Detailed kinetic synapse mechanism
Demo file to show the behavior of a synaptic currents mediated by
GABA-B receptors, using a detailed kinetic model of these receptors
and a kinetic model for the release of transmitter.
Kinetic model from Destexhe, A. and Sejnowski, T.J. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 92: 9515-9519, 1995.
See details in:
Destexhe, A., Mainen, Z.F. and Sejnowski, T.J. Kinetic models of
synaptic transmission. In: Methods in Neuronal Modeling (2nd edition;
edited by Koch, C. and Segev, I.), MIT press, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 1-25.
(electronic copy available at http://cns.iaf.cnrs-gif.fr)
Written by Alain Destexhe, Laval University, 1995
// load and define general graphical procedures
// xopen("$(NEURONHOME)/lib/hoc/stdrun.hoc")
objectvar g[20] // max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0
proc addgraph() { local ii // define subroutine to add a new graph
// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue)
ngraph = ngraph+1
ii = ngraph-1
g[ii] = new Graph()
if(ismenu==0) {
nrnmainmenu() // create main menu
nrncontrolmenu() // crate control menu
// general parameters
tstop = 800
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 1/dt
celsius = 36
v_init = -70
// create compartments and insert passive properties
create PRE,POST
forall {
insert pas
// insert presynaptic mechanisms
access PRE // insert Hodgk-Hux. Na+ and K+ currents for spikes
insert hh2
ek = -90
gnabar_hh2 = 0.1
gkbar_hh2 = 0.03
objectvar stim // insert current injection
PRE stim = new IClamp(.5)
// note: for older versions of neuron, use PulseStim instead of IClamp
stim.del = 5
stim.dur = 28 // to get a burst of 10 presynaptic spikes
stim.amp = 0.1
insert caL // HV Ca++ channel for transmitter release
insert rel // transmitter release
Ves_rel = 0.01 // conc of vesicles (mM)
Fmax_rel = 0.001 // tot conc of proteins (F and V) (mM)
b_rel = 1e16 // rate cst for Ca++ binding to fusion factor
u_rel = 0.1 // rate cst for Ca++ unbinding
k1_rel = 1000 // rate cst for activation of vesicle
k2_rel = 0.1 // rate cst for deactivation of vesicle
k3_rel = 4 // rate cst for exocytosis
nt_rel = 10000 // number of transmitter molecule per vesicle
kh_rel = 10 // transmitter hydolysis constant
// cad now incorporated in rel
// insert cad // Ca++ ATPase pump
kd_rel = 1e-5
kt_rel = 1e-3 // fast Ca++ removal
depth_rel = 1
taur_rel = 1e10
// insert postsynaptic mechansisms
objectvar c
c = new GABAb3() // create synapse
POST c.loc(0.5) // assign postsynaptic compartment
setpointer c.C, PRE.T_rel(0.5) // assign presynaptic compartment
K1_GABAb3 = 0.66 // (/ms mM) forward binding rate to receptor
K2_GABAb3 = 0.020 // (/ms) backward (unbinding) rate of receptor
K3_GABAb3 = 0.083 // (/ms) rate of G-protein production
K4_GABAb3 = 0.0079 // (/ms) rate of G-protein decay
d1_GABAb3 = 0.017 // (/ms) rate of receptor desensitization
d2_GABAb3 = 0.0053 // (/ms) rate of receptor resensitization
KD_GABAb3 = 100 // dissociation constant of K+ channel
n_GABAb3 = 4 // nb of binding sites of G-protein on K+
Erev_GABAb3 = -95 // (mV) reversal potential (E_K)
c.gmax = 0.0001 // (umho) : maximum conductance
// add graphs