% sweepFitDecayRate.m
% Jessica Parker, October 18, 2024
% This Matlab script takes the tail current data measured in measureTailCurrent.m and fits it with double exponential equation, and
% finally writes the parameters of best fit to an output file. It also plots the tail current data along with the best fit equation.
% NOTE! This code may take a few minutes to run. It is not the most efficient way to get the best fit, but it is effective.
close all;
clear all;
vrsn = 'A';
msrRealVrsn = 'A';
run1 = 4;
run2 = 0;
run3 = 0;
run4 = 2;
run5i = 1;
run5f = 3;
dataDir = 'data/';
figDir = 'plots/';
% Array of starting values for parameters to fit, with each element corresponding to a single run5 instance
strtingTau1s = [-0.8, -0.5, -0.25]; % Decay rate constant of single exponential or first part of double exponential
strtingTau2s = [-4.5, -3.5, -0.8]; % This parameter is only used if rtio is set less than 1. 2nd decay rate constant in double exponential
strtingRtios = [0.6, 0.65, 0.5]; % Proportion of double exponential belonging to tauA. Set to 1 if you want to fit with single
% exponential, set to < 1 for double exponential
boltzType = 'h'; %Set to m or h depending on whether it is an activation or inactivation
percRange0 = 0.3; % Sets the range of parameter values you are testing as a proportion of the starting fit parameter value
nPercSteps = 200; % Sets the resolution (percRange/nPercSteps) you use to find the optimal parameter values
chngParThresh = 0.0005; %When the greatest proportion change in the parameters of best fit is less than this, the code stops searching
minRuns = 3; %The minimum number of searches that the sweep has to perform before settling on a parameter set
PlotResidualError = 1; % Set to 1 to plot the residual error of the last while loop run, set to 0 otherwise.
errVsblty = 'off'; % % Set to 'off' to make residual error figures not pop up or set to 'on' otherwise. Final fit figures are always visible.
xmin = 0;
xmax = 15;
ymin = 90;
ymax = 250;
VariableYrange = 1;
PlotFit = 1;
CloseFigures = 0;
fntnm = 'Lucida Sans';
fntsz = 16;
fntwght = 'bold';
textYpostn = 0.6;
textXpostn = 0.2;
DullGreen = [155, 196, 114]/255;
dir2 = [num2str(run1) '_' num2str(run2) '_' num2str(run3)];
nruns = nPercSteps + 1;
for run5 = run5i:run5f
tauA = strtingTau1s(run5);
tauB = strtingTau2s(run5);
rtio = strtingRtios(run5);
dir3 = [dir2 '_' num2str(run4) '_' num2str(run5)];
dlmwrite([dataDir 'startingValues' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.txt'],[tauA, tauB, rtio]); % Save the starting fit parameter values used here
current0 = load([dataDir 'tailCurrent' dir3 msrRealVrsn '.txt']); % Loading tail current
tm = current0(2,:);
dcay = -1*current0(1,:); % Flipping it upside down for simplicity's sake, since INaP is a negatively signed current.
dcayStrt = dcay(1);
dcayEnd = dcay(end);
dcayFit = (dcayStrt-dcayEnd)*(rtio*exp(tm/tauA)+(1-rtio)*exp(tm/tauB))+dcayEnd; % Fit equation
edif = (dcayFit - dcay).*(dcayFit - dcay); % Used to calculate residual error
reserr = sum(edif); % (Residual error)^2
chngPar = 1; % Just set to any number larger than any actual parameter proportion change calculated in the loop.
bb = 1;
sfty = 200; % Used for a safety break to prevent an infinite while loop
while chngPar > chngParThresh && bb < sfty % Keeps looking for best fit until parameters stop changing or are barely changing
if bb <= minRuns
percRange = percRange0;
elseif lastChngPar > chngPar && percRange > 0.1
percRange = 0.97*percRange; % Range of parameter values tested narrows as it gets closer to best fit
elseif percRange < 0.1 % Range width of parameters tested stops decreasing once it reaches 0.1*(current parameter value)
percRange = 0.1;
percStep = percRange/nPercSteps; % Resolution of parameters values tested as a proportion of the starting parameter value
%% Fitting 1rst exponential time constant, tauA
tauAi = tauA-0.5*percRange*abs(tauA); % Start of tauA values to sweep
parstep = percStep*abs(tauA); % Step size of tauA sweep
lastPar = tauA; % tauA of best fit found in previous run of the loop
tauAstep = parstep;
for aa = 1:nruns
tauA0 = tauAi + (aa-1)*parstep; % Sweeping tauA
dcayFit0 = (dcayStrt-dcayEnd)*(rtio*exp(tm/tauA0)+(1-rtio)*exp(tm/tauB))+dcayEnd; % Fit equation
edif0 = (dcayFit0 - dcay).*(dcayFit0 - dcay); % used to calculate residual error
reserrs(aa) = sum(edif0); % (residual error)^2
aa = aa+1;
tauAReserrs = reserrs;
[bf, bfIndx] = min(reserrs); % Finding best fit
tauA = tauAi + (bfIndx-1)*parstep; % tauA of best fit
tauAbf = bf;
chngPar1 = abs(tauA - lastPar)/lastPar; % Proportion change of tauA from last run of the loop
%% Fitting 2nd exponential time constant, tauB
if rtio < 1
tauBi = tauB-0.5*percRange*abs(tauB); % Start of tauB values to sweep
parstep = percStep*abs(tauB); % Step size of tauB sweep
tauBstep = parstep;
lastPar = tauB; % tauB of best fit found in previous run of the loop
for aa = 1:nruns
tauB0 = tauBi + (aa-1)*parstep; % Sweeping tauB
dcayFit0 = (dcayStrt-dcayEnd)*(rtio*exp(tm/tauA)+(1-rtio)*exp(tm/tauB0))+dcayEnd;
edif0 = (dcayFit0 - dcay).*(dcayFit0 - dcay);
reserrs(aa) = sum(edif0);
aa = aa+1;
tauBReserrs = reserrs;
[bf, bfIndx] = min(reserrs);
tauB = tauBi + (bfIndx-1)*parstep; % tauB of best fit
tauBbf = bf;
chngPar2 = abs(tauB - lastPar)/lastPar; % Proportion change of tauB from last run of the loop
chngPar2 = 0;
%% Fitting double exponential ratio, rtio
if rtio < 1
rtioI = rtio-0.5*percRange*abs(rtio); % Start of rtio values to sweep
parstep = percStep*abs(rtio); % Step size of rtio sweep
rtiostep = parstep;
lastPar = rtio; % rtio of best fit found in previous run of the loop
for aa = 1:nruns
rtio0 = rtioI + (aa-1)*parstep; % Sweeping rtio
dcayFit0 = (dcayStrt-dcayEnd)*(rtio0*exp(tm/tauA)+(1-rtio0)*exp(tm/tauB))+dcayEnd;
edif0 = (dcayFit0 - dcay).*(dcayFit0 - dcay);
reserrs(aa) = sum(edif0);
aa = aa+1;
rtioReserrs = reserrs;
[bf, bfIndx] = min(reserrs);
rtio = rtioI + (bfIndx-1)*parstep; % rtio of best fit
rtiobf = bf;
chngPar3 = abs(rtio - lastPar)/lastPar; % Proportion change of rtio from last run of the loop
rtio = 1;
chngPar3 = 0;
lastChngPar = chngPar;
if bb >= minRuns % Forces while loop to run at least a minimum of minRuns times
chngPar = max([chngPar1,chngPar2, chngPar3]); % Maximum proportion change of all fit parameters
bb = bb+1;
%% Plot residual error of last fit parameter sweeps
if chngPar < chngParThresh
if PlotResidualError
if rtio < 1
allpars = tauBi:tauBstep:tauBi+(nruns-1)*tauBstep;
f = figure('visible',errVsblty);
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1 1 6.0 5.0];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.5 4.5];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.0 4.0];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
axes('position',[0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]);
axes('position',[0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]);
hold on;
xlabel(['\tau_{' boltzType 'NaP2} (s)']);
ylabel('(Residual Error)^2');
print(f,[figDir 'tau2ResErr' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if CloseFigures
allpars = rtioI:rtiostep:rtioI+(nruns-1)*rtiostep;
f = figure('visible',errVsblty);
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1 1 6.0 5.0];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.5 4.5];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.0 4.0];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
axes('position',[0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]);
hold on;
ylabel('(Residual Error)^2');
print(f,[figDir 'RatioResErr' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if CloseFigures
allpars = tauAi:tauAstep:tauAi+(nruns-1)*tauAstep;
f = figure('visible',errVsblty);
f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1 1 6.0 5.0];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.5 4.5];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.0 4.0];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
axes('position',[0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]);
hold on;
xlabel(['\tau_{' boltzType 'NaP1} (s)']);
ylabel('(Residual Error)^2');
print(f,[figDir 'tau1ResErr' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if CloseFigures
disp(['bb = ' num2str(bb) ', max par change = ' num2str(chngPar) ', tau1 = ' num2str(tauA) ', tau2 = ' ...
num2str(tauB) ', ratio = ' num2str(rtio) ', res. error = ' num2str(sqrt(bf))]);
disp(' ');
%% Plot final fit
if bb < sfty
tmFit = xmin:0.01:xmax;
dcayFit = (dcayStrt-dcayEnd)*(rtio*exp(tmFit/tauA)+(1-rtio)*exp(tmFit/tauB))+dcayEnd;
tmPlt = tm;
dcayPlt = dcay;
if VariableYrange
ymin0 = min(dcayFit);
ymax0 = max(dcayFit);
yl0 = ymax0 - ymin0;
ymin = ymin0 - 0.1*yl0;
ymax = ymax0 + 0.1*yl0;
yl = ymax - ymin;
ymin0 = ymin;
ymax0 = ymax;
ymax = -1*ymin0;
ymin = -1*ymax0;
f = figure();
f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1 1 6.0 5.4];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.5 4.9];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 5.0 4.4];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
axes('position',[0.22 0.17 0.73 0.7]);
hold on;
if PlotFit
text(xmin+textXpostn*(xmax-xmin),ymin+textYpostn*yl,['\tau_{' boltzType 'NaP} = ' num2str(round(abs(tauA),2)) ' s'],'fontsize',fntsz,'fontname',fntnm,'fontweight',fntwght);
if rtio < 1
text(xmin+(textXpostn+0.55)*(xmax-xmin),ymin+textYpostn*yl,[num2str(round(100*rtio)) ' %'],'fontsize',fntsz,'fontname',fntnm,'fontweight',fntwght);
text(xmin+textXpostn*(xmax-xmin),ymin+(textYpostn-0.17)*yl,['\tau_{' boltzType 'NaP2} = ' num2str(round(abs(tauB),2)) ' s'],'fontsize',fntsz,'fontname',fntnm,'fontweight',fntwght);
text(xmin+(textXpostn+0.55)*(xmax-xmin),ymin+(textYpostn-0.17)*yl,[num2str(round(100*(1-rtio))) ' %'],'fontsize',fntsz,'fontname',fntnm,'fontweight',fntwght);
ylabel(['I_{NaP} (pA)']);
xlabel('Time (s)');
xlim([xmin xmax]);
ylim([ymin ymax]);
box off;
ax = gca;
ax.FontName = fntnm;
ax.FontSize = fntsz;
ax.FontWeight = fntwght;
ax.LineWidth = 3.0;
print(f,[figDir boltzType 'DecayRateFit' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if CloseFigures
dlmwrite([dataDir boltzType 'DecayRate' dir3 msrRealVrsn '_' vrsn '.txt'], [tauA, tauB, rtio, sqrt(bf)]);
disp('Error! While loop reached safety break. Check starting parameter values and percRange value.');