//**************************   HELP   **************************//


/* you can set in menu Run Control:
    ** Electrode axis X    (default: 0)
    ** Electrode axis Y    (default: 0.5*soma1.L+dend1.L) - top of the model
    ** Electrode axis Z    (default: 0)

* point (0,0,0) is:
    ** axis X - in the middle of each soma (0.5*soma.L)   (horizontal)
    ** axis Y - in the middle of isoma (0.5*isoma.L)      (vertical)
    ** axis Z - in the middle of each soma (0.5*soma.diam)   (coordinate Z of isoma != 0)


//basic params
pyCellsNumber = 4
inCellsNumber = 1
posPer = 0.5    //default position of current's source

//soma params
somaDr = 1.7705
somaR = 0.5 * soma1.diam
somaH = soma1.L
somaX = somaDr + somaR
somaSurf = 2 * PI * somaR * somaH

//dend params
dendR = 0.5 * dend1.diam
dendH = dend1.L
dendY = 0.5 * somaH + posPer * dendH
dendSurf = 2 * PI * dendR * dendH

//other params
synBackY = 0.5 * somaH + 0.8 * dendH
isomaZ = 2*(somaDr+somaR) * sqrt(3) / 2

sigma = 0.3 //[S/m] Lindén et al., 2014


proc addPanelControl() {
    v_init = -65
    runStopAt = 5
    runStopIn = 20000
    t = 4221.4
    tstop = 80000
    dt = 0.025
    steps_per_ms = 5
    screen_update_invl = 2
    realtime = 9.04
    xEnd = 0
    yEnd = dend1.L + soma1.L * 0.5
    zEnd = 0
    sigma = 0.3 

    xpanel("RunControl", 0)
    xvalue("Init","v_init", 1,"stdinit()", 1, 1 )
    xbutton("Init & Run","run()")
    xvalue("Continue til","runStopAt", 1,"{continuerun(runStopAt) stoprun=1}", 1, 1 )   
    xvalue("Continue for","runStopIn", 1,"{continuerun(t + runStopIn) stoprun=1}", 1, 1 )
    xbutton("Single Step","steprun()")
    xvalue("t","t", 2 )
    xvalue("Tstop","tstop", 1,"tstop_changed()", 0, 1 )
    xvalue("dt","dt", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
    xvalue("Points plotted/ms","steps_per_ms", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
    xvalue("Scrn update invl","screen_update_invl", 1,"", 0, 1 )
    xvalue("Real Time","realtime", 0,"", 0, 1 )
    xvalue("Electrode axis X","xEnd", 2 )
    xvalue("Electrode axis Y","yEnd", 2 )
    xvalue("Electrode axis Z","zEnd", 2 )
    xvalue("Sigma","sigma", 2 )

//  COUNT LFP  //

func count_distance() {
    x1 = $1
    y1 = $2
    z1 = $3
    return sqrt( (xEnd-x1)^2 + (yEnd-y1)^2 + (zEnd-z1)^2 )

func count_LFP () {
    somaDendX = $1
    somaDendY = $2
    somaDendZ = $3
    somaDendSurf = $4
    somaDendCurrent = $5
    return somaDendCurrent * somaDendSurf / count_distance(somaDendX, somaDendY, somaDendZ)

func count_isyn_LFP () {
    synX = $1
    synY = $2
    synZ = $3
    return feed_syn.i / count_distance(synX, synY, synZ)

func count_current () {
    forsec $s2 return ina(posTemp) + ik(posTemp) + icl(posTemp) + ica(posTemp)// + i_cap(posTemp)

func count_current_interneuron () {
    forsec $s2 return ina(posTemp) + ik(posTemp) + icl(posTemp) + ica(posTemp) - 100*LinClamp[0].i/somaSurf 
    //factor 100 is added to IClamp point process to remove influence of injected current.

proc countLFP_advanced() {
    lfpSoma = 0
    lfpDend = 0
    lfpSyn = 0
    indexPos = 2

    //pyramidal cells with dendrites
    for j = 0, pyCellsNumber-1 {
        if (j-indexPos==0) {indexPos=1}

        //count_LFP(x, y, z, surf, currents)   //example of parameters  - (x,y,z) is position of soma/dend/syn
        lfpSoma = lfpSoma + count_LFP((j-indexPos)*somaX, 0, 0, somaSurf, count_current(posPer, s[j].t))
        lfpDend = lfpDend + count_LFP((j-indexPos)*somaX, dendY, 0, dendSurf, count_current(posPer, d[j].t))
        //surf=1 because of no surface in synapse LFP formula
        lfpBackSyn = count_LFP((j-indexPos)*somaX, synBackY, 0, 1, back_syn[j].i)  
        lfpMutSyn = count_LFP((j-indexPos)*somaX, dendY, 0, 1, mut_syn[j].i)
        lfpInSyn = count_LFP((j-indexPos)*somaX, 0, 0, 1, in_syn[j].icl)
        lfpSyn = lfpSyn + lfpBackSyn + lfpMutSyn + lfpInSyn 

    lfpIsoma = count_LFP(0, 0, isomaZ, somaSurf, count_current_interneuron(posPer, ips[0].t))  
    lfpFeedSyn = count_isyn_LFP(0, 0, isomaZ) 
    lfp =  (0.01*lfpSoma + 0.01*lfpDend + lfpSyn + 0.01*0.2*lfpIsoma + 0.2*lfpFeedSyn) / (4*PI*sigma)
    //factor 0.01 added to all density mechanism currents due to units conversion
    //factor 0.2 is added to decrease interneuron contribution



proc step() { local ii
    for ii=1, nstep_steprun { advance() }
