% plotItotVclamp.m
% Jessica Parker, October 18, 2024
% This Matlab script plots the total current of the data simulated in this directory only, so it does not do leak
% substraction and therefore it also does not measure INaP or gNaP. This is mainly helpful for looking at the total
% current in the leak measurement simulations where the magnitude of the voltage steps have been quartered.
clear all;
close all;
vrsn = 'A';
run1 = 5;
run2 = 0;
run3 = 0;
run4 = 2;
run5i = 1;
run5f = 3;
run6i = 1;
run6f = 3;
skpPltTrc = 1; % Number of run5 instances (+1) to skip between traces plotted. To skip none, set to 1.
dir1 = [num2str(run1) '_' num2str(run2) '_' num2str(run3)];
dir2 = [dir1 '_' num2str(run4)];
dataDir = 'data/';
prfx = 'NaiMnap'; % Prefix used in the name of the simulation data file
nvar = 2; % Number of variables in simulation data file
Naindx = 1; % Index of [Na+]i variable in simulation data file
mNaPindx = 2; % Index of mNaP variable in simulation data file
tint = 0.0001; % Time step used by integrator
fntnm = 'Lucida Sans';
fntsz = 12;
vsblty = 'on'; % Set to 'off' to make figures not pop up or set to 'on'
CloseFigs = 0; % Set to 1 to automatically close figures after printing them to a file, or set to 0 to leave them open.
ZoomInOnStepUp = 1; % Set to 1 to zoom in on the depolarization step or set to zero and set xmin and xmax below to the axis range you want
xmin = 75;
xmax = 100;
readpars; % Model parameters read from readpars.m, not all of these are actually used by this code
yyStrt = [];
for run5 = run5i:skpPltTrc:run5f
Ipmpmx = 40.0*run5;
yy = yyStrt;
for run6=run6i:run6f % Concatenating portions of time saved in separate files
dir3 = [dir2 '_' num2str(run5)];
VarN = [dataDir prfx dir3 '_' num2str(run6) '.dat'];
fl = fopen(VarN);
yy0 = fread(fl,[nvar, 10000000],'double')'; % Loading simulation data
yy = [yy(1:end-1,:); yy0]; % Remove last point here, because otherwise this time point will be repeating as the first time point of the next file
indxs(run6) = length(yy(:,1));
if run6 < run6f
lngths(run6) = length(yy0(:,1))-1;
lngths(run6) = length(yy0(:,1));
Vsteps = [-90, -80, -40];
Vm = [];
for aa = 1:length(Vsteps)
Vm = [Vm; Vsteps(aa)*ones(lngths(aa),1)];
tt = 0.0:tint:tint*(indxs(end)-1);
Inap = gNaP*yy(:,mNaPindx).*(Vm-rtf*log(Nae./yy(:,Naindx))); % INaP
IleakNa = gL*(EL-EK)/(ENa-EK)*(Vm-rtf*log(Nae./yy(:,Naindx))); % ILeakNa
IleakK = gL*(EL-ENa)/(EK-ENa)*(Vm-EK); % ILeakK
Ileak = IleakNa + IleakK;
Itot = Inap + Ileak;
if ZoomInOnStepUp
xmin = tt(indxs(end-1)+1)-0.01;
xmax = tt(indxs(end-1)+1) + 0.1;
mrk = 'zm';
mrk = '';
f = figure('visible',vsblty);
f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.Units = 'inches';
f.OuterPosition = [1 1 7.0 4.0];
f.InnerPosition = [0.25 0.25 6.5 3.5];
f.PaperPosition = [0.25 0.25 6.0 3.0];
f.RendererMode = 'manual';
axes('position',[0.15 0.6 0.8 0.35]);
hold on;
plot(tt, Itot, 'k', 'linewidth', 1.5);
ylabel('I_{Tot} (pA)');
xlim([xmin xmax]);
box off;
ax = gca;
ax.FontName = fntnm;
ax.FontSize = fntsz;
ax.LineWidth = 2.0;
axes('position',[0.15 0.2 0.8 0.35]);
hold on;
plot(tt, Vm, 'k', 'linewidth', 1.5);
ylabel('V_{clamp} (mV)');
xlabel('Time (s)');
xlim([xmin xmax]);
box off;
ax = gca;
ax.FontName = fntnm;
ax.FontSize = fntsz;
ax.LineWidth = 2.0;
print(f,['plots/ItotVclamp' dir2 '_' num2str(run5) vrsn mrk '.eps'],'-depsc','-r0');
if strcmp(vsblty,'off')
elseif CloseFigs