// Find the kernel values at the minimum or maximum possible distance
// between points in the aRoot-th ball in atTree
// and the dRoot-th ball in the densTree
// 3 Possible Kernels : Gaussian, Laplacian, Epanetchnikov
// Takes account of possible non-uniform bandwidth values
// Written by Alex Ihler and Mike Mandel
// Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander Ihler; distributable under GPL -- see README.txt
double BallTreeDensity::minDistGauss(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=0;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMax(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp-= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
tmp = (tmp > 0) ? tmp : 0;
if (bwUniform()) result -= (tmp*tmp)/bw[k];
else result -= (tmp*tmp)/bw[k] + log(bwMin(dRoot)[k]);
result = exp(result/2);
return result;
double BallTreeDensity::maxDistGauss(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=0;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMin(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp+= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
if (bwUniform()) result -= (tmp*tmp)/bw[k];
else result -= (tmp*tmp)/bw[k] + log(bwMax(dRoot)[k]);
result = exp(result/2);
return result;
// Laplacian Kernel (double exponential)
double BallTreeDensity::minDistLaplace(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=0;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMax(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp-= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
tmp = (tmp > 0) ? tmp : 0;
if (bwUniform()) result -= tmp/bw[k];
else result -= tmp/bw[k] + log(bwMin(dRoot)[k]);
result = exp(result);
return result;
double BallTreeDensity::maxDistLaplace(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=0;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMin(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp+= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
if (bwUniform()) result -= tmp/bw[k];
else result -= tmp/bw[k] + log(bwMax(dRoot)[k]);
result = exp(result);
return result;
// Epanetchnikov Kernel (truncated quadratic)
// slightly hacked -- dim is the dimension to leave out (only compute
// 1 if in bounds, 0 if not), necc. for product kernel derivatives.
double BallTreeDensity::minDistEpanetch(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot, int dim) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=1;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMax(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp-= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
tmp = (tmp > 0) ? tmp : 0;
tmp = (tmp > bw[k]) ? bw[k] : tmp;
if (k==dim) { if (tmp==bw[k]) result=0; continue;}
if (bwUniform()) result *= 1-(tmp/bw[k])*(tmp/bw[k]);
else result *= (1-(tmp/bw[k])*(tmp/bw[k]))/bwMin(dRoot)[k];
return result;
double BallTreeDensity::maxDistEpanetch(BallTree::index dRoot,
const BallTree& atTree, BallTree::index aRoot, int dim) const
unsigned int k;
double tmp,result=1;
const double *atCenter, *densCenter, *bw;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
bw = bwMin(dRoot);
for (k=0; k<atTree.Ndim(); k++) {
tmp = fabs( atCenter[k] - densCenter[k] );
tmp+= atTree.range(aRoot)[k] + range(dRoot)[k];
tmp = (tmp > bw[k]) ? bw[k] : tmp;
if (k==dim) { if (tmp==bw[k]) result=0; continue;}
if (bwUniform()) result *= 1-(tmp/bw[k])*(tmp/bw[k]);
else result *= (1-(tmp/bw[k])*(tmp/bw[k]))/bwMax(dRoot)[k];
return result;
// Find upper and lower bounds on 1/p(yj) K'(xi-yj)
// for any points yj in the aRoot-th ball of atTree
// and xi in the dRoot-th ball of densTree
// 3 Possible Kernels : Gaussian, Laplacian, Epanetchnikov
// Takes account of possible non-uniform bandwidth values
void BallTreeDensity::dKdX_p(BallTree::index dRoot,const BallTree& atTree,
BallTree::index aRoot, bool bothLeaves,
Gradient gradType) const
// Compute a maximum value of K'(yi-xj) for any pair: xj in dRoot, yi in aRoot
// e.g. Gaussian: <----- K -------------------> <------- D ------->
// K'(x) = exp(-sum( .5*(a[m]-d[m])^2/bw[m] ) ) * (a[k]-d[k])/bw[k]
// Crappy bound is [ min(Kmax*Dmin,Kmin*Dmin), max(Kmax*Dmax,Kmin*Dmin) ]
const double *atCenter, *densCenter;
double Kmin,Kmax;
atCenter = atTree.center(aRoot); densCenter = center(dRoot);
// printf("%d:%d \n",dRoot,aRoot);
if (getType()!=Epanetchnikov) { // for the exponential forms:
if (!bothLeaves) {
Kmin = maxDistKer(dRoot,atTree,aRoot); // if non-leaf node need both
Kmax = minDistKer(dRoot,atTree,aRoot); // values;
} else // leaf nodes, we know they're equal
Kmax = Kmin = maxDistKer(dRoot,atTree,aRoot);// so don't double-compute
for(unsigned int k=0;k<Ndim();k++) {
double tmp = atCenter[k] - densCenter[k];
double Dmax = tmp + range(dRoot)[k] + atTree.range(aRoot)[k]; // compute extremum of arguments
double Dmin = tmp - range(dRoot)[k] - atTree.range(aRoot)[k];
if (getType() == Epanetchnikov) { // non-exponential form
Kmin = 2*maxDistEpanetch(dRoot,atTree,aRoot,k); // => leave out k^th dim
Kmax = 2*minDistEpanetch(dRoot,atTree,aRoot,k); // when calculating
if (!bwUniform()) { Kmax /= bwMin(dRoot)[k]; Kmin /= bwMax(dRoot)[k]; }
if (getType() == Laplacian) { // non-quadratic form
if (Dmin < 0) Dmin = -1; if (Dmax < 0) Dmax = -1; // => sign(x-y) instead
if (Dmin > 0) Dmin = +1; if (Dmax > 0) Dmax = +1; // of (x-y)
double bwmax = bwMax(dRoot)[k], bwmin = bwMin(dRoot)[k];
if (getType() == Epanetchnikov) {
bwmax *= bwmax; bwmin *= bwmin;
if (gradType == WRTMean) {
if (Dmin < 0)
max[k] = -Kmax*Dmin/bwmin/pMin[aRoot];
max[k] = -Kmin*Dmin/bwmax/pMax[aRoot];
if (Dmax < 0)
min[k] = -Kmin*Dmax/bwmax/pMax[aRoot];
min[k] = -Kmax*Dmax/bwmin/pMin[aRoot];
} else if(gradType == WRTWeight) {
max[k] = -Kmax / pMin[aRoot];
min[k] = -Kmin / pMax[aRoot];
break; // only need to do for the first dimension
} else if(gradType == WRTVariance) {
max[k] = -Kmax / pMin[aRoot] * (0.5 / bwmin) * (Dmax * Dmax / bwmin - 1);
min[k] = -Kmin / pMax[aRoot] * (0.5 / bwmax) * (Dmin * Dmin / bwmax - 1);
} else {
max[k] = min[k] = 0;
// printf(" %d -- %f %f -> %f / %f\n",k,Kmin,Kmax,min[k],max[k]);