% Inputs:
% -------
% name_arr: string array containing the structure names
% stats_suffix: string containing the desired statistic within the
% structure tree to average
% include error: specify this if you want to calculate the error
% associated with the variables as well
% Outputs:
% --------
% avg: average
% sterr: standard deviation -- really, I am actually changing
% this to be standard errpr
% avg_spread average spread of the data
% y_val: array of stats
% % Example code
% name_arr = {'ic1syngap'; 'ic2syngap'; 'ic3syngap'};
% stats_suffix = '.statsdata.std';
plotting = 0;
y = []; % Clear cell arrays
y_val = [];
y_err = [];
inp_arr = {};
for i = 1:length(name_arr)
inp_arr {i} = [name_arr{i} stats_suffix];
command = 'y = [y x];';
batch_cmd; % Make an array of the chosen values
y_val = y;
avg = mean (y_val);
sterr = std (y_val) / length(y_val); % Standard error in the mean due to cell-to-cell variation
% stdev = std (y_val); % Uncomment to use standard deviation instead. This is the cell-to-cell variation
if (include_error)
inp_arr = {};
for i = 1:length(name_arr)
inp_arr {i} = [name_arr{i} stats_suffix 'err'];
y = [];
command = 'y = [y x];';
batch_cmd; % Make an array of the chosen values
y_err = y;
avg_spread = sum((y_err).^2) / length(y_err);
% This is the error in the mean due to the
% average spread in the data amongst
% individual cells.
% If there is a low cell-to-cell
% variation, we should use this quantity
% instead.
if plotting
hold on;
clear y inp_arr;