** ISE evaluation MEX code (taken from multi-tree epsilon product)
// Written by Alex Ihler and Mike Mandel
// Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander Ihler; distributable under GPL -- see README.txt
#define MEX
#include <math.h>
#include "mex.h"
#include "cpp/BallTreeDensity.h"
void multiEval(void);
void computeSigVals(void);
double normConstant(void);
// a little addressing formula:
// to access a^th dimension of density pair (b,c)'s constant
#define SIGVALSMAX(a,b,c) (SigValsMax + a+Ndim*b+Ndim*Ndens*c)
#define SIGVALSMIN(a,b,c) (SigValsMin + a+Ndim*b+Ndim*Ndens*c)
double *SigValsMax, *SigValsMin;
BallTreeDensity *trees; // structure of all trees
BallTree::index *ind; // indices of this level of the trees
double *C,*sC,*M;
double *randunif1, *randunif2, *randnorm; // required random numbers
double *samples;
BallTree::index *indices; // return data
double maxErr; // epsilon tolerance (%) of algorithm
double total, soFar, soFarMin; // partition f'n and accumulation
unsigned int Ndim,Ndens; // useful constants
unsigned long Nsamp;
bool bwUniform;
#ifdef MEX
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
mxArray *rNorm, *rUnif1, *rUnif2, *rsize;
double *ISE;
double rUnif = 1;
BallTreeDensity tempTree;
unsigned int i,j;
** Verify arguments and initialize variables
if (nrhs != 3)
mexErrMsgTxt("Takes 3 input arguments");
if (nlhs > 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Outputs 1 results");
Ndens = 2;
trees = (BallTreeDensity*) mxMalloc(Ndens*sizeof(BallTreeDensity));
bwUniform = true;
bool allGaussians = true;
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) { // load densities
trees[i] = BallTreeDensity( prhs[i] );
if (trees[i].getType() != BallTreeDensity::Gaussian) allGaussians = false;
bwUniform = bwUniform && trees[i].bwUniform();
if (!allGaussians)
mexErrMsgTxt("Sorry -- only Gaussian kernels supported");
Ndim = trees[0].Ndim(); // more accessible dimension variable
maxErr= 2*mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); // epsilon (we always use 2*epsilon)
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
ISE = (double*) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
Nsamp = 0; randunif1 =&rUnif; randunif2 =&rUnif; randnorm =&rUnif; // something positive
SigValsMax = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*Ndens*Ndens*sizeof(double)); // precalc'd constants
SigValsMin = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*Ndens*Ndens*sizeof(double)); // precalc'd constants
C = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*sizeof(double));
sC = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*sizeof(double));
M = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*sizeof(double));
total = -1; soFar = soFarMin = 0; multiEval(); // compute cross-density terms
*ISE = -2*soFar*normConstant(); tempTree = trees[1]; trees[1] = trees[0];
total = -1; soFar = soFarMin = 0; multiEval(); // add square of 1st density
*ISE += soFar*normConstant(); trees[1] = tempTree; tempTree = trees[0]; trees[0] = trees[1];
total = -1; soFar = soFarMin = 0; multiEval(); // and square of 2nd density
*ISE += soFar*normConstant(); trees[0] = tempTree;
mxFree(C); mxFree(sC); mxFree(M); mxFree(SigValsMin); mxFree(SigValsMax);
double normConstant(void) {
unsigned int i,j;
double tmp, normConst;
const double pi = 3.141592653589;
normConst = 1; // precalculate influence of normalization
tmp = pow(2*pi,((double)Ndim)/2);
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) { // divide by norm fact of each indiv. gauss.
normConst /= tmp;
if (bwUniform) for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) {
normConst /= sqrt(trees[i].bwMin(0)[j]);
normConst *= tmp; // times norm factor of resulting gaussian
for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) {
tmp = 0;
if (bwUniform) {
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) tmp += 1/trees[i].bwMin(0)[j]; // compute result bandwidth
normConst /= sqrt(tmp); // and its norm factor
return normConst;
// calculate bounds on the min/max distance possible between two ball-trees
// return un-exponentiated values
double minDistProd(const BallTreeDensity& bt1, BallTree::index i,
const BallTreeDensity& bt2, BallTree::index j,
const double* SigValIJ,const double* SigNIJ) // precomp'd weighting factors
double result=0;
const double *center1, *center2;
center1 = bt1.center(i); center2 = bt2.center(j);
for (unsigned int k=0;k<Ndim;k++) {
double tmp = fabs( center1[k] - center2[k] );
tmp-= bt1.range(i)[k] + bt2.range(j)[k];
if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
result -= (tmp*tmp) * SigValIJ[k];
if (!bwUniform) result += log(SigNIJ[k]); // !!! no should be min Sig val not max
result /= 2;
return result;
double maxDistProd(const BallTreeDensity& bt1, BallTree::index i,
const BallTreeDensity& bt2, BallTree::index j,
const double* SigValIJ,const double* SigNIJ) // precomp'd weighting factors
double result=0;
const double *center1, *center2;
center1 = bt1.center(i); center2 = bt2.center(j);
for (unsigned int k=0;k<Ndim;k++) {
double tmp = fabs( center1[k] - center2[k] );
tmp+= bt1.range(i)[k] + bt2.range(j)[k];
result -= (tmp*tmp) * SigValIJ[k];
if (!bwUniform) result += log(SigNIJ[k]); // !!! no should be max Sig val not min
result /= 2;
return result;
// Compute (1 over) the \Lambda_(i,j) values needed for distance-weight computations
void computeSigVals(void) {
unsigned int i,j,k;
double *SigNormMin = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*sizeof(double));
double *SigNormMax = (double*) mxMalloc(Ndim*sizeof(double));
for (i=0;i<Ndim;i++) {
SigNormMin[i] = SigNormMax[i] = 0;
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) SigNormMin[i]+=1/trees[j].bwMin(ind[j])[i]; // compute \Lambda_L
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) SigNormMax[i]+=1/trees[j].bwMax(ind[j])[i]; //
SigNormMax[i] = 1/SigNormMax[i]; SigNormMin[i] = 1/SigNormMin[i];
for (i=0;i<Ndim;i++) {
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) // then compute pairwise leave-
for (k=j;k<Ndens;k++) { // two-out normalized values
*SIGVALSMIN(i,k,j) = SigNormMax[i] / (trees[j].bwMin(ind[j])[i]*trees[k].bwMin(ind[k])[i]);
*SIGVALSMAX(i,k,j) = SigNormMin[i] / (trees[j].bwMax(ind[j])[i]*trees[k].bwMax(ind[k])[i]);
*SIGVALSMIN(i,j,k) = *SIGVALSMIN(i,k,j); // make symmetric
*SIGVALSMAX(i,j,k) = *SIGVALSMAX(i,k,j);
// delete[] SigNorm; //(don't need this anymore)
void multiEvalRecursive(void) {
unsigned int i,j;
double minVal=0, maxVal=0; // for computing bounds and
unsigned int maxInd0, maxInd1; // determining which tree to split
// find min/max values of product
if (!bwUniform) computeSigVals();
double maxDiscrep = -1;
bool allLeaves = true;
for (i=0; i<Ndens; i++) { // For each pair of densities, bound
for (j=i+1;j<Ndens;j++) { // the total weight of their product:
double maxValT = minDistProd(trees[i],ind[i],trees[j],ind[j],SIGVALSMAX(0,i,j),SIGVALSMIN(0,i,j)); // compute min & max
double minValT = maxDistProd(trees[i],ind[i],trees[j],ind[j],SIGVALSMIN(0,i,j),SIGVALSMAX(0,i,j)); // dist = max/min values
maxVal += maxValT; minVal += minValT;
if ((maxValT - minValT) > maxDiscrep) { // also find which pair
maxDiscrep = maxValT - minValT; // has the largest
maxInd0=i; maxInd1=j; // discrepancy (A/B)
allLeaves = allLeaves && trees[i].isLeaf(ind[i]);
maxVal = exp(maxVal); minVal = exp(minVal);
// If the approximation is good enough,
if (allLeaves || fabs(maxVal - minVal) <= maxErr * (soFarMin+minVal) ) { // APPROXIMATE
double add = (maxVal + minVal)/2; // compute contribution
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) add *= trees[i].weight(ind[i]);
soFar += add;
add = minVal; for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) add *= trees[i].weight(ind[i]);
soFarMin += add;
while (*randunif1 <= soFar/total) { // for all the samples coming from this block
for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) M[j] = 0; // clear out M
if (!bwUniform) for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) C[j] = 0; // clear out C if necc.
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) { // find an index within this block
double SumTmp = 0;
BallTree::index index = trees[i].leafFirst(ind[i]); // start with 1st leaf and
for (;index <= trees[i].leafLast(ind[i]);index++) {
SumTmp += trees[i].weight(index) / trees[i].weight(ind[i]);
if (SumTmp > *randunif2) break;
for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) // compute product mean:
M[j] += trees[i].center(index)[j] / trees[i].bw(index)[j];
*(indices++) = trees[i].getIndexOf(index); // and save selected indices
if (!bwUniform) for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) // compute covariance
C[j] += 1/trees[i].bw(index)[j]; // contribution of each dens.
if (!bwUniform) for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) { // finish computing covar and
C[j] = 1/C[j]; // std dev. of product kernel
sC[j] = sqrt(C[j]);
for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) M[j] *= C[j];
for (j=0;j<Ndim;j++) // sample from the product dist.
*(samples++) = M[j] + sC[j] * (*(randnorm++));
// Otherwise, we need to subdivide at least one tree:
} else { // RECURSION
unsigned int split;
double size0 = trees[maxInd0].range(ind[maxInd0])[0]; // from the pair with the largest
double size1 = trees[maxInd1].range(ind[maxInd1])[0]; // pairwise max-min discrepancy term,
for(BallTree::index k=0; k<trees[maxInd0].Ndim(); k++)
if(trees[maxInd0].range(ind[maxInd0])[k] > size0)
size0 = trees[maxInd0].range(ind[maxInd0])[k];
for(BallTree::index k=0; k<trees[maxInd1].Ndim(); k++)
if(trees[maxInd1].range(ind[maxInd1])[k] > size1)
size1 = trees[maxInd1].range(ind[maxInd1])[k];
split = (size0 > size1) ? maxInd0 : maxInd1; // take the largest.
BallTree::index current = ind[split];
if (!trees[split].isLeaf(current)) {
ind[split] = trees[split].left(current);
multiEvalRecursive(); // recurse left
ind[split] = trees[split].right(current); // and right tree
multiEvalRecursive(); // restore indices
ind[split] = current; // for calling f'n
void multiEval(void) {
unsigned int i,j,k;
// ind = new BallTree::index[Ndens]; // construct index array
ind = (BallTree::index*) mxMalloc(Ndens*sizeof(BallTree::index)); // construct index array
for (i=0;i<Ndens;i++) ind[i] = trees[i].root(); // & init to root node
if (bwUniform) { // if all one kernel size, do this in
computeSigVals(); // one operation.
for (i=0;i<Ndim;i++) { // compute covariance and
double tmp = 0; // std. deviation of a
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) // resulting product kernel
tmp += 1/trees[j].bw(trees[j].leafFirst(trees[j].root()))[i];
C[i] = 1/tmp;
sC[i] = sqrt(C[i]);
// delete[] ind;