function [f X] = davePow (t_input, x_input) if nargin == 1 % If arg=1, assume they only enter data t = 1:length(t_input); t = t - 1; end tstep = t_input(2)-t_input(1); min_t = min(t_input); max_t = max(t_input); t = min_t:tstep/scale_freq:max_t; N = length(t); dt = tstep/scale_freq; df = 1/(N*dt); %t = (0:N-1)*dt; f = df * (0:N-1); x = interp1(t_input,x_input,t); X = fft (x)/N; %Not entirely sure why we need to divide by N, but the amplitudes seem correct when we run this on a standard exponential function end