MIT License Copyright 2024 Francesco Savelli - see LICENSE file.
Procedures to assemble networks of grid inputs and place cells in the desired
configuration for the simulations. Mostly relies on the templates and engine
provided in grid_input.hpp and network.hpp.
#ifndef MODELS_HPP
#define MODELS_HPP
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
/* Older implementation depended on the Gnu Scientific Library for random
* number generation. Current implementation uses equivalent rng facilities now
* available in the C++ standard library. Older GSL calls are commented out for
* record. New implementation produces the same sequences of random numbers as
* the older one would.
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <random>
#include "grid_input.hpp"
#include "network.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
#include "simIO.hpp"
#define PI 3.14159265
using namespace std;
// to choose randomly from a set (C++17 has std::sample which should be equivalent
// coded after gsl_ran_choose implementation, assumes source.size() >= dest.size()
inline void cpp_ran_choose(mt19937* cpp_rng,
vector<neural_idx_t>& dest, const vector<neural_idx_t>& source){
int source_idx=0;
int dest_idx=0;
int source_n=source.size();
int dest_n=dest.size();
uniform_real_distribution<float> URD(0.0, 1.0);
while (source_idx<source_n && dest_idx<dest_n){
if ((source_n-source_idx)*URD(*cpp_rng) < dest_n-dest_idx){
struct grid_module_t{
double scale;
double orientation;
double stretch_direction;
double stretch_magnitude;
double shear_direction;
double shear_magnitude;
// indexes to the vector of grid objects produced externally to keep
// track of partnership to this module
vector<neural_idx_t> grids_indices;
void build_fixed_modular_grid_cell_pool(const parameters_record_t& pars,
mt19937* connect_rng, mt19937* grid_rng, mt19937* spike_rng,
vector<grid_cell_t>& grid_cells, vector<string>& grid_tags,
vector<bool>& grids_to_save, vector<grid_module_t>& modules,
FILE* grid_parameters_file, FILE* log_file){
if (!(pars.grid_scale_steps==pars.module_orientations.size() &&
pars.module_orientations.size()==pars.module_stretch_directions.size() &&
pars.module_stretch_directions.size()==pars.module_stretch_magnitudes.size() &&
pars.module_stretch_magnitudes.size()==pars.module_shear_directions.size() &&
pars.module_shear_directions.size()==pars.module_shear_magnitudes.size())) {
cerr<<endl<<"grid_scale_steps different from number of geometrical properties: "
<<"scale steps "<<pars.grid_scale_steps<<endl
<<"orientations "<<pars.module_orientations.size()<<endl
<<"stretch directions "<<pars.module_stretch_directions.size()<<endl
<<"stretch magnitudes "<<pars.module_stretch_magnitudes.size()<<endl
<<"shear directions "<<pars.module_shear_directions.size()<<endl
<<"shear magnitudes "<<pars.module_shear_magnitudes.size()<<endl;
for (unsigned int scale_step=0; scale_step<pars.grid_scale_steps;
grid_module_t module;
// eventually make 1.5 scale ratio a parameter read from file?
(pow(pars.module_scale_ratio, scale_step)); // cm
double scale_in_pixels=module.scale/pars.camera_resolution; // pixels
/* old code to sample orientation randomly
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned long int> UID(0, 59);
module.orientation=UID(*connect_rng); // degrees */
printf("MODULE %u \n", scale_step);
printf("Scale (cm): %f Orientation (deg): %f \n",
module.scale, module.orientation);
printf("Stretch direction (deg): %f, magnitude: %f \n",
module.stretch_direction, module.stretch_magnitude);
printf("Shear direction (deg): %f, magnitude: %f \n",
module.shear_direction, module.shear_magnitude);
fprintf(log_file, "MODULE %u \n", scale_step);
fprintf(log_file, "Scale (cm): %f Orientation (deg): %f \n",
module.scale, module.orientation);
fprintf(log_file, "Stretch direction (deg): %f, magnitude: %f \n",
module.stretch_direction, module.stretch_magnitude);
fprintf(log_file, "Shear direction (deg): %f, magnitude: %f \n",
module.shear_direction, module.shear_magnitude);
// make a reference grid for the module at phase 0, 0
// will be needed to keep random phases within the hexagon
peaks_discounts_t peaks_discounts(100, 100, pars.grid_min_fraction_peak, grid_rng);
grid_t ref_grid(0.0, 0.0, module.orientation, scale_in_pixels, pars.grid_rise,
module.stretch_direction, module.stretch_magnitude,
module.shear_direction, module.shear_magnitude, peaks_discounts);
unsigned int distinct_poses=0;
/* legacy GSL implementation
(this is also a different distribution than evolved
below to sample from within the hexagon)
double x=gsl_rng_uniform(connect_rng)*module.scale;
double y=gsl_rng_uniform(connect_rng)*module.scale;
uniform_real_distribution<float> URD(0.0, 1.0);
double x=2*URD(*connect_rng)*scale_in_pixels - scale_in_pixels;
double y=2*URD(*connect_rng)*scale_in_pixels - scale_in_pixels;
// keep only if it falls within the hexagonal perimeter
sq_dist_cycles_t sdc = ref_grid.sq_dist_cycles_at(x, y);
if (-1<sdc.nonround_cycles1 && sdc.nonround_cycles1<1 &&
-1<sdc.nonround_cycles2 && sdc.nonround_cycles2<1 &&
-1<sdc.nonround_cycles3 && sdc.nonround_cycles3<1) {
// make a grid cell with this phase
peaks_discounts_t peaks_discounts(100, 100, pars.grid_min_fraction_peak, grid_rng);
// add to the population of grid cells
tag_t gridtag = string("GC")+itos(scale_step)+
grid_cell_t(x, y, module.orientation, scale_in_pixels, pars.grid_rise,
module.stretch_direction, module.stretch_magnitude,
module.shear_direction, module.shear_magnitude,
pars.grid_peak_rate, peaks_discounts, spike_rng, gridtag));
// keep track of the index of this grid cell in the module
// keep track on whether the spikes from this grid are to be recorded
"%s X:%f Y:%f O:%f S:%f R:%f \n", gridtag.c_str(),
x, y, module.orientation, scale_in_pixels, pars.grid_rise);
printf("%u grid cells in this module \n\n", module.grids_indices.size());
fprintf(log_file, "%u grid cells in this module \n\n", module.grids_indices.size());
modules.push_back(module); // add to the module collection
// grid_cells below is used only for a sanity check, erase from function parameters
// or fuse this function with build grid cell, eventually
void build_modular_network(const parameters_record_t& pars, mt19937* connect_rng,
const vector<grid_cell_t>& grid_cells,
const vector<string>& grid_tags,
const vector<grid_module_t>& modules,
network_t& net,
vector<string>& cell_tags,
vector<bool>& cells_to_save,
ofstream& connectivity_file,
FILE* log_file){
unsigned int number_grid_modules=pars.grid_scale_steps;
neural_idx_t number_grid_cells_per_module=pars.grid_cells_number;
neural_idx_t total_number_grid_inputs=grid_cells.size();
if (total_number_grid_inputs!=number_grid_modules*number_grid_cells_per_module){
cerr<<endl<<"total_number_grid_inputs is inconsistent";
neural_idx_t number_place_cells_per_group=pars.place_cells_number;
unsigned int number_modules_per_group=pars.modules_per_place_cell;
neural_idx_t number_grids_per_place=pars.grids_per_cell_number;
// add grid inputs to the network
// these inputs are assumed to have a one-to-one relationship to the grids in
// the vector grid_cells built elsewhere to which the indices in each entry of
// the vector modules refer to
for (neural_idx_t input_index=0;
input_index<total_number_grid_inputs; input_index++)
net.add_input(input_t(pars.fr_tau, grid_tags[input_index]));
// specify generic place cell
double Cm=2.0;
double Vthr=-50.0;
double Vres=-70.0;
double Vap=30.0;
double initial_V=-60.0;
double timestep=1.0;
delay_t refractory_steps=3;
double fr_tau=pars.fr_tau;
// add place cells to the network, one group at a time, each group
// taking inputs from a subset of consecutive grid cell modules
neural_idx_t global_pc_idx=0; // unique place cell index across all groups
for (int group_idx=0;
group_idx <= number_grid_modules-number_modules_per_group;
printf("Building place cell group %u from grid modules (scales): ", group_idx);
"Building place cell group %u from grid modules (scales): ", group_idx);
// prepare admissible grid inputs for this place cell group
vector<neural_idx_t> grids_for_this_group;
for (int input_module=group_idx;
input_module<group_idx+number_modules_per_group; input_module++){
printf(" %f ", modules[input_module].scale);
fprintf(log_file, " %f ", modules[input_module].scale);
printf(" (%u grids in input) \n", grids_for_this_group.size());
fprintf(log_file, " (%u grids in input) \n", grids_for_this_group.size());
// add each place cell from this group to the network,
// plus its synapses from random grid inputs
for (neural_idx_t pc_idx=0; pc_idx<number_place_cells_per_group; pc_idx++){
tag_t place_cell_tag=string("PC")+itos(group_idx)+string("_")+itos(pc_idx);
cell_t(Cm, Vthr, Vres, Vap, initial_V,
timestep, refractory_steps, fr_tau, place_cell_tag));
// start sampling from the pool of admissible grid inputs
/* legacy GSL implementation, variables proabably now renamed
neural_idx_t grid_cells_range[number_grid_cells];
for (neural_idx_t range_ind=0; range_ind<number_grid_cells; range_ind++)
neural_idx_t random_afferents[number_grids_per_place];
gsl_ran_choose(connect_rng, random_afferents, number_grids_per_place,
grid_cells_range, number_grid_cells, sizeof(neural_idx_t));
// vector where the indices for the grid inputs sampled for
// this place cell will go
vector<neural_idx_t> random_afferents(number_grids_per_place);
// sample
cpp_ran_choose(connect_rng, random_afferents, grids_for_this_group);
// end of sampling process, the grid inputs for this place cell
// have been determined and their indices are in "random afferents"
// specify a generic synapse
double gDelta=pars.gDelta;
double gtau=pars.gtau;
double E=0.0;
double timestep=1.0;
delay_t transmission_delay=2;
// add one synapse for each random input
//connectivity_file<<"Cell #"<<global_pc_idx<<" "<<place_cell_tag<<" <--- ";
connectivity_file<<place_cell_tag<<" <--- ";
for (neural_idx_t ag_id=0; ag_id<number_grids_per_place; ag_id++){
synapse_t new_synapse=synapse_t(gDelta, gtau, E, timestep);
global_pc_idx, transmission_delay);
pars.theta_d*0.001, pars.theta_p*0.001, pars.cut_off*0.001,
pars.plasticity_rate, pars.IPI);
//connectivity_file<<random_afferents[ag_id]<<" ";
connectivity_file<<grid_tags[random_afferents[ag_id]]<<" ";