Use a PythonObject. For symmetry with NEURON's Python interface, I often call it p.

For example:

oc>objref p
oc>p = new PythonObject()
oc>a = p.max(12, 24.1)
first instance of a
oc>print a

In your case you'll probably be importing a module, so it'd be more like:

nrnpython("import mymodule")
objref vec
vec = p.mymodule.read_nrn_vec("filename")

From: Tom Morse []
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:26 PM
To: McDougal, Robert
Subject: calling a python function from hoc

If I have a python function for example

from neuron import h, gui

def read_vec(filename):

   for line in open(filename,'r'):
   return vector_list

def read_nrn_vec(filename):
   return h.Vector(read_vec(filename))

That returns the numbers in a filename as list, is it possible to call
that from hoc code:

objref vec
vec = pythons_read_nrn_vec("filename.dat")

What would pythons_read_nrn_vec really be if it is possible?