# network_run.py -- Uses the simulator from network_simulator.py
# and runs a simulation of a plastic recurrent network as in:
# Ref: Sadeh, Clopath and Rotter (PLOS Computational Biology, 2015).
# Emergence of Functional Specificity in Balanced Networks with Synaptic Plasticity.
# Author: Sadra Sadeh <s.sadeh@ucl.ac.uk> // Created: 2014-2015
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import pickle as cPickle
from imp import reload
import params; reload(params); from params import *
import network_simulator as NS
# -- generating the weight matrix
w0_exc = np.concatenate(( J*np.random.binomial(1, eps_ee, (ne,ne)), \
J*np.random.binomial(1, eps_ei, (ne,ni)) ), 1)
w0_inh = np.concatenate(( -g*J*np.random.binomial(1, eps_ie, (ni,ne)), \
-g*J*np.random.binomial(1, eps_ii, (ni,ni)) ), 1)
W0 = np.concatenate((w0_exc , w0_inh))
# -- before learning
print('### before plasticity')
x_bp = []
sim_time_test = sim_time
x_len_test = sim_time_test/dt
for nn in range(n):
if nn < ne: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_exc*np.cos(2*(th - po_init[nn])))
else: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_inh*np.cos(2*(th - po_init[nn])))
rate_ev = np.random.poisson(p_rate*dt/1000., x_len_test).tolist()
x_bp = np.array(x_bp)
x_ap = np.copy(x_bp)
y0 = np.zeros((1,n))
y_bp, s_bp, ym_plst_bp, yp_plst_bp, y_avg_bp, Wf_bp = \
NS._net_sim_(A = A, y0 = y0, x = x_bp, vth = vth, W0 = W0, synapse='static')
spk_bp = np.where(s_bp[0:n,:] != 0)
# -- during learning
print('### within plasticity')
W_blk = W0
spk_wp_tot = []
W_blk_tot = []
stim_rng_tot = []
for blk in range(block_no):
stim_rng = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, stim_no)
t_stim = sim_time / len(stim_rng)
x_wp = []
for nn in range(n):
rates = []
for st in stim_rng:
if nn < ne: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_exc*np.cos(2*(st - po_init[nn])))
else: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_inh*np.cos(2*(st - po_init[nn])))
rates = rates + np.random.poisson(p_rate*dt/1000., x_len/len(stim_rng)).tolist()
rates = np.array(rates)
x_wp = np.array(x_wp)
y0 = np.zeros((1,n))
y, s_wp, ym_plst, yp_plst, y_avg, W_blk = \
NS._net_sim_(A = A, y0 = y0, x = x_wp, vth = vth, W0 = W_blk, synapse='plastic')
spk_wp = np.where(s_wp[0:n,:] != 0)
stim_rng_tot = np.array(stim_rng_tot)
W_blk_tot = np.array(W_blk_tot)
Wf = W_blk
# -- after learning
print('### after plasticity')
y0 = np.zeros((1,n))
y_ap, s_ap, ym_plst_ap, yp_plst_ap, y_avg_ap, Wf_ap = \
NS._net_sim_(A = A, y0 = y0, x = x_ap, vth = vth, W0 = Wf, synapse='static')
spk_ap = np.where(s_ap[0:n,:] != 0)
# -- spontaneous activity
spont_act = 0 # set it to 1 to simulate spontaneous activity
if spont_act:
print('### spontaneous activity')
block_no_sp = 10
W_sp = Wf
W_sp_tot = []
spk_sp_tot = []
## plastic spontaneous
for blk in range(block_no_sp):
stim_rng = np.arange(1, stim_no+1)
t_stim = sim_time / len(stim_rng)
x_wp = []
for nn in xrange(n):
rates = []
for st in stim_rng:
p_rate = b_rate/2#*st/stim_no
rates = rates + np.random.poisson(p_rate*dt/1000., x_len/len(stim_rng)).tolist()
rates = np.array(rates)
x_wp = np.array(x_wp)
y0 = np.zeros((1,n))
y, s_sp, ym_plst, yp_plst, y_avg, W_sp = \
NS._net_sim_(A = A, y0 = y0, x = x_wp, vth = vth, W0 = W_sp, synapse='plastic', inh_ltd=1)
spk_sp = np.where(s_sp[0:n,:] != 0)
# -- over-representing cardinal orientations
card_act = 0 # 1 simulates an over-representation of cardinal stimulus orientations
if card_act:
print('### cardinal orientations')
block_no_cd = 20
W_cd = W0
W_cd_tot = []
spk_cd_tot = []
stim_rng_tot_cd = []
## plastic spontaneous
for blk in range(block_no_cd):
stim_rng = np.concatenate( (np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, stim_no/2), np.ones(stim_no/4)*0., np.ones(stim_no/4)*np.pi/2) )
t_stim = sim_time / len(stim_rng)
x_cd = []
for nn in xrange(n):
rates = []
for st in stim_rng:
if nn < ne: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_exc*np.cos(2*(st - po_init[nn])))
else: p_rate = b_rate*(1+m_inh*np.cos(2*(st - po_init[nn])))
rates = rates + np.random.poisson(p_rate*dt/1000., x_len/len(stim_rng)).tolist()
rates = np.array(rates)
x_cd = np.array(x_cd)
y0 = np.zeros((1,n))
y, s_cd, ym_plst, yp_plst, y_avg, W_cd = \
NS._net_sim_(A = A, y0 = y0, x = x_cd, vth = vth, W0 = W_cd, synapse='plastic')
spk_cd = np.where(s_cd[0:n,:] != 0)
# -- saving the results
res_save = 1
if res_save:
results = {}
results['W0'] = W0
results['spk_bp'] = spk_bp
results['spk_wp_tot'] = spk_wp_tot
results['spk_ap'] = spk_ap
results['W_blk_tot'] = W_blk_tot
results['stim_rng_tot'] = stim_rng_tot
if spont_act:
results['spk_sp_tot'] = spk_sp_tot
results['W_sp_tot'] = W_sp_tot
results['spk_sp_tot'] = []
results['W_sp_tot'] = []
if card_act:
results['spk_cd_tot'] = spk_cd_tot
results['W_cd_tot'] = W_cd_tot
results['stim_rng_tot_cd'] = stim_rng_tot_cd
results['spk_cd_tot'] = []
results['W_cd_tot'] = []
results['stim_rng_tot_cd'] = []
fl = open('results', 'wb')
cPickle.dump(results, fl)
# ------