/* Author: Xu Zhang @UConn, Jul., 2018
TC: Thalamocortical neuron (in the Vim of the thalamus)
Implementation of Meijer et al., 2011

// To execute this script individually, please specify the following variables, e.g.:
// TCrnd = 105 // rng seed
// noiseSwitch=1
// dt = 0.0125

// Membrane noise in TC
objref TC_noisc, TCnoise[25]
TC_noisc = new Random(TCrnd)
TC_noisc.normal(0, 1e-1*noiseSwitch)
create TCcell[25]

for i = 0,24 {
	access TCcell[i]
	TCcell[i].nseg = 1
	TCcell[i].diam = 96  // (um)     
	TCcell[i].L = 96     // (um)
	TCcell[i].cm = 1     // (uF/cm2)

	insert tcfastNa
	insert tcslowK
	insert tcCaT
	insert tcCaConc
	insert tcfastK
	insert tch
	insert tcpas2

	// Reversal potentials in .mod files are ignored when compiled
	TCcell[i].ena = 45
	TCcell[i].ek = -95

	TCcell[i] TCnoise[i] = new NoisyCurrent(0.2)