function [dens,ind] = productApprox(npd0, npds , anFns,anParams , type, varargin)
% generate an approximate density for the product of the input densities using
% MCMC approach
% productApprox(npd, {npdensities...}, {analyticFunctions...}, {analyticParams...},
% type, [options] )
% {npdensities...} = cell array of kernel density estimates in product
% type = product method, one of: 'exact', 'epsilon', 'gibbs1', 'gibbs2', ...
% 'exact': no add'l arguments
% 'epsilon': [,tol] -- use tolerance tol when sampling approximately
% 'gibbs1': [,Niter] -- Niter iterations of sequential gibbs sampling
% 'gibbs2': [,Niter] -- "" of parallel gibbs sampling
% 'gibbsMS1' (or 2) [,Niter] -- Niter iters *per scale* in multiscale versions
% Importance Samplers:
% args: alpha = sample alpha*N times, weight, then resample
% type = 'repeat' (default), 'unique' -- unique, weighted samples (< N)
% 'import' [,alpha,type] -- "mixture" importance sampling
% 'importG' [,alpha,type] -- "gaussian" importance sampling
% 'importPair' [...] -- use sum of epsilon products of all pairs as proposal
% 'importNoAn' [...] -- "mixture" importance sampling, but resampling BEFORE
% analytic function evaluation (for costly anFns)
% {analyticFns...} = cell array of analytic functions in product
% {analyticPar...} = cell array of parameters for above functions
% each should take [Nd x Np] array and evaluate it at each [Nd x 1] location
% See Ihler,Sudderth,Freeman,&Willsky, "Efficient multiscale sampling from products
% of Gaussian mixtures", in Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems 2003
% Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander Ihler; distributable under GPL -- see README.txt
for i=1:length(npds)
if (npds{i}.type ~= 0) error('Sorry! Product only works for Gaussian densities.'); end;
% if there's only one density, don't bother with the complex stuff:
if (length(npds) == 1)
dens = resample(npds{1},getNpts(npd0),'rot'); ind=[];
p = getPoints(dens); w = getWeights(dens);
for i=1:length(anFns),
w = w .* feval(anFns{i},p,anParams{i}{:});
w = w / sum(w);
dens = kde(p, 'rot', w);
% Otherwise, lots of ways to take the product:
w = ones(1,getNpts(npd0));
case 'exact', [p,ind] = prodSampleExact(npds,getNpts(npd0));
case 'epsilon', [p,ind] = prodSampleEpsilon(npds,getNpts(npd0),varargin{:});
case 'gibbs1', [p,ind] = prodSampleGibbs1(npds,getNpts(npd0),varargin{:});
case 'gibbs2', [p,ind] = prodSampleGibbs2(npds,getNpts(npd0),varargin{:});
case 'gibbsms1',[p,ind] = prodSampleGibbsMS1(npds,getNpts(npd0),varargin{:});
case 'gibbsms2',[p,ind] = prodSampleGibbsMS2(npds,getNpts(npd0),varargin{:});
case 'import', [p,w] = prodSampleImportMix(npds,getNpts(npd0),anFns,anParams,varargin{:});
case 'importg', [p,w] = prodSampleImportGauss(npds,getNpts(npd0),anFns,anParams,varargin{:});
case 'importpair',[p,w]=prodSampleImportPair(npds,getNpts(npd0),anFns,anParams,varargin{:});
case 'importnoan',[p,w] = prodSampleImportMix(npds,getNpts(npd0),{},{},varargin{:});
otherwise, error('Unknown product type %s',type);
case {'import','importg','importpair'}
if ( 1/sum(w.^2)<.02*getNpts(npd0) || max(w)==0 )
warning('KDE:importFail','Importance sampling failed. Generating samples with GibbsMS...');
[p,ind] = prodSampleGibbsMS1(npds,getNpts(npd0),5); % quick & dirty fix
w = ones(1,getNpts(npd0));
for i=1:length(anFns), w=w.*feval(anFns{i},p,anParams{i}{:});w=w/sum(w);end;
for i=1:length(anFns),
w = w .* feval(anFns{i},p,anParams{i}{:});
w = w / sum(w);
dens = kde(p, 'rot', w);