Modified from Johannes Luthman et al., 2011 by including
	40 PCs with different offset currents, temperature, 
	and membrane noises
Xu Zhang @UConn, Jul., 2018

// To execute this script individually, please specify the following variables, e.g.:
// PCrnd = 102 // rng seed
// noiseSwitch=1
// dt = 0.0125

celsius = 36  // (degC)

create PCcell[200*5]

objref ocPC[200*5]

double ocPC_amp[200*5]
// Read offset currents from the file Ioc = -3e-4 + gamma(0.8,3.7e-3)
objref f_ocPC
f_ocPC = new File()

for i = 0,999 {
	ocPC_amp[i] = f_ocPC.scanvar()

for i = 0,999 {
	access PCcell[i]
	PCcell[i].nseg = 1
	PCcell[i].L = 20		// (um)       
	PCcell[i].diam = 20	// (um)
	PCcell[i].cm = 1       // (uF/cm2)

	insert pcNarsg
	insert pcNa
	insert pcKv1
	insert pcKv4
	insert pcKbin
	insert pcCaBK
	insert pcCaint
	insert pcCaP
	insert pcIhcn
	insert pcleak

	PCcell[i].ena = 60	// (mV)
	PCcell[i].ek = -88	// (mV)
	PCcell[i].eh_pcIhcn = -30
	PCcell[i].e_pcleak = -61
	PCcell[i].cao = 2   // (mM)
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcNarsg = 0.016     // (mho/cm2)
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcNa = 0.014
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcKv1 = 0.011
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcKv4 = 0.0039
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcKbin = 0.0016
	PCcell[i].gkbar_pcCaBK = 0.014
	PCcell[i].pcabar_pcCaP = 0.00006
	PCcell[i].ghbar_pcIhcn = 0.0002
	PCcell[i].gbar_pcleak = 9e-5

	PCcell[i] ocPC[i] = new IClamp(0.5)
	ocPC[i].amp = ocPC_amp[i]*0.8-0.0003 //*0.5-0.0005
	ocPC[i].del = 0
	ocPC[i].dur = 1e10

// Membrane noise in PC
objref PC_noisc, PCnoise[1000]
PC_noisc = new Random(PCrnd)
PC_noisc.normal(0, 1e-6*noiseSwitch)
for i = 0,999 {
	PCcell[i] PCnoise[i] = new NoisyCurrent(0.2)