% plotPumpPaperFig1A1.m
% Jessica Parker, October 18, 2024
% Makes Figure 1A1 and Figure 1A2. Plots Vm, [Na+]i, Ipump, and INaPn over time.
clear all;
close all;
mrk = 'sc';
run1 = 1;
run2 = 0;
run3 = 0;
run4i = 0;
run4f = 0;
run5i = 0;
run5f = 0;
run6i = 1;
run6f = 1;
datadir = 'data/'; % Directory where input data files are located
prfx = 'Vall'; % Prefix of input data file name
nvar = 5; % Number of variables saved in the input data file
vsblty = 'on';
CloseFigs = 0;
SingleBurst = 0; % Set to 1 to zoom in on a single burst, set to 0 to use xmin0 and xmax0 below to define x-axis range.
% Parameters
nFigRows = 4;
titles = {'V_m','[Na^+]_i','I_{Pump}','I_{NaPn}'};
xmin0 = 5.5; % Set the time range that you want to plot
xmax0 = 21.5;
ymins = [-80, 18, 5, -130];
ymaxs = [12, 30, 28, 0];
scalrefs = [-80, 20, 5, 0];
scalmins = [-40, 25, 15, -120];
scalmaxs = [0, 30, 25, -60];
pbp = 0.05; % If you set SingleBurst to 1, this is the proportion of burst period to plot on either side of the burst duration.
tint = 0.0001; %Time step between data points
fntsz = 16; %Font size
fntnm = 'Lucida Sans';
fntwght = 'bold';
rowUnits = {'mV','mM','pA','pA'};
% Set widths and heights of subplots and the spaces between and around them
pgBttm = 0.45; % Space below bottom figure in inches
pgTop = 0.2; % Space above top figure in inches, the title will be placed within this space if you have a title
figSep = 0.4;
figHght = 0.7; % Height of each subplot in inches
scl = 1; % Scaling factor if you want to make everything bigger or smaller without changing any proportions.
if contains(prfx,'Vall')
nNai = 4;
mNaPi = 5;
hNaPi = 6;
hNaFi = 3;
mKi = 2;
elseif contains(prfx,'VNa')
nNai = 2;
aa = 1;
for run4=run4i:run4f
for run5=run5i:run5f
yy = [];
for run6=run6i:run6f %Concatenating portions of time saved in separate files
dir2 = [num2str(run1) '_' num2str(run2) '_' num2str(run3)];
dir3 = [dir2 '_' num2str(run4) '_' num2str(run5)];
VarN=[datadir prfx dir3 '_' num2str(run6) '.dat'];
yy1=fread(f1,[nvar, 10000000],'double')';
yy = [yy; yy1(1:end-1,:)]; %Remove last point here, because otherwise you will repeat the same time point
end %twice between consecutive run6 files
lnt = length(yy(:,1));
tt = 0:tint:tint*(lnt-1);
plotDat(1,:) = yy(:,1);
plotDat(2,:) = yy(:,nNai);
plotDat(3,:) = Ipmpmx./(1.0+(Naih*exp(alpha*yy(:,1)/rtf)./yy(:,nNai)).^nhillNa);
plotDat(4,:) = gNaP*yy(:,mNaPi).*(yy(:,1)-rtf*log(Nae./yy(:,nNai)));
bc = [];
if SingleBurst
if exist([datadir 'bd1j' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt'])
bc = load([datadir 'bd1j' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt']);
xmin = bc(1,2)-pbp*bc(2,2);
xmax = bc(1,2)+bc(3,2)+pbp*bc(2,2);
elseif exist([datadir 'plts' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt'])
bc = load([datadir 'plts' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt']);
xmin = bc(1,2)-pbp*bc(2,2);
xmax = bc(1,2)+bc(3,2)+pbp*bc(2,2);
xmin = xmin0;
xmax = xmax0;
xmin = xmin0;
xmax = xmax0;
xl = xmax-xmin;
xmini = round(xmin/tint)+1;
xmaxi = round(xmax/tint)+1;
pgHght = nFigRows*figHght + pgBttm + pgTop + (nFigRows-1)*figSep;
f = figure('visible',vsblty);
f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1.0 1.0 7.5 pgHght+1.0];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 7 pgHght+0.5];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 6.5 pgHght];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
pgBttm = scl*pgBttm;
pgTop = scl*pgTop;
figSep = scl*figSep;
figHght = scl*figHght;
topPerc = 1 - pgTop/pgHght;
bttmPerc = pgBttm/pgHght;
figPerc = figHght/pgHght;
restPerc = topPerc - bttmPerc;
sepPerc = figSep/pgHght;
for bb = 1:nFigRows
ymin = ymins(bb);
ymax = ymaxs(bb);
yl = ymax - ymin;
minmaxs(bb,1) = min(plotDat(bb,xmini:xmaxi));
minmaxs(bb,2) = max(plotDat(bb,xmini:xmaxi));
axes('position',[0.04 topPerc+sepPerc-(figPerc+sepPerc)*bb 0.89 figPerc]);
hold on;
xlim([xmin-0.06*xl xmax+0.17*xl]);
ylim([ymin ymax]);
plot([xmax-0.03*xl xmax-0.03*xl]+0.05*xl,[scalmins(bb) scalmaxs(bb)],'k','linewidth',3.5);
scalLbl = [num2str(scalmaxs(bb)-scalmins(bb)) ' ' rowUnits{bb}];
plot([xmax-0.03*xl xmax]+0.05*xl,scalrefs(bb)*[1 1],'k','linewidth',3.5);
scalRefLbl = [num2str(scalrefs(bb)) ' ' rowUnits{bb}];
axis off;
axes('position',[0.04 0 0.89 bttmPerc+0.05]);
if SingleBurst
plot([xmax-0.73 xmax-0.23],[0.45 0.45],'k','linewidth',3.5);
text(xmax-0.56,0.23,'500 ms','fontname',fntnm,'fontsize',fntsz,'fontweight',fntwght);
plot([xmax-6.3 xmax-2.3],[0.45 0.45],'k','linewidth',3.5);
text(xmax-4.8,0.23,'4 s','fontname',fntnm,'fontsize',fntsz,'fontweight',fntwght);
xlim([xmin-0.06*xl xmax+0.17*xl]);
ylim([0 1]);
axis off;
if SingleBurst && length(bc)>0
print(f,['plots/sbVNaiIpumpInapFrml' dir3 '_' num2str(run6) '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
print(f,['plots/VNaiIpumpInapFrml' dir3 '_' num2str(run6) '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if strcmp(vsblty,'off')
elseif CloseFigs
aa = aa + 1;