
"""batch_runs.py will create multiple folders for simple_circuit model
runs with names like run_X where X goes from 1 to the number of jobs.

phase 1 the run_X folders are created and the programs and folders by
recursively copying simple_circuit into them.

phase 2 the num_of_columns.hoc and parameters.hoc files are created in
each run_x folder so that they are all ready to run with their
different assigned values.  A parameters[] list prepares the contents of
each of these files before they are written.

For now the following phases are external to this program:
initiated with
qsub run.pbs

phase 3 the mod files are compiled in each run_x folder and the jobs
are started by running build_net_Shep.hoc in each run_X folder These
jobs automatically save the tank and spike time data used to create
subsequent graphs

phase 4 the matlab tanks are created

phase 5 the tanks are analyzed to create and save matlab polar plot

phase 6 the raster plots of spike activity are created and

print "phase 1"
# In phase 1 the run_X folders are created and the programs and folders by recursively copying simple_circuit
# into them.

# the task of create arrays is to create "both" which has both the breathing peak rate
# and the stimulus (light) peak rate in list of (B, S) tuples.  Once this is created
# we can determine the number of jobs by multiplying the length of both by three for
# three different types of network models
num_of_columns_tested=len(add_columns) # add_columns supplied by create_arrays.py
num_of_nn_types=len(net_type) # just pg and noinhib rerun # 4 # pg, gc, full, noinhib
print "num_of_jobs: "+ str(num_of_jobs)
# absolute_path="/home/tmm46/projects/VerhagenLab/20150611/batch_runs/"
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/600268/mkdir-p-functionality-in-python

import os, errno

def mkdir_p(path):
    except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
            print "the folder ",path," seems to already exist - it will be cleared ********"
        else: raise

for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):

# now make sure the folders are empty
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/185936/delete-folder-contents-in-python

import os, shutil
for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):
  # folder = '/path/to/folder'
  for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
    file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path)
    except Exception, e:
        print e

# now copy over the simple_circuit folder
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12683834/how-to-copy-directory-recursively-in-python-and-overwrite-all
for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):
  cmd_string="cp -rf ../simple_circuits/* run_"+str(folder_num)

print "phase 2"
# In phase 2 the num_of_columns.hoc and parameters.hoc files are created in each run_x folder so that they
# are all ready to run with their different assigned values.

# num_of_columns.hoc setting
# set the total_num_of_columns_master to the value desired to be used for each of all the simulations

# use below if for simple case of two columns total - otherwise rely on columns supplied from create_arrays.py
#num_of_additional_columns = total_num_of_columns_master - 1

# note that since the hoc code uses num_of_columns to set the number of columns in addition to the "recorded"
# mitral cell column, the setting of num_of_columns should be to num_of_additional_columns

# instead of using the below code assign num_of_columns[] list to write the 
# num_of_columns.hoc files when the parameters.hoc files are being written,
# that way, it can be coordinated with the network types

#for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):
#  folder="run_"+str(folder_num)
#  fid=open(folder+"/num_of_columns.hoc","w")
#  fid.write("n = "+str(num_of_additional_columns)+" // n easier to type than num_of_cols\n")
#  fid.close()

# parameters.hoc settings
# includes both setting parameters and running functions that copy parameters to all the columns
# functions:
#   adjust_netcons_from_top() copies all netcons from [X][0] to [X][Y>0]
#   toggle_gc_connection() toggles all columns gc netcons 0/gc_on
#   toggle_pg_connection() toggles all columns pg netcons 0/pg_on
#   where gc_on and pg_on have a default value of 1
# parameter dictionary parameters holds all values for simulations

num_of_columns_tested=len(add_columns) # add_columns supplied by create_arrays.p
c_bs_group_len = jobs_per_nn * num_of_columns_tested
for n_index in range(len(net_type)):
  for c_index in range(num_of_columns_tested):
    for bs_index in range(jobs_per_nn):
      print "net: "+net_type[n_index]+", run_"+str(folder_num)+", B="+str(both[bs_index][0])+", S="+str(both[bs_index][1])+", cols="+str(add_columns[c_index])
      # after the first one is appended it can be accessed by index
light_period=399 // 300 is a short run, 398 regular
breath_peak_rate = %d
light1_peak_rate = %d
light2_peak_rate = 0
"""%both[bs_index]) # note that both has tuple pairs of Breath and Stimulus peak_rate in list
      if net_type[n_index] in ['gc_net', 'noinhib_net']:
        parameters[folder_num] = parameters[folder_num] + \
"""// for some reason toggle_pg_connection() was causing an error however
// the below worked
    for i=0, n-1 {
      nc[14][i].weight = 0
      nc[15][i].weight = 0
      nc[16][i].weight = 0
      nc[17][i].weight = 0
      nc[18][i].weight = 0
      nc[19][i].weight = 0
      nc[20][i].weight = 0
      nc[21][i].weight = 0
      nc[22][i].weight = 0
      nc[23][i].weight = 0
      nc[24][i].weight = 0
      nc[25][i].weight = 0
    // xstatebutton automatically sets pg_connection_state=0
// toggle_pg_connection() // turns off all pg cell connections
      if net_type[n_index] in ['pg_net', 'noinhib_net']:
        parameters[folder_num] = parameters[folder_num] + \
toggle_gc_connection() // turns off all gc cell connections
      parameters[folder_num]=parameters[folder_num]+"""objref pwm
pwm=new PWManager()
pwm.hide(3) // close voltage window for faster run
// net_type %s
""" % net_type[n_index]
n = %s // n easier to type than num_of_cols
""" % (add_columns[c_index]))

for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):

print"*** the following phases are external to this program:"
print "phase 3"
# In phase 3 the mod files are compiled in each run_x folder and the
# jobs are started by running build_net_Shep.hoc in each run_X folder
# These jobs automatically save the tank and spike time data used to
# create subsequent graphs
# use simpleque to create a list of nrnivmodl tasks and run them
for folder_num in range(num_of_jobs):
  fid.write("cd %s; source /home/tmm46/.bash_profile; /home/tmm46/bin/neuron/nrn/x86_64/bin/nrnivmodl; /home/tmm46/bin/neuron/nrn/x86_64/bin/nrngui %s/build_net_Shep.hoc\n" % (folder,folder))

print 'start job by running "qsub run.pbs"'
# Following http://maguro.cs.yale.edu/mediawiki/index.php/SimpleQueue
# I used a command 
# /usr/local/cluster/software/installation/SimpleQueue/sqPBS.py gen 8 tmm46 nrn_task tasklist > run.pbs
# to generate run.pbs however then I edited run.pbs to 1 node and 10 ppn to
# more efficiently use louise (it seems to work for our first case of requiring 10 jobs).
# To run first batch_run.py is run which will create some run_X folders and tasklist.  Then tasklist is run with
# qsub run.pbs
print "phase 4"
# In phase 4 the matlab tanks are created

print "phase 5"
# In phase 5 the tanks are analyzed to create and save matlab polar plot figures

print "phase 6"
# In phase 6 the raster plots of spike activity are created and saved.