function [const_est beta_est fit_list] = fit_betastandard_scaling (f, fft_val, intlist)
global a_scale
intlist = sortrows (intlist);
[row col] = size(intlist);
if intlist(row,1) > (max(f))
'Warning: Fitting values above Nyquest frequency. Consider adjusting intlist'
df = f(2) - f(1);
%For curve fitting, we need to exclude the regions of the graph that have been filtered
%Find the indicies that have been filtered and therefore need to be excluded
exclude_list = [];
for i = 1:(size(intlist, 1))
exclude_list = [exclude_list find(f >= (intlist(i,1)-df) & f <= (intlist(i,2)+df) )];
% Use this trick to obtain the "inverse" list
unfiltered_index = 1:length(f);
unfiltered_index(exclude_list) = -1;
fit_list = find (unfiltered_index >= 0);
% p = polyfit(log10(f(fit_list)), log10(abs(fft_val(fit_list)).^2),1);
% beta_est = p(1);
% const_est = p(2);
fft_power = abs(fft_val).^2;
a = interp1(f, fft_power, 1);
b = -2;
aprime = abs(b); % Make aprime on the order of b
a_scale = a / aprime;
coefs0 = [aprime b];
[coefs err] = lsqcurvefit (@myfunc, coefs0, f(fit_list), fft_power(fit_list), -Inf, Inf);
aprime = coefs(1);
a = aprime * a_scale;
const_est = log10(a); %Take log to get it in the same form as loglog curve fitting
beta_est = coefs(2);
function pow = myfunc(coefs, f)
global a_scale
% Multiscale power function of form power = f^-beta
aprime = coefs(1);
a = aprime * a_scale;
b = coefs(2);
pow = a*f.^b;