function H = entropy(objectSet,varargin)
%ENTROPY Compute the Shannon entropy of a set of variables.
% ENTROPY(X,P) returns the (joint) entropy for the joint distribution
% corresponding to object matrix X and probability vector P. Each row of
% MxN matrix X is an N-dimensional object, and P is a length-M vector
% containing the corresponding probabilities. Thus, the probability of
% object X(i,:) is P(i).
% ENTROPY(X), with no probability vector specified, will assume a uniform
% distribution across the objects in X.
% If X contains duplicate rows, these are assumed to be occurrences of the
% same object, and the corresponding probabilities are added. (This is
% actually the only reason that object matrix X is needed -- to detect and
% merge repeated objects. Of course, the entropy itself only depends on
% the probability vector P.) Matrix X need NOT be an exhaustive list of
% all *possible* objects in the universe; objects that do not appear in X
% are simply assumed to have zero probability.
% The elements of probability vector P must sum to 1 +/- .00001.
% For further information about entropy in information theory, see
% <a href="matlab:web('','-browser')">Information entropy</a>. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
% See also: MUTUALINFO
%% Error checking %%
if size(objectSet,1) == 1,
objectSet = objectSet';
%warning('Object set row vector is being transposed to a column vector.')
if ~isempty(varargin),
probSet = varargin{1};
probSet = repmat(1/size(objectSet,1),size(objectSet,1),1);
if ~isequal(size(objectSet,1),length(probSet)),
error('Object set must have an object for each probability.')
% Check probabilities sum to 1:
if abs(sum(probSet) - 1) > .00001,
error('Probablities don''t sum to 1.')
%% Merge duplicate objects/probabilities %%
% We do not use objectSet in the calculations, but just need to deal with
% duplicated objects (add probabilities together).
[minimalObjSet I equivClass] = unique(objectSet,'rows');
if ~isequal(size(minimalObjSet,1),size(objectSet,1)),
probSetReduced = zeros(size(minimalObjSet,1),1);
for i = 1:length(probSetReduced),
probSetReduced(i) = sum(probSet(equivClass==i));
probSet = probSetReduced;
%% Remove any zero probabilities %%
zeroProbs = find(probSet < eps);
if ~isempty(zeroProbs),
probSet(zeroProbs) = [];
%disp('Removed zero or negative probabilities.')
%% Compute the entropy
H = -sum(probSet .* log2(probSet));