/* Author: Xu Zhang @UConn, Jul., 2018
Motor cortical neurons: PYN and FSI (abbreviated as PY and FS in the script, respectively)
Modified from Destexhe et al., 1998

// To execute this script individually, please specify the following 4 variables, e.g.:
PY2PYrnd = 106 // rng seed
PYrnd = 107
PYNintrnd = 207
FSIintrnd = 307
dt = 0.0125

celsius = 36

// Low-threshold spiking pyramidal neurons * 100

create PYcell[100]
objref ocPY[100]

for i = 0,99 {
	access PYcell[i]

	PYcell[i].Ra = 100		// geometry 
	PYcell[i].nseg = 1
	PYcell[i].diam = 96
	PYcell[i].L = 96			// such that area is about 58000 um2
	PYcell[i].cm = 1

	insert pas
	insert mchh2
	insert mcIm
	insert mcCad
	insert mcIt

	// pas
	// PYcell[i].e_pas = -70
	// PYcell[i].g_pas = 1e-5
	PYcell[i].ek = -100
	PYcell[i].ena = 50
	// hh2
	PYcell[i].vtraub_mchh2 = -55	// Resting Vm, BJ was -55
	// PYcell[i].gnabar_hh2 = 0.05	// McCormick=15 muS, thal was 0.09
	// PYcell[i].gkbar_hh2 = 0.005	// spike duration of pyr cells
	// im
	taumax_im = 1000
	// PYcell[i].gkbar_im = 3e-5		// specific to LTS pyr cell
	// cad
	PYcell[i].depth_mcCad = 1		// McCormick= 0.1 um
	PYcell[i].taur_mcCad = 5		// McCormick=1 ms !!!
	PYcell[i].cainf_mcCad = 2.4e-4	// McCormick=0
	PYcell[i].kt_mcCad = 0		// no pump
	// it
	PYcell[i].cai = 2.4e-4 
	PYcell[i].cao = 2 
	PYcell[i].eca = 120 
	// PYcell[i].gcabar_it = 0.001	// specific to LTS pyr cell

	// Change parameters to LTS
	PYcell[i].gcabar_mcIt = 4e-4
	PYcell[i].gkbar_mcIm = 3e-5
	PYcell[i].g_pas = 1e-5
	PYcell[i].e_pas = -85
	PYcell[i].gnabar_mchh2 = 0.05
	PYcell[i].gkbar_mchh2 = 0.005

	PYcell[i] ocPY[i] = new IClamp(0.5)
	ocPY[i].amp = 0.17 // (nA) Simulate baseline activity
	ocPY[i].del = 0
	ocPY[i].dur = 1e10

// Connect PY2PY
objref PY2PYsyn[500]

// Synaptic noise within PY
objref PYi_noisyn
PYi_noisyn = new Random(PY2PYrnd)
PYi_noisyn.normal(0, 1e-6*noiseSwitch)

// Random interconnections among PYNs
objref rngPYNint
rngPYNint = new Random(PYNintrnd)

objref f_pynint
f_pynint = new File()
pyninttotal = f_pynint.scanvar()
objref gapjunc[pyninttotal]
pynintcount = 0
for j = 0,9 {
	for k = 0,4 {
		PYcell[j] PY2PYsyn[pynintcount] = new tanhSyn(0.95-0.01*k)
		setpointer PY2PYsyn[pynintcount].vpre, PYcell[f_pynint.scanvar()-1].v(0.5)
		// PY2PYsyn[pynintcount].g = PY2PYsyn[pynintcount].g * abs(rngPYNint.repick()) * 100/5 // /5 Due to scaling
		// PYi_noisyn.play(&PY2PYsyn[pynintcount].noise)
		// pynintcount = pynintcount + 1