Very brief README on the BallTree and BallTreeDensity classes

Really, these should be called "KDTree" classes, since we use bounding boxes
rather than spheres (balls), but I've never changed the name.

A KD-Tree is a heirarchical data structure for storing point sets, which
caches statistics of subsets of the points to speed up computations.  We
are concerned with kernel density estimates, which have three components:
  locations (d-dimensional)
  bandwidths, assumed diagonal (d-dimensional)
  weights (1-dimensional)
At each level of the tree, we cache statistics of a set S
  The weighted mean of all points in S
  The total weight of all points in S
  A bounding box containing all points of S, described by
    its center and half-width (in each dimension)
  "Bandwidth" info:
     The variance of a Gaussian approximation to the kernels in S
     The min. and max. BW of any kernel in S (if non-uniform BWs)
   All points in S are stored contiguously, and thus can be described by
     a lower & upper index in the leaf nodes of the tree
   Because they are now spatially contiguous, there is a permutation to
     restore their original ordering, which is stored in the structure.
   The left & right child nodes, typically each containing about half the
     points in S.  For leaf nodes, "left" is a self-reference to the same
     node and "right" is NO_CHILD.

The code itself uses branch-and-bound style computations to perform approximate
  and exact operations more efficiently.