// Functions for single-scale gibbs samplers
// Written by Alex Ihler and Mike Mandel
// Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander Ihler; distributable under GPL -- see README.txt
#define MEX
#include "mex.h"
#include "cpp/BallTreeDensity.h"
#include <assert.h>
/**** "GLOBAL" VARS **********/
// REMEMBER -- all multi-dim arrays are column-indexing! [i,j] => [j*N+i]
double *particles; // [Ndim x Ndens] // means of selected particles
double *variance; // [Ndim x Ndens] // variance of selected particles
double *p; // [Np] // probability of ith kernel
BallTree::index *ind; // current indexes of MCMC step
double *Malmost, *Calmost; //[Ndim x 1] // Means & Cov. of all indices but j^th
// Random number callback
double *randU; // [Npoints * Ndens * (Niter+1)] uniformly distrib'd random variables
double *randN; // [Ndim * Npoints] normally distrib'd random variables
int Ndim, Ndens;
unsigned long dNp;
double *newPoints, *newWeights;
BallTree::index *newIndices;
const BallTreeDensity *trees;
// Generate initial samples of kernel labels
// uses Ndens, trees, ind, p, randU
void initIndices(void)
unsigned int j;
unsigned long z;
BallTree::index zz;
for (j=0; j<Ndens; j++) {
dNp = trees[j].Npts();
for (z=0, zz=trees[j].leafFirst(0); z<dNp; z++,zz++)
p[z] = trees[j].weight(zz); // init by sampling from weights
for (z=1; z<dNp; z++) p[z] += p[z-1];
for (z=0, zz=trees[j].leafFirst(0); z<dNp-1; z++,zz++)
if (*randU <= p[z]) break;
ind[j] = zz;
// calculate means & variance implied by the given indices
// uses Ndens, trees, ind, particles, variance
void calcIndices(void)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndens; j++) {
for (unsigned int z=0; z<Ndim; z++) {
particles[z+Ndim*j] = trees[j].mean(ind[j])[z];
variance[z+Ndim*j] = trees[j].bw(ind[j])[z];
// use labelings to generate point X
// uses particles, variance, randN
void samplePoint(double* X)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndim; j++) {
double mn=0, vn=0;
for (unsigned int z=0; z<Ndens; z++){ // Compute mean and variances of
vn += 1/variance[j+Ndim*z]; // product of selected particles
mn += particles[j+Ndim*z]/variance[j+Ndim*z];
vn = 1/vn; mn *= vn;
X[j] = mn + sqrt(vn) * (*(randN++)); // then draw a sample from it
// given a point X, sample indices of all input densities
// uses Npts, trees, ind, particles, variance, Cwtg
void sampleIndices(double* X) {
unsigned int i,j,k;
unsigned long z;
BallTree::index zz;
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) {
unsigned long dNp = trees[j].Npts();
double pT = 0;
zz = trees[j].leafFirst(0);
for (z=0; z<dNp; z++,zz++) {
p[z] = 0;
for (i=0; i<Ndim; i++) {
double tmp = X[i] - trees[j].mean(zz)[i];
p[z] += (tmp*tmp)/trees[j].bw(zz)[i];
p[z] += log(trees[j].bw(zz)[i]); // unimportant if equal variances
p[z] = exp( -0.5 * p[z] ) * trees[j].weight(zz);
pT += p[z];
for (z=0; z<dNp; z++) p[z] /= pT;
for (z=1; z<dNp; z++) p[z] += p[z-1]; // construct CDF and sample a
for (z=0,zz = trees[j].leafFirst(0); z<dNp-1; z++,zz++)
if (*randU <= p[z]) break; // new kernel from jth density
ind[j] = zz; // using those weights
calcIndices(); // recompute particles, variance
// given indices for i!=j, sample density j's index
// uses Ndens, trees, ind, particles, variance, Calmost, Malmost
void sampleIndex(unsigned int j)
unsigned int i;
unsigned long z;
BallTree::index zz;
unsigned long dNp = trees[j].Npts();
double pT=0;
// determine product of selected particles from all but jth density
for (i=0; i<Ndim; i++) {
double iCalmost = 0, iMalmost = 0;
for (unsigned int k=0; k<Ndens; k++) {
if (k!=j) iCalmost += 1/variance[i+Ndim*k];
if (k!=j) iMalmost += particles[i+Ndim*k]/variance[i+Ndim*k];
Calmost[i] = 1/iCalmost;
Malmost[i] = iMalmost * Calmost[i];
for (z = 0, zz = trees[j].leafFirst(0); z<dNp; z++, zz++) {
p[z] = 0;
for (i=0; i<Ndim; i++) {
double tmpC = trees[j].bw(zz)[i] + Calmost[i];
double tmpM = trees[j].mean(zz)[i] - Malmost[i];
p[z] += (tmpM*tmpM)/tmpC + log(tmpC);
p[z] = exp( -0.5 * p[z] ) * trees[j].weight(zz);
pT += p[z];
for (z=0; z<dNp; z++) p[z] /= pT; // normalize weights
for (z=1; z<dNp; z++) p[z] += p[z-1]; // construct CDF and sample
for (z=0, zz = trees[j].leafFirst(0); z<dNp-1; z++, zz++)
if (*randU <= p[z]) break; // a new kernel from the jth
ind[j] = zz; // density using these weights
for (i=0; i<Ndim; i++) {
particles[i+Ndim*j] = trees[j].mean(ind[j])[i];
variance[i+Ndim*j] = trees[j].bw(ind[j])[i];
// given indices for i!=j, sample density j's index
// uses particles, variance, ind
// uses newPoints, newIndices, trees, Ndens
void gibbs1(unsigned int _Ndens, const BallTreeDensity* _trees,
unsigned long Np, unsigned int Niter,
double *_pts, BallTree::index *_ind,
double *_randU, double* _randN)
unsigned int i,j;
unsigned long s, maxNp;
Ndens = _Ndens; // SET UP GLOBALS
trees = _trees;
newPoints = _pts; newIndices = _ind;
randU = _randU; randN = _randN;
Ndim = trees[0].Ndim(); // dimension of densities
maxNp = 0; // largest # of particles we deal with
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndens; j++) // compute Max Np over all densities
if (maxNp < trees[j].Npts()) maxNp = trees[j].Npts();
ind = new BallTree::index[Ndens]; // ALLOCATE GLOBALS
p = new double[maxNp];
Malmost = new double[Ndim];
Calmost = new double[Ndim];
particles = new double[Ndim*Ndens];
variance = new double[Ndim*Ndens];
for (unsigned long s=0; s<Np; s++) { // (for each sample:)
initIndices(); // sample initial index values
if (Ndens > 1) { // if there are multiple densities
for (i=0;i<Niter;i++) { // perform Gibbs sampling
for (j=0;j<Ndens;j++) {
} } }
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndens; j++) // save and
newIndices[j] = trees[j].getIndexOf(ind[j])+1; // return particle label
samplePoint(newPoints); // draw a sample from that label
newIndices += Ndens; // move pointers to next sample
newPoints += Ndim;
delete[] ind; delete[] p; delete[] particles; delete[] variance;
delete[] Malmost; delete[] Calmost;
// uses particles, variance, ind
// uses newPoints, newIndices, trees, Ndens
void gibbs2(unsigned int _Ndens, const BallTreeDensity* _trees,
unsigned long Np, unsigned int Niter,
double *_pts, BallTree::index *_ind,
double *_randU, double* _randN)
unsigned int i,j;
unsigned long s, maxNp;
Ndens = _Ndens; // SET UP GLOBALS
trees = _trees;
newPoints = _pts; newIndices = _ind;
randU = _randU; randN = _randN;
Ndim = trees[0].Ndim(); // dimension of densities
maxNp = 0; // largest # of particles we deal with
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndens; j++) // compute Max Np over all densities
if (maxNp < trees[j].Npts()) maxNp = trees[j].Npts();
ind = new BallTree::index[Ndens]; // ALLOCATE GLOBALS
p = new double[maxNp];
particles = new double[Ndim*Ndens];
variance = new double[Ndim*Ndens];
for (s=0; s<Np; s++) {
// Perform Gibbs sampling only if multiple densities in product
if (Ndens > 1) {
for (i=0;i<Niter;i++) {
for (unsigned int j=0; j<Ndens; j++) // save and
newIndices[j] = trees[j].getIndexOf(ind[j])+1; // return particle label
samplePoint(newPoints); // draw a sample from that label
newIndices += Ndens; // move pointers to next sample
newPoints += Ndim;
delete[] ind; delete[] p; delete[] particles; delete[] variance;