Training.NPatches ) ' patches, ' num2str(tTotalProcessingTime) ' s.']);
% Clean up temporary variables
clearvars db* t* n* h* ;
%% Calculate converged L1 receptive fields
% Algorithm for RF calculation
Layer(1).RFs.Algorithm = 'LinearApproximation';
% Backpropagated weights
Layer(1).RFs.WsBP_vec = Layer(1).Weight ;
% RFs
Layer(1).RFs.RFs = fApproximateDoGRF( Layer(1).RFs.WsBP_vec , ...
PatchSize.Pix , ...
DoG , ...
Layer(1).RFs.Algorithm );
%% Fit gabors to the converged neurones
% Option to skip
sw.SkipIt = 0 ;
if ~sw.SkipIt
% Sinusoid and Gaussian orientation constraint
sw.SinusoidGaussianOrientationEqual = 1 ;
% Define temporary variables to make the parfor loops faster
tNeuronesToFit = 1:Layer(1).NNeurones ;
tRFs = Layer(1).RFs.RFs ;
tLayerName = Layer(1).Name ;
tSinusoidGaussianOrientationEqual = sw.SinusoidGaussianOrientationEqual ;
% Start the timer
cTotalFitting = tic;
% Use the parallel for-ce, Luke
parfor nnNeurone = tNeuronesToFit
cSingleFit = tic;
nNeurone = tNeuronesToFit(nnNeurone) ;
tFittedGabors(nnNeurone) = fFitGabors( tRFs(:,:,:,nNeurone) , PPA , 0,...
sw.SinusoidGaussianOrientationEqual, 3 ) ;
ttProcessingTime = toc(cSingleFit);
% Display processing times per batch for diagnostics
dbDisplayProcessingTimesPerBatch = 1;
if dbDisplayProcessingTimesPerBatch
disp(['Gabor fitting ' tLayerName ': Neurone# ' num2str(nNeurone) ...
', ' num2str(ttProcessingTime) ' s.']);
% Total processing time for the fitting process
tTotalProcessingTime = toc(cTotalFitting) ;
% Gather output of the parfor
Layer(1).FittedGabors = tNeuronesToFit ;
for nnNeurone = 1:numel(tNeuronesToFit)
nNeurone = tNeuronesToFit(nnNeurone) ;
Layer(1).FittedGaborParameters_vecs(1:9,:,nNeurone) = tFittedGabors(nnNeurone).Parameters_vec ;
Layer(1).FittedGaborParameters_vecs(10 ,:,nNeurone) = tFittedGabors(nnNeurone).R2.' ;
% Display overall processing times
disp(['Gabor fitting ' Layer(1).Name ': All neurone(s) ' num2str(numel(tNeuronesToFit)) ...
', ' num2str(tTotalProcessingTime) ' s.']);
% Clean up temporary variables
clearvars db* t* n* h* ;
%% SAVING: The workspace up to this point
% Option to skip
sw.SkipIt = 0 ;
if ~sw.SkipIt
save([ProjectFolder 'ws_' Dataset.Name '_' datestr(now,'ddmmyyHHMMSS') '.mat']);
%% Fit Horizontal DTCs using binocular correlation method
% Option to skip
sw.SkipIt = 0 ;
if ~sw.SkipIt
% Create a field for Binocular correlation DTCs
Layer(1).DTCs_BC.NeuronesTested = 1:Layer(1).NNeurones ;
% Calculate the BC DTCs
for nnNeurone = 1:numel(Layer(1).DTCs_BC.NeuronesTested)
nNeurone = Layer(1).DTCs_BC.NeuronesTested( nnNeurone );
% Extract the RF
tRF = Layer(1).RFs.RFs(:,:,:,nNeurone) ;
% Calculat the horizontal binocular correlation
tDTC = fHorizontalDTC_Correlation( tRF, PPA, PatchSize ) ;
Layer(1).DTCs_BC.DTCs_raw(:,nnNeurone) = tDTC.DTC_raw ;
Layer(1).DTCs_BC.GaborFit_vec(:,nnNeurone) = tDTC.GaborFit_vec ;
Layer(1).DTCs_BC.DTCs_Gabor(:,nnNeurone) = tDTC.GaborFit ;
if nnNeurone == 1
Layer(1).DTCs_BC.Disparities = tDTC.DisparityRange.' ;
% Save the results with BC DTCs
sw.SaveIt = 1;
if sw.SaveIt
save([ProjectFolder 'ws_DTCs_BC_' Dataset.Name '_' datestr(now,'ddmmyyHHMMSS') '.mat']);