/* Author: Xu Zhang @UConn, Jul., 2018
ION: inferior olivary nucleus neurons
Modified from Schweighofer et al., 1999 and Torben-Nielson et al., 2012

// To execute this script individually, please specify the following variables, e.g.:
// IONrnd = 101 // rng seed
// IONexrnd = 102
// IONexstrnd = 103
// IONgapjgrnd = 104
// noiseSwitch=1
// dt = 0.0125

create IONcell[200]

for i = 0,199 {
	access IONcell[i]
    IONcell[i].nseg = 1
    IONcell[i].L = 20
    IONcell[i].diam = 20
    IONcell[i].cm = 1 // (uF/cm2)
    insert ioKdr
    insert ioNa
    insert ioCa
    insert pas
	insert ioh
	IONcell[i].ek = -70   // (mV)
	IONcell[i].ena = 55	// (mV)
	IONcell[i].e_pas = -63
	IONcell[i].gbar_ioKdr = 9	// (mS/cm2)
	IONcell[i].gbar_ioNa = 37 //+i	// (mS/cm2)
	IONcell[i].gbar_ioh = 0.08 // (mS/cm2)
	IONcell[i].gbar_ioCa = 0.27 // (mS/cm2)
	// IONcell[i].gbar_ioh = 0.02 // (mS/cm2)
	// IONcell[i].gbar_ioca = 0.3 // (mS/cm2) Harmaline
	IONcell[i].g_pas = 0.13e-3 // +i*0.005e-3 // (S/cm2)

objref f_gapj
f_gapj = new File()
IONgaptotal = f_gapj.scanvar()
double IONgapnum[200]
for i = 0,199 {
	IONgapnum[i] = f_gapj.scanvar()

objref gapjunc[IONgaptotal]
gapjuncount = 0
for j = 0,199 {
	for k = 0,IONgapnum[j]-1 {
		IONcell[j] gapjunc[gapjuncount] = new iogap(0.9-0.1*k)
		setpointer gapjunc[gapjuncount].vgap, IONcell[f_gapj.scanvar()-1].v(0.5)
		gapjuncount = gapjuncount + 1

max_gap_g = 5e-5

// Varying ION gap junction strengths
objref rngIONgapjg
rngIONgapjg = new Random(IONgapjgrnd)
for i = 0,IONgaptotal-1 {
	gapjunc[i].g = rngIONgapjg.repick() * max_gap_g * 1.5

// Offset current
objref ION_oc_file
ION_oc_file = new File()
objref ocION[200]
for i = 0,199 {
	IONcell[i] ocION[i] = new IClamp(0.5)
	ocION[i].amp = ION_oc_file.scanvar() // Normal
	ocION[i].del = 0
	ocION[i].dur = 1e10

// External source of input to IO (that generate a <1 Hz firing rate in the absence of NO-IO pathway)
objref rngIONex, rngIONexst
rngIONex = new Random(IONexrnd)
rngIONexst = new Random(IONexstrnd)
objref EX2ION_syn_exc[200], EX2IONns[200], EX2IONnsnc[200]

// Initialize
excount = 0
tmpinterval = rngIONex.repick()
tmpstart =rngIONexst.repick()
for i = 0,199 {
	excount_new = int(i/8)
	IONcell[i] EX2ION_syn_exc[i] = new NoisyExp2Syn(0.35)
	EX2ION_syn_exc[i].tau1 = 2 // (ms)
	EX2ION_syn_exc[i].tau2 = 10 // (ms)
	EX2ION_syn_exc[i].e = 0
	IONcell[i] EX2IONns[i] = new NetStim(0.2)
	if (excount_new>excount) {
		tmpinterval = rngIONex.repick()
		tmpstart =rngIONexst.repick()
		excount = excount_new
	IONcell[i] EX2IONnsnc[i] = new NetCon(EX2IONns[i], EX2ION_syn_exc[i], 0, 0, 1.5e-5)

// Membrane noise in IO
objref ION_noisc, IONnoise[200]
ION_noisc = new Random(IONrnd)
ION_noisc.normal(0, 1e-5*noiseSwitch)
for i = 0,199 {
	IONcell[i] IONnoise[i] = new NoisyCurrent(0.2)