% EzyFit Toolbox
% Version 2.45 23-Jan-2017
% F. Moisy
% Curve Fitting
% ezfit - Fit data with arbitrary fitting function
% showfit - Show the fit for the active curve.
% efmenu - Ezyfit menu
% undofit - Remove the last fit from the current figure
% rmfit - Remove fits from the current figure
% fitparam - Default settings for the EzyFit toolbox
% Curve fitting "by eye"
% getslope - Slope of the current line.
% showslope - Draw a line with fixed slope
% Curve Fitting Tools
% editcoeff - Edit the coefficients of a fit
% makevarfit - Create variables from the parameters of a fit
% evalfit - Evaluate a fit
% showresidual - Show the residuals of a fit
% editfit - Edit a user defined fit
% loadfit - Load the predefined and the user-defined fitting functions.
% dispeqfit - Display the equation of a fit.
% showeqbox - Show the equation box of a fit.
% Miscellaneous
% pickdata - Picks data from the active curve
% plotsample - Display a sample plot
% remove_efmenu_fig - Remove the Ezyfit menu from figure files
% ezfft - Power spectrum
% getlineinfo - Get information (length, angle) of a segment
% myginput - Graphical input from mouse.
% about_ef - display the "About" information of the EzyFit toolbox
% checkupdate_ef - check for update of the EzyFit toolbox
% Quick change of the axis scales
% linx - Turn the X axis to LIN
% liny - Turn the Y axis to LIN
% logx - Turn the X axis to LOG
% logy - Turn the Y axis to LOG
% swx - LIN<->LOG swap of the X axis
% swy - LIN<->LOG swap of the Y axis
% sw - LIN<->LOG swap of the X and Y axis
% Some useful plot tools
% dfig - Create a docked figure window
% gridc - Centered cross grid
% axisc - Centered axis
% axis0 - Include the origin in the axis
% axisl - Include the nearest power of 10 in the axis of a log plot
% loglogpn - Log-log scale plot for positive and negative data
% semilogypn - Semilogarithmic plot for positive and negative data