%Jessica Parker, October 10, 2024
%This matlab script is used to produce a simple plot of the voltage and [Na+]i over time. 

clear all;
close all;

mrk = 'sc';

run1 = 2;
run2 = 0;
run3 = 0;
run4i = 2;
run4f = 2;
run5i = 1;
run5f = 89;
skpRun5 = 10; % Set number of run5 instances to skip in between plotting, skips [skpRun5-1] traces in between plotting
run6i = 1;
run6f = 1;
datadir = 'data/';
prfx = 'V';
nvar = 1;
vsblty = 'on';
CloseFigs = 1;
DisplayActivityType = 0; % Set to 1 to include text in the figure that says whether it is silent, spiking, or bursting
DisplayBurstChars = 1; % Set to 1 to display burst period (BP), burst duration (BD), and interburst interval (IBI) at the top
figMrk = '';

xmin0 = 0; %Set the time range that you want to plot
xmax0 = 1;

%% ShowParameterAsTitle and OtherTitle cannot both be 1, but they can both be 0
ShowParameterAsTitle = 1; %boolean, set to 1 if you want a parameter value in the title
parname = '[Na^+]_i'; %Name of parameter to show in the title
parunits = 'mM'; %Units of parameter to show in the title
parcan = 35; %set to initial parameter value in sweep
parstep = -0.25; %set to parameter step size in sweep
titlExtra = ''; %% Anything extra that you want to put at the end of the title. Set to '' if you don't want to add anything.

Sweeping2Pars = 0; %% Use this by setting it to 1 if ShowParameterAsTitle is set to 1 and there are 2 parameters being varied.
SweepingIndependently = 0; %% Set SweepingIndependently to 1 if the two parameters are swept independently and referenced by different run numbers.
parname2 = 'I_{PumpMax}'; %% If SweepingIndependently is set to 1, the first parameter that you set as "parname" should
parunits2 = 'pA'; %% be the one represented by run4 and the second that you set as "parname2" should be the one represented by run5.
parcan2 = 50;
parstep2 = 0.5;

OtherTitle = 0; %% Use this if you want to have something else as the title where all plots will have the same title.
titlText = ''; %% Text you want to put in the title of all plots

nFigRows = 1;
titles = {'V_m (mV)'};

tint = 0.0001; %Time step between data points
fntsz = 14; %Font size
fntnm = 'Lucida Sans';

dir2 = [num2str(run1) '_' num2str(run2) '_' num2str(run3)];

aa = 1;
for run4=run4i:run4f
    typesFound = 0;
    if DisplayActivityType && exist([datadir 'type' dir2 '_' num2str(run4) mrk '.txt'])
        typ = load([datadir 'type' dir2 '_' num2str(run4) mrk '.txt']);
        typesFound = 1;
        types = {'Bursting','Spiking','Silence','Depolarization Block','Depolarized Oscillations','Unknown','Plateau Bursting'};
        mrk3 = 'Bd';
        mrk3 = '';

    for run5=run5i:skpRun5:run5f

        yy = [];
        for run6=run6i:run6f   %Concatenating portions of time saved in separate files
            dir3 = [dir2 '_' num2str(run4) '_' num2str(run5)];

            VarN=[datadir prfx dir3 '_' num2str(run6) '.dat'];
            yy1=fread(f1,[nvar, 10000000],'double')';

            yy = [yy; yy1(1:end-1,:)];   %Remove last point here, because otherwise
        end                              %you will repeat the same time point
        %twice between consecutive run6 files

        lnt = length(yy(:,1));
        tt = 0:tint:tint*(lnt-1);

        plotDat = zeros(length(yy(:,1)),2);
        plotDat(:,1) = yy(:,1)';

        xmin = xmin0;
        xmax = xmax0;

        BurstingFound = 0;
        if DisplayBurstChars
            if exist([datadir 'bd1j' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt'])
                bc = load([datadir 'bd1j' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt']);
            	BurstingFound = 1;
            elseif exist([datadir 'plts' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt'])
                bc = load([datadir 'plts' dir3 '_' num2str(run6f) mrk '.txt']);
            	BurstingFound = 1;

        pgBttm = 0.75;
        if DisplayActivityType || DisplayBurstChars
            pgTop = 0.75;
            pgTop = 0.5;
        figSep = 0.2;
        figHght = 1.25;
        pgHght = nFigRows*figHght + pgBttm + pgTop + (nFigRows-1)*figSep;

        f = figure('visible',vsblty);
        f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
        f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
        f.Units = 'inches';
        f.OuterPosition = [1.0 1.0 8.5 pgHght+1.0];
        f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 8 pgHght+0.5];
        f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 7.5 pgHght];
        f.RendererMode = 'manual';

        figHght0 = (pgHght-pgBttm-pgTop-(nFigRows-1)*figSep)/nFigRows;

        topPerc = 1 - pgTop/pgHght;
        bttmPerc = pgBttm/pgHght;
        restPerc = topPerc - bttmPerc;
        sepPerc = figSep/pgHght;

        if DisplayActivityType && typesFound
            axes('position',[0.7 topPerc 0.3 1-topPerc]);
            axis([0 1 0 1]);
            axis off;
        elseif DisplayActivityType && ~typesFound
            disp(['Could not find activity types file for run4 = ' num2str(run4)]);

        if DisplayBurstChars && BurstingFound
            axes('position',[0.2 topPerc 0.7 1-topPerc]);
            bcText = ['BP = ' num2str(round(mean(bc(2,:)),2)) ' s, BD = ' num2str(round(mean(bc(3,:)),3)) ' s, IBI = ' num2str(round(mean(bc(4,:)),2)) ' s'];
            axis([0 1 0 1]);
            axis off;

        for bb = 1:nFigRows
            axes('position',[0.15 topPerc-(restPerc/nFigRows)*bb 0.8 restPerc/nFigRows-sepPerc]);
            hold on;
            xlim([xmin xmax]);
            if max(plotDat(:,bb)) - min(plotDat(:,bb)) > 0.01*abs(mean(plotDat(:,bb)))
            	ymin = min(plotDat(:,bb));
            	ymax = max(plotDat(:,bb));
            	yl = ymax - ymin;
            	ylim([ymin-0.1*yl ymax+0.1*yl]);
            	if bb == 2
              	  ylim([ymin-0.2*yl ymax+0.2*yl]);
            	ymin = mean(plotDat(:,bb))-0.05*abs(mean(plotDat(:,bb)));
            	ymax = mean(plotDat(:,bb))+0.05*abs(mean(plotDat(:,bb)));
            	ylim([ymin ymax]);
            if bb == 1
            	if ShowParameterAsTitle
              	  if Sweeping2Pars && ~SweepingIndependently
                      title([parname ' = ' num2str(parcan+parstep*(run5-1)) ' ' parunits ', ' parname2 ' = ' num2str(parcan2+parstep2*(run5-1)) ' ' parunits2 titlExtra]);
            	  elseif Sweeping2Pars
              	    title([parname ' = ' num2str(parcan+parstep*(run4-1)) ' ' parunits ', ' parname2 ' = ' num2str(parcan2+parstep2*(run5-1)) ' ' parunits2 titlExtra]);
              	    title([parname ' = ' num2str(parcan+parstep*(run5-1)) ' ' parunits titlExtra]);
            	elseif OtherTitle
            if bb == nFigRows
            	xlabel('Time (s)');
            box off;
            ax = gca;
            ax.FontName = fntnm;
            ax.FontSize = fntsz;
            ax.LineWidth = 2.0;

        print(f,['plots/V' dir3 '_' num2str(run6) mrk3 figMrk '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');

        if strcmp(vsblty,'off')
        elseif CloseFigs
        aa = aa + 1;