% Calculate border coverage for detected fields
% This function calculates firing map border coverage that is further
% used in calculation of a border score.
% coverage = borderCoverage(fields, <searchWidth>)
% fields Array of structures with information about detected fields.
% searchWidth If map is not perfect, but contains NaN values along borders, then
% search for border pixels can have NaNs. To mitigate this, we check
% searchWidth rows/columns near border and if the closest to the border pixel
% equals to NaN, we search for first non-NaN value in searchWidth rows-columns.
% This argument is optional and default value is 8.
% coverage Border coverage, ranges from 0 to 1.
function coverage = borderCoverage(fields, varargin)
coverage = 0;
inp = inputParser;
defaultSearchWidth = 8;
defaultWalls = 'TRBL'; % top, right, bottom, left
checkSearchWidth = @(x) isnumeric(x) && isscalar(x) && (x > 0);
checkWalls = @internCheckWalls;
addRequired(inp, 'fields');
addParamValue(inp, 'searchWidth', defaultSearchWidth, checkSearchWidth);
addParamValue(inp, 'walls', defaultWalls, checkWalls);
inp.KeepUnmatched = true;
parse(inp, fields, varargin{:});
% get parsed results
walls = inp.Results.walls;
searchWidth = inp.Results.searchWidth;
% find out what walls are present
dict = {'B', 'L', 'R', 'T'}; % already sorted
u = unique(walls);
t = ['^' sprintf('%c{0,%d}', [u; histc(walls, u)]) '$'];
wallsIdx = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexpi(dict, t))); % indices in dict of present walls
for i=1:length(fields)
curField = fields(i).map;
% coverage for left wall
if any(ismember(wallsIdx, 2))
aux_map = curField(:, 1:searchWidth);
[covered, norm] = wall_field(aux_map);
if (covered/norm > coverage)
coverage = covered/norm;
% coverage for right wall
if any(ismember(wallsIdx, 3))
aux_map = curField(:, end:-1:end+1-searchWidth);
[covered, norm] = wall_field(aux_map);
if (covered/norm > coverage)
% coverage for bottom wall, since we are dealing with data that came from a camera
% 'bottom' is actually at the top of the matrix curField.
if (any(ismember(wallsIdx, 1)))
aux_map = curField(1:searchWidth, :)';
[covered, norm] = wall_field(aux_map);
if (covered/norm > coverage)
% coverage for top wall
if (any(ismember(wallsIdx, 4)))
aux_map = curField(end:-1:end+1-searchWidth, :)';
[covered, norm] = wall_field(aux_map);
if (covered/norm > coverage)
coverage = covered/norm;
% 'covered' pixels will have distance to border 0.
% Essentially we need to calculate number of elements,
% that equal to zero and take NaNs into account.
function [covered, norm] = wall_field(map)
ly = size(map, 1);
D = bwdist(map);
nanIndices = find(isnan(map(:, 1)));
numNans = length(nanIndices);
for i = 1:numNans
testRow = nanIndices(i);
nonNan = find(~isnan(map(testRow, :)), 1, 'first');
if ~isempty(nonNan)
numNans = numNans - 1;
D(testRow, 1) = D(testRow, nonNan);
norm = ly - numNans;
covered = nansum(D(:, 1) == 0) - numNans;
% check input argument that defines walls
% We need to figure out if argument contains one of the characters
% from the dictionary.
% Rise descriptive exception in case of an error.
function res = internCheckWalls(walls)
res = true;
if ~ischar(walls)
error('BNT:args:notChar', 'Argument is not a string.')
if length(walls) > 4
error('BNT:args:length', 'Argument can not exceed 4 characters (default ''TLBR'')');
dict = {'T', 'R', 'B', 'L'};
% http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19343339/matlab-find-the-indices-of-a-cell-array-of-strings-with-characters-all-containe
u = unique(walls);
t = ['^' sprintf('%c{0,%d}', [u; histc(walls, u)]) '$'];
s = cellfun(@sort, dict, 'uni', 0);
idx = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(s, t)), 1);
%res = ~isempty(idx); % if it is not empty, then we have characters from dict in walls
if isempty(idx)
error('BNT:args:noValidChars', 'There is no information about the walls in the argument.');