% %
% Subunit interaction determines IKs participation in %
% cardiac repolarization and repolarization reserve %
% Silva and Rudy %
% Circulation 112: 1384-1391, 2005 %
% %
% Parameters for guinea pig_ventricular_IKs simulator %
% %
% September 5, 2007 %
% Implemented by Stefano Severi %
% Typos: %
% - EKs(online data supplement): %
% (R*T/F)*(log((Ko+pNaK*Nai)/(Ki+pNaK*Nai))) %
% ==> (R*T/F)*(log((Ko+pNaK*Nao)/(Ki+pNaK*Nai))) %
clear all
pr=3; % to select the voltage-clamp protocol in the simulator
sim_time=10.5; %durata della simulazione da 1.
load parottimiCTRL %E %CTR
% load parottimiISO % uncomment to simulate ISO effects on IKs
%% Constants
R=8.314; % [J/mol/K] Gas constant (8.314472)
F=96485; % [C/mol] Faraday constant (96485.3415)
T=310.0; % [K] Temperature
%% Markov model
teta=1.96; % [1/s] Transition rate between C15 and O1 states
% Initial conditions (steady state at -80 mV)
C1o=0.0015; % []
C2o=0.0244; % []
C3o=0.1494; % []
C4o=0.4071; % []
C5o=0.4161; % []
C7o=0.0001; % []
C8o=0.0006; % []
C9o=0.0008; % []
C10o=0; % []
C11o=0; % []
C12o=0; % []
C13o=0; % []
C14o=0; % []
C15o=0; % []
O1o=0; % []
O2o=0; % []
C6o=1-(C1o+C2o+C3o+C4o+C5o+C7o+C8o+C9o+C10o+C11o+C12o+C13o+C14o+C15o+O1o+O2o); % []
%% EKs
Ko=5.4; % [mM] extracellular K concentration
Nao=136; % [mM] extracellular Na concentration
pNaK=0.01833; % [ ] from Faber et al. Biophys. J. 2007
Ki=141.2; % [mM] from Faber 2000
Nai=10; % [mM] initial condition in Faber 2000
EKs=-.0724; % [V] dal paper Rocchetti-Zaza 2006
GKsmax=12e-9; % S