ChannelRk4.h JJS 8/29/95
derived from CONICAL, the Computational Neuroscience Class Library
A Channel is a type of Current whose voltage V is fixed, but whose
conductance G varies with time. A Channel implements an active
channel; for a passive channel, you can simply use a Current.
Note that since a Channel needs a voltage to activate the channel,
it must be either attached to a Compartment, or separately attached
to a VSink and a VSource (see constructors below). The former is
appropriate for a membrane channel; the latter would be appropriate
for (say) a synapse, whose conductance depends on presynaptic
voltage, but whose current affects the postsynaptic compartment.
Current -- base class
Stepper -- base class
Compartment -- source of V for channel activation
#ifndef CHANNEL_H
#define CHANNEL_H
#include "CurrentRk4.h"
#include "StepperRk4.h"
#include "CmprtmntRk4.h"
class Channel : public Current, virtual public Stepper
Channel( Compartment *pTo, real pMaxG=0.1 ) // constructor
: Current( pTo ), itsComp( pTo ), MaxG( pMaxG ) {}
Channel( VSink *pTo, VSource *pComp, real pMaxG=0.1 ) // constructor
: Current( pTo ), itsComp( pComp ), MaxG( pMaxG ) {}
virtual void Step( const real dt ) // update G
{ G = 0; } // (default behavior is passive -- override here)
virtual void Stepk1( const real dt ) // update Gk1
{ Gk1 = 0; }
virtual void Stepk2( const real dt ) // update Gk2
{ Gk2 = 0; }
virtual void Stepk3( const real dt ) // update Gk3
{ Gk3 = 0; }
virtual void Stepk4( const real dt ) // update Gk4
{ Gk4 = 0; }
virtual void Init() {}
// public variables:
real MaxG; // maximum conductance
VSource *itsComp; // compartment whose V affects our G