/* Author: Xu Zhang @UConn, Jan., 2019
Synaptic mechanisms between GrL-PC (parallel fiber)
This script cannot be executed individually

// Synaptic noise to PC
objref PC_noisyn
PC_noisyn = new Random(GrL2PCrnd)
PC_noisyn.normal(0, 5e-9*noiseSwitch)

// Varying GrC-PC synaptic weights
objref rngGrC2PCw
rngGrC2PCw = new Random(GrC2PCwrnd)

// Varying GrC-PC synaptic delays
objref rngGrC2PCd
rngGrC2PCd = new Random(GrC2PCdrnd)

objref GrC2PC_syn[200*5], NC_GrC2PC_syn[200*5]

GrC2PCcount = 0

for j = 0,99 {
	for k = 0,9 {
		PCcell[j*10+k] GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount] = new NoisyExp2Syn(0)

		GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount].tau1 = 1.2
		GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount].tau2 = 14 // Determined from Isope and Barbour, 2002
		// GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount].tau = 200 // A different case reported in Atluri and Regehr, 2002
		GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount].e = 0

		// delay+3 because of earlier detection of artificial AP roughly by 3 ms due to GrL netevent() mechanisms
		GRcell[j] NC_GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount] = new NetCon(&v(0.9-k*0.001), GrC2PC_syn[GrC2PCcount], -40, abs(rngGrC2PCd.repick())+3, abs(rngGrC2PCw.repick())*3.27e-5)

		// Synaptic noise
		GrC2PCcount = GrC2PCcount + 1