// Author: Etay Hay, 2011
//    Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of
//    Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties
//    (Hay et al., PLoS Computational Biology, 2011) 
// Template for models of L5 Pyramidal Cell

begintemplate L5PCtemplate
  public init
  public locateSites, getLongestBranch
  public soma, dend, apic, axon, getAbsSecIndex
  public all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal, nSecSoma, nSecApical, nSecBasal, nSecAxonal, nSecAll, nSecAxonalOrig, SecSyn, distribute_channels
  objref SecSyn, this
  objref all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal
  strdef tstr

//$s1 - morphology file name
proc init() {localobj nl,import
	all = new SectionList()
	somatic = new SectionList()
	basal = new SectionList()
	apical = new SectionList()
	axonal = new SectionList()
	forall delete_section()

  nl = new Import3d_Neurolucida3()
  nl.quiet = 1
  import = new Import3d_GUI(nl, 0)
	forsec this.all {
		if(diam == 0){
	    diam =  1
	    printf("Error : Morphology problem with section [%s] 0 diam \n", secname())

create soma[1], dend[1], apic[1], axon[1]

proc geom() {

proc geom_nseg() {local nSec, L1, L2, D1, D2, nSeg1, nSeg2
  soma area(.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
  nSec = 0
  forsec all {
    nseg = 1 + 2*int(L/40)
    nSec = nSec + 1

  nSecAll = nSec
  nSec = 0
  forsec somatic { nSec = nSec + 1}
  nSecSoma	= 	nSec
  nSec = 0
  forsec apical { nSec = nSec + 1}
  nSecApical= 	nSec
  nSec = 0
  forsec basal { nSec = nSec + 1}
  nSecBasal	= 	nSec
  nSec = 0
  forsec axonal { nSec = nSec + 1}
  nSecAxonalOrig = nSecAxonal	= 	nSec

proc biophys() {localobj bp
	access soma

  bp = new L5PCbiophys()

// deleting axon, keeping only first 60 micrometers
proc delete_axon(){
    forsec axonal{delete_section()}
    create axon[2]
    access axon[0]{
      L= 30
      diam = 1
      nseg = 1+2*int(L/40)
    access axon[1]{
      L= 30
      diam = 1
      nseg = 1+2*int(L/40)

  nSecAxonal = 2
  connect axon(0), soma(0.5)
  connect axon[1](0), axon[0](1) 
  access soma

proc distribute_channels()	{local dist,val,base,maxLength
	base = $8
	soma distance()
	maxLength = getLongestBranch($s1)

	forsec $s1		{
			Ra = $8
		} else {
			for(x) {
				if ($3==3) {
					dist = distance(x)
				} else {
					dist = distance(x)/maxLength
				val = calculate_distribution($3,dist,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8)
				sprint(tstr,"%s(%-5.10f) = %-5.10f",$s2,x,val)

// $1 is the distribution type:
//     0 linear, 1 sigmoid, 2 exponential
//     3 step for absolute distance (in microns)
func calculate_distribution()	{local value
	if ($1==0)	{value = $3 + $2*$4}
	if ($1==1) {value = $3 + ($4/(1+exp(($2-$5)/$6)))}
  	if ($1==2) {value = $3 + $6*exp($4*($2-$5))}
	if ($1==3) {
		if (($2 > $5) && ($2 < $6)) {
			value = $3
		} else {
			value = $4
	value = value*$7
	return value

// $s1 section
func getLongestBranch(){local maxL,d localobj distallist,sref
    sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
      sprint(tstr,"%s[0] distance(1)",$s1)

		maxL = 0
		d = 0
		distallist = new SectionList()
		forsec $s1 {
			sref = new SectionRef()
			if (sref.nchild==0) distallist.append()
		forsec distallist{
			d = distance(1)
			if(maxL<d) maxL = d
		// for the soma case
		if (maxL == 0) {
      $s1 {
        maxL = L
		return maxL

// $s1 section
// $2 distance x in micrometers
// return list of [1,2] vectors  - of the appropriate section and the location in each vector
obfunc locateSites() {local maxL,site,d0,d1,siteX,i localobj vv,ll
	ll = new List()

  sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
    sprint(tstr,"%s[0] distance(1)",$s1)

	maxL = getLongestBranch($s1)
	site = $2
	i = 0
	forsec $s1 {
    if (distance(0) < distance(1)) {
  		d0 = distance(0)
  		d1 = distance(1)
  	} else {
  		d1 = distance(0)
  		d0 = distance(1)

    if (site <= d1 && site >= d0) {
      siteX = (site-d0)/(d1-d0)
      secNum = i
      vv = new Vector()
		i = i+1
  return ll

func getAbsSecIndex(){ local nAbsInd, index  localobj str,strObj
    strObj  =  new StringFunctions()
    str     =  new String()
    nAbsInd = 0
    index   = 0
    if(strObj.substr($s1, "soma") > 0) {
        strObj.tail($s1, "soma", str.s)
        if(sscanf(str.s, "%*c%d", &index) < 0) {
            index = 0
        nAbsInd = index
    }else if (strObj.substr($s1, "axon") >0) {
        strObj.tail($s1, "axon", str.s)
        if(sscanf(str.s, "%*c%d", &index) < 0) {
            index = 0
        nAbsInd = nSecSoma + index
    }else if (strObj.substr($s1, "dend") >0) {
        strObj.tail($s1, "dend", str.s)
        if(sscanf(str.s, "%*c%d", &index) < 0) {
            index = 0
        nAbsInd = nSecSoma + nSecAxonalOrig + index
    }else if (strObj.substr($s1, "apic") > 0) {
        strObj.tail($s1, "apic", str.s)
        if(sscanf(str.s, "%*c%d", &index) < 0) {
            index = 0
        nAbsInd = nSecSoma + nSecAxonalOrig + nSecBasal + index
    return nAbsInd

endtemplate L5PCtemplate