This is the readme for the model files associated with the paper: Diba K, Koch C, Segev I (2006) Spike propagation in dendrites with stochastic ion channels J Comput Neurosci 20:77-84 The mod and hoc files were copied from the authors web archive: and had a mosinit.hoc and init.hoc files added so that they could be auto-launched from ModelDB. Usage: either auto-launch from ModelDB or compile the mod files and run under Linux: ------ by running "nrnivmodl" and then "nrngui mosinit.hoc" in the extracted archive. Mac OS X: --------- by dragging and dropping the extracted folder onto the mknrndll icon and then dragging and dropping the mosinit.hoc file onto the nrngui icon. mswin: ------ by running mknrndll and cd'ing to the extracted archive folder and clicking make the nrnmech.dll and then double clicking on mosinit.hoc in a windows explorer. Once the simulation is running: ------------------------------- Click to choose one of two configurations used in the paper, one with a voltage gated sodium conductance density in the dendrites of 27 and the other with 14 pS/um. 20120326 mod/cad2.mod solve method updated from euler to derivimplicit as per