import*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import swcparts.*; import java.math.*; public class lnded2_0 { public static void main(String[] args) { try { //***************************************************************************** //***********************Initialize global variables*************************** //***************************************************************************** double DRconstant = 1; double TRconstant = 1; double PDRconstant = 1; int SomaType = 1; //sets the type tag for soma double PercentStep = .1; int RandomSeed = 1; Random myRand = new Random(); myRand.setSeed(RandomSeed); //Parameter (.prn) file setable varialbes with default values int typeToDo = 3; //Type tag to do, default (3) is dendrite/basal dendrite int nToDo = 10; //number of virt trees to produce for each real one int Binning = 85; //minimum number of points (TR) in each bin double MinRad = .15; boolean Debugging = true; boolean SWCout = true; //ratio of virtual to real bifurcations at which explosive growth is said to have occured and further growth is terminated int explodeRatio = 20; //Data arays, maximum sizes and subscript variables int maxInFiles = 100; int actualInFiles = 0; int maxBiffLines = 10000; double realBiffCount = 0; int maxVirtBifLines = 20000; int actualBiffLines = 0; int maxStems = 1000; int stemCount = 0; int maxInputLines = 120; int actualInputLines = 0; int maxBins = 60; int actualRDbins = 1; int actualPLbins = 1; int actualBObins = 1; String[] inputLineArray = new String[maxInputLines]; String[] inputFileArray = new String[maxInFiles]; swcparts.SwcNeuron[] Neurons = new swcparts.SwcNeuron[maxInFiles]; swcparts.BiffLine[] BifsArray = new swcparts.BiffLine[maxBiffLines]; //// swcparts.BinnedBiffData[] BOTable = new swcparts.BinnedBiffData[maxBins]; swcparts.BinnedBiffData[] PLTable = new swcparts.BinnedBiffData[maxBins]; swcparts.BinnedBiffData[] RDTable = new swcparts.BinnedBiffData[maxBins]; //// int[] realBifs = new int[maxInFiles]; //real biffs per cell int[] realTreeBifs = new int[maxStems]; //real bifs per tree double[] realAsymetryArray = new double[maxStems]; double[] realSurfaceArray = new double[maxStems]; double[] realSurfaceAsymArray = new double[maxStems]; double[] stemRadArray = new double[maxStems]; int stemRadArrayCurveType = 0; //cell parameter temporary values double tempDSrad; double tempDLrad; //other variables GammaDist gDist = new GammaDist(); String inFile = ""; //input file name from cmd line String outFile = ""; //output file prefix from cmd line double realBiffMean = 0; //computed as total over n trees (not counting biffs of each tree) int tempBiff; boolean BifsMismatch = false; double stemMin = 0; double stemMax = 0; double stemMean = 0; double stemStdev = 0; double tempStemSum = 0; double tempStemSqSum = 0; double RealBifsSum = 0; double RealBifsSqSum = 0; double RealBifsMean = 0; double RealBifsStdev = 0; int RealBifsMax = 0; double RealAsymSum = 0; double RealAsymSqSum = 0; double RealAsymMean = 0; double RealAsymStdev = 0; double RealSurfaceSum = 0; double RealSurfaceSqSum = 0; double RealSurfaceMean = 0; double RealSurfaceStdev = 0; double RealSurfaceAsymSum = 0; double RealSurfaceAsymSqSum = 0; double RealSurfaceAsymMean = 0; double RealSurfaceAsymStdev = 0; //set number output style NumberFormat myFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); myFormat.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); myFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(5); myFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(5); //***************************************************************************** //*****************Parse command line arguments******************************** //***************************************************************************** //set input and out file names if (args.length == 2) { inFile = args[0]; outFile = args[1]; } //too few or too many command line args else { System.out.println("Incorrect command line arguments."); System.out.println("Format = [input file name], [output file prefix] "); System.exit(1); } //***************************************************************************** //*****************Open and parse .prn input file****************************** //***************************************************************************** //open input file FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(inFile); BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(fin); //character stream BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bin)); r.mark(1); //Input comment lines into string array for (int j = 1; 1 < maxInputLines; j++) { inputLineArray[j] = new String(); inputLineArray[j] = r.readLine(); if (inputLineArray[j] != null) { ++actualInputLines; } else { break; } } r.close(); //set variables as given in input file for (int j = 1; j <= actualInputLines; j++) { if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("TYPETODO")) { typeToDo = Integer.parseInt(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("NTODO")) { nToDo = Integer.parseInt(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("BINNING")) { Binning = Integer.parseInt(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("SEED")) { RandomSeed = Integer.parseInt(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("MINRAD")) { MinRad = Double.parseDouble(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("PERCENTSTEP")) { PercentStep = Double.parseDouble(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("DEBUGGING")) { if (inputLineArray[ (j + 1)].startsWith("TRUE")) { Debugging = true; } else if (inputLineArray[ (j + 1)].startsWith("FALSE")) { Debugging = false; } else { System.out.println( "ERROR: Unrecognized value given for DEBUGGING. Only TRUE and FALSE accepted. Default value of " + Debugging + " used."); } } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("SWCOUT")) { if (inputLineArray[ (j + 1)].startsWith("TRUE")) { SWCout = true; } else if (inputLineArray[ (j + 1)].startsWith("FALSE")) { SWCout = false; } else { System.out.println( "ERROR: Unrecognized value given for SWCOUT. Only TRUE and FALSE accepted. Default value of " + SWCout + " used."); } } if (inputLineArray[j].startsWith("INPUT")) { actualInFiles = Integer.parseInt(inputLineArray[ (j + 1)]); // System.out.println("infiles = " + actualInFiles); if (actualInFiles > maxInFiles) { System.out.println("Too many input files given. Only first " + maxInFiles + " will be used."); actualInFiles = maxInFiles; } if ( (actualInFiles + j + 2) > actualInputLines) { System.out.println("Input File Error. Not enought input files given."); System.exit( -1); } int infilecount = 0; for (int k = j + 2; k <= j + actualInFiles + 2; k++) { ++infilecount; inputFileArray[infilecount] = new String(inputLineArray[k]); } } } //***************************************************************************** //***********************open and process SWC files**************************** //***************************************************************************** //initialize output streams **************************************************** //virtBifsOutFile : print NBifs for each virt tree FileOutputStream ggg = new FileOutputStream("VirtBifs_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream hhh = new BufferedOutputStream(ggg); PrintWriter virtBifsOutFile = new PrintWriter(hhh); //inputInfoOutFile : print each real bif line for debugging // FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream("InputInfo_" + outFile); // BufferedOutputStream bfot = new BufferedOutputStream(fo); // PrintWriter inputInfoOutFile = new PrintWriter(bfot); //tableOut : print table file for program FileOutputStream fob = new FileOutputStream("Table_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream bfotb = new BufferedOutputStream(fob); PrintWriter tableOut = new PrintWriter(bfotb); //virtDetailsOut : print parameter details for each virt tree FileOutputStream fod = new FileOutputStream("OutputInfo_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream dfot = new BufferedOutputStream(fod); PrintWriter virtDetailsOut = new PrintWriter(dfot); //virtAsymetryOut : print parameter details for each virt tree FileOutputStream vays = new FileOutputStream("VirtAsymetry_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream dvays = new BufferedOutputStream(vays); PrintWriter virtAsymetryFile = new PrintWriter(dvays); //virtSurfaceOut : print parameter details for each virt tree FileOutputStream says = new FileOutputStream("VirtSurface_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream dsays = new BufferedOutputStream(says); PrintWriter virtSurfaceFile = new PrintWriter(dsays); //virtSurfaceAsymetryOut : print parameter details for each virt tree FileOutputStream gays = new FileOutputStream("VirtSurfaceAsym_" + outFile); BufferedOutputStream dgays = new BufferedOutputStream(gays); PrintWriter virtSurfaceAsymFile = new PrintWriter(dgays); //open swc files and place them into an array of swcNeuron type for (int j = 1; j <= actualInFiles; j++) { Neurons[j] = new swcparts.SwcNeuron(); Neurons[j].InitSwcNeuron(inputFileArray[j]); System.out.println("processing " + inputFileArray[j]); Neurons[j].removeOtherTypeSideBranches(typeToDo); } //Put all bifurcation information into bifLineType array and all stem radius into array of doubles for (int j = 1; j <= actualInFiles; j++) { //for each neuron realBifs[j] = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= Neurons[j].getSize(); k++) { //for every line Neurons[j].setEuclidianDistancesToSoma(); if (Neurons[j].getType(k) == typeToDo) { //only wory about lines of correct type // set initial diameters if (k > 1) { //count stems and get stem start radius if (Neurons[j].getType(Neurons[j].getLink(k)) == SomaType) { ++stemCount; stemRadArray[stemCount] = Neurons[j].getRad(k); realTreeBifs[stemCount] = Neurons[j].getTreeSize(k, typeToDo); if (realTreeBifs[stemCount] > RealBifsMax) { RealBifsMax = realTreeBifs[stemCount]; } realAsymetryArray[stemCount] = Neurons[j].getTreeAsymetry(k, typeToDo); realSurfaceArray[stemCount] = Neurons[j].getTreeSurface(k, typeToDo); // System.out.println(realSurfaceArray[stemCount]); realSurfaceAsymArray[stemCount] = Neurons[j]. getTreeSurfaceAsym( k, typeToDo); // System.out.println(" Neuron, Stem, Asymetry "+j+" "+k+" "+realAsymetryArray[stemCount]); } } //count Bifs for this cell if ( (Neurons[j].getNumDaughters(k) == 2)) { ++realBifs[j]; } //initialize and populate BIFSarray with only those lines that are bifurcations or terminations if ( (Neurons[j].getNumDaughters(k) == 2) || (Neurons[j].getNumDaughters(k) == 0)) { ++actualBiffLines; BifsArray[actualBiffLines] = new swcparts.BiffLine(); tempBiff = 0; tempDSrad = 0; tempDLrad = 0; //if bifurcation, set daughter diameters if (Neurons[j].getNumDaughters(k) == 2) { tempBiff = 1; if (Neurons[j].getDaughter1rad(k) > Neurons[j].getDaughter2rad(k)) { tempDSrad = Neurons[j].getDaughter2rad(k); tempDLrad = Neurons[j].getDaughter1rad(k); } else { tempDSrad = Neurons[j].getDaughter1rad(k); tempDLrad = Neurons[j].getDaughter2rad(k); } } BifsArray[actualBiffLines].setAll(Neurons[j].getBranchOrder(k), (Neurons[j].getTreeLength(k) - Neurons[j].getBranchLength(k)), Neurons[j].getTreeLength(k), Neurons[j].getEDistanceToSoma(k), Neurons[j].getY(k), Neurons[j].getRad(k), Neurons[j].getBranchStartRad(k), Neurons[j].getBranchLength(k), tempBiff, tempDSrad, tempDLrad); } } } realBiffCount = realBiffCount + realBifs[j]; } realBiffMean = (realBiffCount / stemCount); //**************Create input table for sampling virtual neurons**************** //compute initial stem diameter mean, stdev if (stemCount <= 0) { System.out.println("No tree stems found."); System.exit(4); } else { stemMin = stemRadArray[1]; stemMax = stemRadArray[1]; for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { //for each stem tempStemSum = tempStemSum + stemRadArray[i]; if (stemRadArray[i] < stemMin) { stemMin = stemRadArray[i]; } if (stemRadArray[i] > stemMax) { stemMax = stemRadArray[i]; } } stemMean = tempStemSum / stemCount; for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { //for each stem tempStemSqSum = tempStemSqSum + ( (stemRadArray[i] - stemMean) * (stemRadArray[i] - stemMean)); } stemStdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(tempStemSqSum / (stemCount - 1)); ; } stemRadArrayCurveType = GammaDist.getCurveType(stemRadArray, stemCount, myRand); double symetricStemMax = ( (stemMean * 2) - stemMin); //populate input tables BOTable = BiffLine.createBBDTable(BifsArray, actualBiffLines, "BO", Binning, myRand); PLTable = BiffLine.createBBDTable(BifsArray, actualBiffLines, "PLS", Binning, myRand); RDTable = BiffLine.createBBDTable(BifsArray, actualBiffLines, "RAD", Binning, myRand); // if (Debugging) { tableOut.println("Branch Order Table."); BinnedBiffData.writeOutInputTable(BOTable, tableOut, BOTable[1].getArraySize()); tableOut.println("Path Length Table."); BinnedBiffData.writeOutInputTable(PLTable, tableOut, PLTable[1].getArraySize()); tableOut.println("Radius Table."); BinnedBiffData.writeOutInputTable(RDTable, tableOut, RDTable[1].getArraySize()); // inputInfoOutFile.close(); tableOut.close(); // } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //********************* END OF INPUT PROCESSING ******************** //********************* Generation of new trees ******************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** virtBifsOutFile.println("inFile , outFile"); virtBifsOutFile.println(inFile + " , " + outFile); virtAsymetryFile.println("inFile , outFile"); virtAsymetryFile.println(inFile + " , " + outFile); virtSurfaceFile.println("inFile , outFile"); virtSurfaceFile.println(inFile + " , " + outFile); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println("inFile , outFile"); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println(inFile + " , " + outFile); int newTreeCount = stemCount * nToDo; //number of virtual trees to create System.out.println("Creating " + newTreeCount + " virtual trees."); if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.println(); } virtBifsOutFile.println( "mean of group means , stdev of group means , , mean of group stdevs , stdev of group stdevs"); virtAsymetryFile.println( "mean of group means , stdev of group means , , mean of group stdevs , stdev of group stdevs"); virtSurfaceFile.println( "mean of group means , stdev of group means , , mean of group stdevs , stdev of group stdevs"); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println( "mean of group means , stdev of group means , , mean of group stdevs , stdev of group stdevs"); //******************master loop for mixing of fundemental parameters******** double PLpercentDR = 0; double RDpercentDR = 0; double BOpercentDR = 0; double PLpercentPDR = 0; double RDpercentPDR = 0; double BOpercentPDR = 0; double PLpercentTR = 0; double RDpercentTR = 0; double BOpercentTR = 0; double PLpercentBPL = 0; double RDpercentBPL = 0; double BOpercentBPL = 0; double PLpercentBIFF = 0; double RDpercentBIFF = 0; double BOpercentBIFF = 0; for (int DRdeterminant = 1; DRdeterminant <= 3; DRdeterminant++) { for (int PDRdeterminant = 1; PDRdeterminant <= 3; PDRdeterminant++) { for (int TRdeterminant = 1; TRdeterminant <= 3; TRdeterminant++) { for (int BPLdeterminant = 1; BPLdeterminant <= 3; BPLdeterminant++) { for (int BIFFdeterminant = 1; BIFFdeterminant <= 3; BIFFdeterminant++) { //Variables to track and limit explosive growth boolean doesExplodeGroup = false; int explodeCount = 0; int MaxBifs = explodeRatio * RealBifsMax; switch (DRdeterminant) { case 1: PLpercentDR = 1; RDpercentDR = 0; BOpercentDR = 0; System.out.print("DR = PL; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("DR = PL; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("DR = PL; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("DR = PL; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("DR = PL; "); break; case 2: PLpercentDR = 0; RDpercentDR = 1; BOpercentDR = 0; System.out.print("DR = RD; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("DR = RD; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("DR = RD; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("DR = RD; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("DR = RD; "); break; case 3: PLpercentDR = 0; RDpercentDR = 0; BOpercentDR = 1; System.out.print("DR = BO; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("DR = BO; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("DR = BO; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("DR = BO; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("DR = BO; "); break; default: System.out.println("switch error, value is : " + DRdeterminant); System.exit(44); } switch (PDRdeterminant) { case 1: PLpercentPDR = 1; RDpercentPDR = 0; BOpercentPDR = 0; System.out.print("PDR = PL; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("PDR = PL; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("PDR = PL; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("PDR = PL; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("PDR = PL; "); break; case 2: PLpercentPDR = 0; RDpercentPDR = 1; BOpercentPDR = 0; System.out.print("PDR = RD; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("PDR = RD; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("PDR = RD; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("PDR = RD; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("PDR = RD; "); break; case 3: PLpercentPDR = 0; RDpercentPDR = 0; BOpercentPDR = 1; System.out.print("PDR = BO; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("PDR = BO; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("PDR = BO; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("PDR = BO; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("PDR = BO; "); break; default: System.out.println("switch error, value is : " + PDRdeterminant); System.exit(44); } switch (TRdeterminant) { case 1: PLpercentTR = 1; RDpercentTR = 0; BOpercentTR = 0; System.out.print("TR = PL; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("TR = PL; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("TR = PL; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("TR = PL; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("TR = PL; "); break; case 2: PLpercentTR = 0; RDpercentTR = 1; BOpercentTR = 0; System.out.print("TR = RD; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("TR = RD; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("TR = RD; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("TR = RD; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("TR = RD; "); break; case 3: PLpercentTR = 0; RDpercentTR = 0; BOpercentTR = 1; System.out.print("TR = BO; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("TR = BO; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("TR = BO; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("TR = BO; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("TR = BO; "); break; default: System.out.println("switch error, value is : " + TRdeterminant); System.exit(44); } switch (BPLdeterminant) { case 1: PLpercentBPL = 1; RDpercentBPL = 0; BOpercentBPL = 0; System.out.print("BPL = PL; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("BPL = PL; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("BPL = PL; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("BPL = PL; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("BPL = PL; "); break; case 2: PLpercentBPL = 0; RDpercentBPL = 1; BOpercentBPL = 0; System.out.print("BPL = RD; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("BPL = RD; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("BPL = RD; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("BPL = RD; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("BPL = RD; "); break; case 3: PLpercentBPL = 0; RDpercentBPL = 0; BOpercentBPL = 1; System.out.print("BPL = BO; "); virtBifsOutFile.print("BPL = BO; "); virtAsymetryFile.print("BPL = BO; "); virtSurfaceFile.print("BPL = BO; "); virtSurfaceAsymFile.print("BPL = BO; "); break; default: System.out.println("switch error, value is : " + BPLdeterminant); System.exit(44); } switch (BIFFdeterminant) { case 1: PLpercentBIFF = 1; RDpercentBIFF = 0; BOpercentBIFF = 0; System.out.println("BIFF = PL"); virtBifsOutFile.println("BIFF = PL"); virtAsymetryFile.println("BIFF = PL"); virtSurfaceFile.println("BIFF = PL"); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println("BIFF = PL"); break; case 2: PLpercentBIFF = 0; RDpercentBIFF = 1; BOpercentBIFF = 0; System.out.println("BIFF = RD"); virtBifsOutFile.println("BIFF = RD"); virtAsymetryFile.println("BIFF = RD"); virtSurfaceFile.println("BIFF = RD"); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println("BIFF = RD"); break; case 3: PLpercentBIFF = 0; RDpercentBIFF = 0; BOpercentBIFF = 1; System.out.println("BIFF = BO"); virtBifsOutFile.println("BIFF = BO"); virtAsymetryFile.println("BIFF = BO"); virtSurfaceFile.println("BIFF = BO"); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println("BIFF = BO"); break; default: System.out.println("switch error, value is : " + BIFFdeterminant); System.exit(44); } /* for (double RDpercent = 0; RDpercent <= 1; RDpercent += PercentStep) { for (double PLpercent = 0; PLpercent <= 1 - RDpercent; PLpercent += PercentStep) { double BOpercent = 1 - (RDpercent + PLpercent); //lot of trouble to correctly round and cast a double to int BigDecimal rdbd = new BigDecimal(RDpercent); BigDecimal plbd = new BigDecimal(PLpercent); BigDecimal bobd = new BigDecimal(BOpercent); rdbd = rdbd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); plbd = plbd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); bobd = bobd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); int intRDpercent = (int) (rdbd.doubleValue() * 100); int intBOpercent = (int) (bobd.doubleValue() * 100); int intPLpercent = (int) (plbd.doubleValue() * 100); System.out.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); virtBifsOutFile.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); virtAsymetryFile.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); virtSurfaceFile.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.println(":rd% = " + intRDpercent + " pl% = " + intPLpercent + " bo% = " + intBOpercent); } // */ actualRDbins = RDTable[1].getArraySize(); actualPLbins = PLTable[1].getArraySize(); actualBObins = BOTable[1].getArraySize(); boolean[] virtExplodeArray = new boolean[newTreeCount + 1]; int[] virtBifsArray = new int[newTreeCount + 1]; double[] virtAsymArray = new double[newTreeCount + 1]; double virtAsymSum = 0; double[] virtSurfaceArray = new double[newTreeCount + 1]; double virtSurfaceSum = 0; double[] virtSurfaceAsymArray = new double[newTreeCount + 1]; double virtSurfaceAsymSum = 0; double BifsSum = 0; double BifsMean = 0; swcparts.BiffLine[] virtTreesArray = new swcparts.BiffLine[ maxVirtBifLines + 1]; for (int currentBranch = 1; currentBranch <= maxVirtBifLines; currentBranch++) { virtTreesArray[currentBranch] = new swcparts.BiffLine(); } double tempTP = 0; double tempDR = 0; double tempPDR = 0; double tempBPL = 0; int NBifs = 0; if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.println( "Line , startRad, taperRate, endFP, branchPL, bif, termRand, random, PDR, DR, d1Rad, d2Rad "); } int treeSize = 0; for (int currentTreeN = 1; currentTreeN <= newTreeCount; currentTreeN++) { //for each virtual tree treeSize = 0; boolean doesExplodeTree = false; if (Debugging) { virtBifsOutFile.print(currentTreeN); virtDetailsOut.println(); virtDetailsOut.println("Tree number : " + currentTreeN); } NBifs = 0; double idia = 0; if (stemRadArrayCurveType == 1) { idia = (myRand.nextDouble() * (symetricStemMax - stemMin) + stemMin); } else if (stemRadArrayCurveType == 2) { while ( (idia < stemMin) || (idia > symetricStemMax)) { idia = gDist.GetGammaMS(stemMean, stemStdev, myRand); } } else if (stemRadArrayCurveType == 3) { idia = stemMin - 1; while ( (idia < stemMin) || (idia > stemMax)) { idia = (myRand.nextGaussian() * stemStdev) + stemMean; } } else { System.out.println( "stemRadArrayCurveType invalid: " + stemRadArrayCurveType); System.exit( -11); } if (Debugging) { System.out.print("Tree " + currentTreeN + " idia: " + idia); } virtTreesArray[1].setStartRAD(idia); virtTreesArray[1].setBO(0); virtTreesArray[1].setStartPLS(0); virtTreesArray[1].setParrentNum( -1); //go through each line of the new virt cell cell int nextFreeBranchNum = 2; int tempCurrnetBranchLoopMax = (maxVirtBifLines - 4) / 2; double tempTermRand = 0; double tempCompareRand = 0; for (int currentBranch = 1; currentBranch <= tempCurrnetBranchLoopMax; currentBranch++) { //find fundemental param bin for start of seg int currentRDbin = actualRDbins; int currentPLbin = actualPLbins; int currentBObin = actualBObins; for (int j = actualRDbins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartFundementalParamValue( "RAD") <= RDTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentRDbin = j; } } for (int j = actualPLbins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartFundementalParamValue( "PLS") <= PLTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentPLbin = j; } } for (int j = actualBObins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartFundementalParamValue( "BO") <= BOTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentBObin = j; } } //taper //sample taper rate if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartRAD() <= MinRad) { tempTP = 1; } else { double tempTPuf = ( (RDTable[ currentRDbin]. getTRuf() * RDpercentTR) + (PLTable[currentPLbin].getTRuf() * PLpercentTR) + (BOTable[currentBObin].getTRuf() * BOpercentTR)); if (myRand.nextDouble() < tempTPuf) { tempTP = TRconstant; } else { // tempTP = ( (RDTable[currentRDbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "TP", myRand, gDist) * // RDpercentTR) + // (PLTable[currentPLbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "TP", myRand, gDist) * // PLpercentTR) + // (BOTable[currentBObin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "TP", myRand, gDist) * // BOpercentTR)); if (RDpercentTR == 1) { tempTP = RDTable[currentRDbin]. getParamValueCurve("TP", myRand, gDist); } else if (PLpercentTR == 1) { tempTP = PLTable[currentPLbin]. getParamValueCurve("TP", myRand, gDist); } else if (BOpercentTR == 1) { tempTP = BOTable[currentBObin]. getParamValueCurve("TP", myRand, gDist); } else { System.out.println("TP error"); } } } //set end rad to start rad * tp virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setEndRAD( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartRAD() / tempTP); // find branch path length // tempBPL = ( (RDTable[currentRDbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BPL", myRand, gDist) * RDpercentBPL) + // (PLTable[currentPLbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BPL", myRand, gDist) * PLpercentBPL) + // (BOTable[currentBObin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BPL", myRand, gDist) * BOpercentBPL)); if (RDpercentBPL == 1) { tempBPL = RDTable[currentRDbin]. getParamValueCurve( "BPL", myRand, gDist); } else if (PLpercentBPL == 1) { tempBPL = PLTable[currentPLbin]. getParamValueCurve( "BPL", myRand, gDist); } else if (BOpercentBPL == 1) { tempBPL = BOTable[currentBObin]. getParamValueCurve( "BPL", myRand, gDist); } else { System.out.println("BPL error"); } //set bramch path length virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setBPL(tempBPL); virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setSurface(Math.PI * (virtTreesArray[currentBranch].getStartRAD() + virtTreesArray[currentBranch].getEndRAD()) * tempBPL); //set path length soma virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setEndPLS( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartPLS() + tempBPL); //reset current fundemental paramater bin with end value currentRDbin = actualRDbins; currentPLbin = actualPLbins; currentBObin = actualBObins; for (int j = actualRDbins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndFundementalParamValue( "RAD") <= RDTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentRDbin = j; } } for (int j = actualPLbins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndFundementalParamValue( "PLS") <= PLTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentPLbin = j; } } for (int j = actualBObins; j >= 1; j--) { if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndFundementalParamValue( "BO") <= BOTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { currentBObin = j; } } //Print out virtual cell details if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.print(currentBranch + " , " + virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getStartRAD() + " , " + tempTP + " , " + tempBPL); } //Bif? //sample bif prob //if no, set bif to 0 virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setBIFF(1); // tempTermRand = ( (RDTable[currentRDbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BP", myRand, gDist) * RDpercentBIFF) + // (PLTable[currentPLbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BP", myRand, gDist) * PLpercentBIFF) + // (BOTable[currentBObin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "BP", myRand, gDist) * BOpercentBIFF)); if (RDpercentBIFF == 1) { tempTermRand = RDTable[currentRDbin]. getParamValueCurve( "BP", myRand, gDist); } else if (PLpercentBIFF == 1) { tempTermRand = PLTable[currentPLbin]. getParamValueCurve( "BP", myRand, gDist); } else if (BOpercentBIFF == 1) { tempTermRand = BOTable[currentBObin]. getParamValueCurve( "BP", myRand, gDist); } else { System.out.println("BIFF error"); } tempCompareRand = myRand.nextDouble(); // if ( (tempTermRand < tempCompareRand) || // (virtTreesArray[currentBranch].getEndFundementalParamValue( // "RAD") <= MinRad)) { // virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setBIFF(0); // } if ( (tempTermRand < tempCompareRand)) { virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setBIFF(0); } // System.out.println("BO bin, tempTermRand, tempCompareRand, bif? " +currentBObin+" "+ tempTermRand+" "+ tempCompareRand+" "+virtTreesArray[currentBranch].getBIFF()); //Print out virtual Bif cell details if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.print(" , " + virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getBIFF() + " , " + tempTermRand + " , " + tempCompareRand); } //if yes, set bif to 1 if (virtTreesArray[currentBranch].getBIFF() == 1) { ++NBifs; double tempPDRuf = ( (RDTable[ currentRDbin]. getPDRuf() * RDpercentPDR) + (PLTable[currentPLbin].getPDRuf() * PLpercentPDR) + (BOTable[currentBObin].getPDRuf() * BOpercentPDR)); if (myRand.nextDouble() < tempPDRuf) { tempPDR = PDRconstant; } else { // tempPDR = ( (RDTable[currentRDbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "PDR", myRand, gDist) * // RDpercentPDR) + // (PLTable[currentPLbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "PDR", myRand, gDist) * // PLpercentPDR) + // (BOTable[currentBObin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "PDR", myRand, gDist) * // BOpercentPDR)); if (RDpercentPDR == 1) { tempPDR = RDTable[currentRDbin]. getParamValueCurve( "PDR", myRand, gDist); } else if (PLpercentPDR == 1) { tempPDR = PLTable[currentPLbin]. getParamValueCurve( "PDR", myRand, gDist); } else if (BOpercentPDR == 1) { tempPDR = BOTable[currentBObin]. getParamValueCurve( "PDR", myRand, gDist); } else { System.out.println("PDR error"); } } if ( (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndFundementalParamValue( "RAD") <= MinRad)) { tempPDR = PDRconstant; } //Large Daughter rad = end rad / PDR virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setDLRAD( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndRAD() / tempPDR); double tempDRuf = ( (RDTable[ currentRDbin]. getDRuf() * RDpercentDR) + (PLTable[currentPLbin].getDRuf() * PLpercentDR) + (BOTable[currentBObin].getDRuf() * BOpercentDR)); if (myRand.nextDouble() < tempDRuf) { tempDR = DRconstant; } else { // tempDR = ( (RDTable[currentRDbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "DR", myRand, gDist) * // RDpercentDR) + // (PLTable[currentPLbin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "DR", myRand, gDist) * // PLpercentDR) + // (BOTable[currentBObin]. // getParamValueCurve( // "DR", myRand, gDist) * // BOpercentDR)); if (RDpercentDR == 1) { tempDR = RDTable[currentRDbin]. getParamValueCurve( "DR", myRand, gDist); } else if (PLpercentDR == 1) { tempDR = PLTable[currentPLbin]. getParamValueCurve( "DR", myRand, gDist); } else if (BOpercentDR == 1) { tempDR = BOTable[currentBObin]. getParamValueCurve( "DR", myRand, gDist); } else { System.out.println("DR error"); } } if ( (virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndFundementalParamValue( "RAD") <= MinRad)) { tempDR = DRconstant; } //Samll Daughter Rad = Large Daughter Rad / DR virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setDSRAD( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getDLRAD() / tempDR); //initialize new daughters virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setD1num( nextFreeBranchNum); ++nextFreeBranchNum; virtTreesArray[currentBranch].setD2num( nextFreeBranchNum); ++nextFreeBranchNum; //set new daughter diameters virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD1num()]. setStartRAD( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getDLRAD()); virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD2num()]. setStartRAD( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getDSRAD()); //set parrent number virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD1num()]. setParrentNum(currentBranch); virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD2num()]. setParrentNum(currentBranch); //set branch orders virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD1num()]. setBO(virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getBO() + 1); virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD2num()]. setBO(virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getBO() + 1); //set pls virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD1num()]. setStartPLS( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndPLS()); virtTreesArray[virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getD2num()]. setStartPLS( virtTreesArray[currentBranch]. getEndPLS()); } treeSize = currentBranch; if (currentBranch + 1 == (nextFreeBranchNum)) { break; } if (Debugging) { virtDetailsOut.println(); } if (NBifs == MaxBifs) { doesExplodeTree = true; doesExplodeGroup = true; explodeCount++; break; } } if (Debugging) { System.out.println(" NBifs: " + NBifs); virtBifsOutFile.println(" , " + NBifs); if (currentTreeN % stemCount == 0) { virtBifsOutFile.println(); // a space in between tree groups } } if (doesExplodeTree) { } else { virtExplodeArray[currentTreeN] = doesExplodeTree; virtBifsArray[currentTreeN] = NBifs; BifsSum = BifsSum + NBifs; virtAsymArray[currentTreeN] = BiffLine. getVirtualAsymetry( virtTreesArray, NBifs); if (virtAsymArray[currentTreeN] == -1) { // ++undefinedAsymCount; } else { virtAsymSum += virtAsymArray[currentTreeN]; } virtSurfaceArray[currentTreeN] = BiffLine. getVirtualSurface( virtTreesArray, 1); // System.out.println(virtSurfaceArray[currentTreeN]); virtSurfaceSum += virtSurfaceArray[currentTreeN]; virtSurfaceAsymArray[currentTreeN] = BiffLine. getVirtualSurfaceAsym( virtTreesArray, NBifs); if (virtSurfaceArray[currentTreeN] == -1) { // ++virtSurfaceAsymSum; } else { virtSurfaceAsymSum += virtSurfaceArray[ currentTreeN]; } } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //***********************Output SWC Files*************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // if (SWCout) { //swcOut : output file stream for virtual swc files FileOutputStream sod = new FileOutputStream("SWC_" + outFile + currentTreeN + ".swc"); BufferedOutputStream bossod = new BufferedOutputStream(sod); PrintWriter swcOut = new PrintWriter(bossod); if (doesExplodeTree) { swcOut.println("# Tree Explodes"); } else { swcOut.println("# Bifurcations: " + virtBifsArray[currentTreeN]); swcOut.println("# Asymmetry: " + virtAsymArray[currentTreeN]); swcOut.println("# Surface Area: " + virtSurfaceArray[currentTreeN]); swcOut.println("# Surface Asymmetry: " + virtSurfaceAsymArray[currentTreeN]); swcOut.println("# "); swcOut.println("1 1 0 0 0 0 -1"); for (int i = 1; i <= treeSize; i++) { if (i == 1) { swcOut.println( ( (i * 2) ) + " 3 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getStartPLS() + " 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getStartRAD() + " " + 1); } else { swcOut.println( ( (i * 2) ) + " 3 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getStartPLS() + " 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getStartRAD() + " " + ( (virtTreesArray[i].getParrentNum() * 2)+1)); } swcOut.println( ( (i * 2)+1) + " 3 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getEndPLS() + " 0 " + virtTreesArray[i].getEndRAD() + " " + ( (i * 2))); } } swcOut.close(); // } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** } if (doesExplodeGroup) { System.out.println(explodeCount + " out of " + newTreeCount + " virtual trees exploded."); } // //compute mean and stdev by cell group int[] groupExplodes = new int[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupMeans = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupStdevs = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSqSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double meanOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumOfGroupMeanSqSums = 0; double meanOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumOfGroupStdevs = 0; double stdevOfGroupMeans = 0; double stdevOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumOfGroupStdevSqSums = 0; int[] GroupUndefinedAsymCount = new int[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupAsymMeans = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupAsymSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupAsymStdevs = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupAsymSqSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double meanAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums = 0; double meanAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double stdevAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums = 0; double[] groupSurfaceMeans = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceStdevs = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceSqSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumSurfaceOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumSurfaceOfGroupMeanSqSums = 0; double meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = 0; double stdevSurfaceOfGroupMeans = 0; double stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevSqSums = 0; int[] GroupUndefinedSurfaceAsymCount = new int[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceAsymMeans = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceAsymSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceAsymStdevs = new double[nToDo + 1]; double[] groupSurfaceAsymSqSums = new double[nToDo + 1]; double meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums = 0; double meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = 0; double stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = 0; double sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { //for each virtual tree group groupExplodes[i] = 0; GroupUndefinedSurfaceAsymCount[i] = 0; GroupUndefinedAsymCount[i] = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= stemCount; j++) { //for each virtual tree in the grouip int currentTree = ( (j - 1) * nToDo) + i; //get the tree number if (virtExplodeArray[currentTree]) { //keep track of individual tree esplosions groupExplodes[i]++; } else { //if tree doesn't explode, add emergent prop values to running group sums groupSums[i] += virtBifsArray[currentTree]; groupSurfaceSums[i] += virtSurfaceArray[ currentTree]; if (virtAsymArray[currentTree] == -1) { //if asym is undefined, incriment count ++GroupUndefinedAsymCount[i]; } else { //otherwise add value to sum groupAsymSums[i] += virtAsymArray[ currentTree]; } if (virtSurfaceAsymArray[currentTree] == -1) { //if surface asym is undefined, incriment count ++GroupUndefinedSurfaceAsymCount[i]; } else { groupSurfaceAsymSums[i] += virtSurfaceAsymArray[ currentTree]; } } } //if all trees in group explode set means to undefined (-1) if (groupExplodes[i] == stemCount) { groupMeans[i] = -1; groupAsymMeans[i] = -1; groupSurfaceMeans[i] = -1; groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] = -1; } //otherwise compute means else { groupMeans[i] = groupSums[i] / (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]); if (stemCount > (groupExplodes[i] + GroupUndefinedAsymCount[i])) { //if there are asym values which did not explode or return -1 compute the group mean groupAsymMeans[i] = groupAsymSums[i] / ( (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]) - GroupUndefinedAsymCount[i]); } else { //otherwise set group mean to undefined (-1) groupAsymMeans[i] = -1; } groupSurfaceMeans[i] = groupSurfaceSums[i] / (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]); if (stemCount > groupExplodes[i] + GroupUndefinedSurfaceAsymCount[i]) { //if there are Surf asym values which did not explode or return -1 compute the group mean groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] = groupSurfaceAsymSums[i] / ( (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]) - GroupUndefinedSurfaceAsymCount[i]); } else { //otherwise set group mean to undefined (-1) groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] = -1; } } } int BifGroups = nToDo; int BifStdevGroups = nToDo; int AsymGroups = nToDo; int AsymStdevGroups = nToDo; int SurfaceGroups = nToDo; int SurfaceStdevGroups = nToDo; int SurfaceAsymGroups = nToDo; int SurfaceAsymStdevGroups = nToDo; //Compute group stdevs for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { //set n's to stem counts int GroupBifs = stemCount; int GroupAsyms = stemCount; int GroupSurfaces = stemCount; int GroupSurfaceAsyms = stemCount; for (int j = 1; j <= stemCount; j++) { int currentTree = ( (j - 1) * nToDo) + i; if (virtExplodeArray[currentTree]) { //if tree explodes, remove from stdev computation --GroupBifs; --GroupAsyms; --GroupSurfaces; --GroupSurfaceAsyms; } else { if (groupMeans[i] == -1) { //if group means undefined, decriment group counter --BifGroups; } else { //otherwise add to sqSum groupSqSums[i] += ( (virtBifsArray[currentTree] - groupMeans[i]) * (virtBifsArray[currentTree] - groupMeans[i])); } if (groupAsymMeans[i] == -1) { //if group means undefined, decriment group n's --AsymGroups; } else { //add to sq sum if (virtAsymArray[currentTree] == -1) { //if virt asym undefined, decriment group counter --GroupAsyms; } else { //otherwise add to sq sum groupAsymSqSums[i] += ( (virtAsymArray[ currentTree] - groupAsymMeans[i]) * (virtAsymArray[currentTree] - groupAsymMeans[i])); } } if (groupSurfaceMeans[i] == -1) { // if undefined, decriment group n's --SurfaceGroups; } else { groupSurfaceSqSums[i] += ( (virtSurfaceArray[currentTree] - groupSurfaceMeans[i]) * (virtSurfaceArray[currentTree] - groupSurfaceMeans[i])); } if (groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] == -1) { //if group surf asym mean undevined, decriment number of groups --SurfaceAsymGroups; } else { if (virtSurfaceAsymArray[currentTree] == -1) { //if virt surf asym undefined, decriment group counter --GroupAsyms; } else { //add tp surf sq sum groupSurfaceAsymSqSums[i] += ( (virtSurfaceAsymArray[ currentTree] - groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i]) * (virtSurfaceAsymArray[ currentTree] - groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i])); } } } } ////////////// if (GroupBifs >= 2) { //if there are enough group bif values, compute stdev groupStdevs[i] = java.lang.Math.sqrt(groupSqSums[ i] / ( (GroupBifs) - 1)); } else { //else, set group stdev to -1 groupStdevs[i] = -1; } if (groupMeans[i] == -1) { // --BifGroups;, already done } else { sumOfGroupMeans += groupMeans[i]; } if (groupStdevs[i] == -1) { --BifStdevGroups; } else { sumOfGroupStdevs += groupStdevs[i]; } ///////////////////// if (GroupAsyms >= 2) { //if there are enough group asym values, compute stdev groupAsymStdevs[i] = java.lang.Math.sqrt( groupAsymSqSums[i] / ( (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]) - 1)); } else { groupAsymStdevs[i] = -1; } if (groupAsymMeans[i] == -1) { //decriment already done } else { sumAsymOfGroupMeans += groupAsymMeans[i]; } if (groupAsymStdevs[i] == -1) { --AsymStdevGroups; } else { sumAsymOfGroupStdevs += groupAsymStdevs[i]; } ////////////////////////////// if (GroupSurfaces >= 2) { groupSurfaceStdevs[i] = java.lang.Math.sqrt( groupSurfaceSqSums[ i] / ( (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]) - 1)); } else { //else, set group stdev to -1 groupSurfaceStdevs[i] = -1; } if (groupSurfaceMeans[i] == -1) { //decriment alreadly done } else { sumSurfaceOfGroupMeans += groupSurfaceMeans[i]; } if (groupSurfaceStdevs[i] == -1) { --SurfaceStdevGroups; } else { sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevs += groupSurfaceStdevs[i]; } ////////////// if (GroupSurfaceAsyms >= 2) { groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] = java.lang.Math.sqrt( groupSurfaceAsymSqSums[i] / ( (stemCount - groupExplodes[i]) - 1)); } else { //else, set group stdev to -1 groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] = -1; } if (groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] == -1) { //decriment alreadly done } else { sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans += groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i]; } if (groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] == -1) { --SurfaceAsymStdevGroups; } else { sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs += groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i]; } } //compute global (group) means of means and stdevs if (BifGroups >= 1) { meanOfGroupMeans = sumOfGroupMeans / BifGroups; } else { meanOfGroupMeans = -1; } if (BifStdevGroups >= 1) { meanOfGroupStdevs = sumOfGroupStdevs / BifStdevGroups; } else { meanOfGroupStdevs = -1; } if (AsymGroups >= 1) { meanAsymOfGroupMeans = sumAsymOfGroupMeans / AsymGroups; } else { meanAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } if (AsymStdevGroups >= 1) { meanAsymOfGroupStdevs = sumAsymOfGroupStdevs / AsymStdevGroups; } else { meanAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } if (SurfaceGroups >= 1) { meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans = sumSurfaceOfGroupMeans / SurfaceGroups; } else { meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans = -1; } if (SurfaceStdevGroups >= 1) { meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevs / SurfaceStdevGroups; } else { meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = -1; } if (SurfaceAsymGroups >= 1) { meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans / SurfaceAsymGroups; } else { meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } if (SurfaceAsymStdevGroups >= 1) { meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs / SurfaceAsymStdevGroups; } else { meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } //Compute Stdevs of groups int NgroupBifsStdevs = nToDo; int NgroupAsymStdevs = nToDo; int NgroupSurfStdevs = nToDo; int NgroupSurfAsymStdevs = nToDo; int NgroupBifsMeans = nToDo; int NgroupAsymMeans = nToDo; int NgroupSurfMeans = nToDo; int NgroupSurfAsymMeans = nToDo; /////////////////Bifs Stdevs if (meanOfGroupStdevs == -1) { stdevOfGroupStdevs = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupStdevs[i] == -1) { --NgroupBifsStdevs; } else { sumOfGroupStdevSqSums += ( (groupStdevs[i] - meanOfGroupStdevs) * (groupStdevs[i] - meanOfGroupStdevs)); } } if (NgroupBifsStdevs > 1) { stdevOfGroupStdevs = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumOfGroupStdevSqSums / (NgroupBifsStdevs - 1)); } else { stdevOfGroupStdevs = -1; } } ////////////////////Asym Stdevs if (meanAsymOfGroupStdevs == -1) { stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupAsymStdevs[i] == -1) { --NgroupAsymStdevs; } else { sumAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums += ( (groupAsymStdevs[i] - meanAsymOfGroupStdevs) * (groupAsymStdevs[i] - meanAsymOfGroupStdevs)); } } if (NgroupAsymStdevs > 1) { stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums / (NgroupAsymStdevs - 1)); } else { stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } } ////////////////////Surf Stdevs if (meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs == -1) { stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupSurfaceStdevs[i] == -1) { --NgroupSurfStdevs; } else { sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevSqSums += ( (groupSurfaceStdevs[i] - meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs) * (groupSurfaceStdevs[i] - meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs)); } } if (NgroupSurfStdevs > 1) { stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumSurfaceOfGroupStdevSqSums / (NgroupSurfStdevs - 1)); } else { stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = -1; } } ////////////////////SurfAsym Stdevs if (meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs == -1) { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] == -1) { --NgroupSurfAsymStdevs; } else { sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums += ( (groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] - meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs) * (groupSurfaceAsymStdevs[i] - meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs)); } } if (NgroupSurfAsymStdevs > 1) { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = java.lang.Math. sqrt( sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevSqSums / (NgroupSurfAsymStdevs - 1)); } else { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs = -1; } } /////////////////Bifs Means if (meanOfGroupMeans == -1) { stdevOfGroupMeans = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupMeans[i] == -1) { --NgroupBifsMeans; } else { sumOfGroupMeanSqSums += ( (groupMeans[i] - meanOfGroupMeans) * (groupMeans[i] - meanOfGroupMeans)); } } if (NgroupBifsMeans > 1) { stdevOfGroupMeans = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumOfGroupMeanSqSums / (NgroupBifsMeans - 1)); } else { stdevOfGroupMeans = -1; } } ////////////////////Asym Means if (meanAsymOfGroupMeans == -1) { stdevAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupAsymMeans[i] == -1) { --NgroupAsymMeans; } else { sumAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums += ( (groupAsymMeans[i] - meanAsymOfGroupMeans) * (groupAsymMeans[i] - meanAsymOfGroupMeans)); } } if (NgroupAsymMeans > 1) { stdevAsymOfGroupMeans = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums / (NgroupAsymMeans - 1)); } else { stdevAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } } ////////////////////Surf Means if (meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans == -1) { stdevSurfaceOfGroupMeans = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupSurfaceMeans[i] == -1) { --NgroupSurfMeans; } else { sumSurfaceOfGroupMeanSqSums += ( (groupSurfaceMeans[i] - meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans) * (groupSurfaceMeans[i] - meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans)); } } if (NgroupSurfMeans > 1) { stdevSurfaceOfGroupMeans = java.lang.Math.sqrt( sumSurfaceOfGroupMeanSqSums / (NgroupSurfMeans - 1)); } else { stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs = -1; } } ////////////////////SurfAsym Means if (meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans == -1) { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= nToDo; i++) { if (groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] == -1) { --NgroupSurfAsymMeans; } else { sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums += ( (groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] - meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans) * (groupSurfaceAsymMeans[i] - meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans)); } } if (NgroupSurfAsymMeans > 1) { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = java.lang.Math. sqrt( sumSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeanSqSums / (NgroupSurfAsymMeans - 1)); } else { stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans = -1; } } ////////////////////Printing of virt emergent stuff System.out.println("Mean and Stdev of Means = " + meanOfGroupMeans + " +- " + stdevOfGroupMeans + " , of Stdevs = " + meanOfGroupStdevs + " +- " + stdevOfGroupStdevs); virtBifsOutFile.println(meanOfGroupMeans + " , " + stdevOfGroupMeans + " ," + explodeCount + ", " + meanOfGroupStdevs + " , " + stdevOfGroupStdevs); System.out.println("Mean and Stdev of Asyms = " + meanAsymOfGroupMeans + " +- " + stdevAsymOfGroupMeans + " , of Stdevs = " + meanAsymOfGroupStdevs + " +- " + stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs); virtAsymetryFile.println(meanAsymOfGroupMeans + " , " + stdevAsymOfGroupMeans + " ," + explodeCount + ", " + meanAsymOfGroupStdevs + " , " + stdevAsymOfGroupStdevs); System.out.println("Mean and Stdev of Surfaces = " + meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans + " +- " + stdevSurfaceOfGroupMeans + " , of Stdevs = " + meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs + " +- " + stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs); virtSurfaceFile.println(meanSurfaceOfGroupMeans + " , " + stdevSurfaceOfGroupMeans + " ," + explodeCount + ", " + meanSurfaceOfGroupStdevs + " , " + stdevSurfaceOfGroupStdevs); System.out.println("Mean and Stdev of Surface Asymetry = " + meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans + " +- " + stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans + " , of Stdevs = " + meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs + " +- " + stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println(meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans + " , " + stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupMeans + " ," + explodeCount + ", " + meanSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs + " , " + stdevSurfaceAsymOfGroupStdevs); if (BifsMismatch) { virtBifsOutFile.println("BifsMismatch"); } } } } } } //compute mean and stdev for real tree bifs and asymetry RealBifsSum = 0; RealBifsSqSum = 0; RealBifsMean = 0; RealBifsStdev = 0; int NrealAsyms = stemCount; RealAsymSum = 0; RealAsymSqSum = 0; RealAsymMean = 0; RealAsymStdev = 0; RealSurfaceSum = 0; RealSurfaceSqSum = 0; RealSurfaceMean = 0; RealSurfaceStdev = 0; int NrealSurfaceAsyms = stemCount; RealSurfaceAsymSum = 0; RealSurfaceAsymSqSum = 0; RealSurfaceAsymMean = 0; RealSurfaceAsymStdev = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { RealBifsSum = RealBifsSum + realTreeBifs[i]; if (realAsymetryArray[i] == -1) { --NrealAsyms; } else { RealAsymSum = RealAsymSum + realAsymetryArray[i]; } RealSurfaceSum = RealSurfaceSum + realSurfaceArray[i]; if (realSurfaceAsymArray[i] == -1) { --NrealSurfaceAsyms; } else { RealSurfaceAsymSum = RealSurfaceAsymSum + realSurfaceAsymArray[i]; } if (Debugging) { virtBifsOutFile.println(", , , ," + realTreeBifs[i]); virtAsymetryFile.println(", , , ," + realAsymetryArray[i]); virtSurfaceFile.println(", , , ," + realSurfaceArray[i]); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println(", , , ," + realSurfaceAsymArray[i]); } } RealBifsMean = RealBifsSum / stemCount; if (NrealAsyms > 0) { RealAsymMean = RealAsymSum / NrealAsyms; } else { RealAsymMean = -1; } RealSurfaceMean = RealSurfaceSum / stemCount; //System.out.println("lll "+RealSurfaceMean); if (NrealSurfaceAsyms > 0) { RealSurfaceAsymMean = RealSurfaceAsymSum / NrealSurfaceAsyms; } else { RealSurfaceAsymMean = -1; } RealSurfaceAsymMean = RealSurfaceAsymSum / stemCount; //compute real emergent param stdevs for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { RealBifsSqSum = RealBifsSqSum + ( (realTreeBifs[i] - RealBifsMean) * (realTreeBifs[i] - RealBifsMean)); RealSurfaceSqSum = RealSurfaceSqSum + ( (realSurfaceArray[i] - RealSurfaceMean) * (realSurfaceArray[i] - RealSurfaceMean)); } RealBifsStdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(RealBifsSqSum / (stemCount - 1)); RealSurfaceStdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(RealSurfaceSqSum / (stemCount - 1)); if (RealAsymMean == -1) { RealAsymStdev = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { if (realAsymetryArray[i] == -1) { // --NrealAsyms; already done } else { RealAsymSqSum = RealAsymSqSum + ( (realAsymetryArray[i] - RealAsymMean) * (realAsymetryArray[i] - RealAsymMean)); } } if (NrealAsyms > 1) { RealAsymStdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(RealAsymSqSum / (NrealAsyms - 1)); } else { RealAsymStdev = -1; } } if (RealSurfaceAsymMean == -1) { RealSurfaceAsymStdev = -1; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= stemCount; i++) { if (realSurfaceAsymArray[i] == -1) { // } else { RealSurfaceAsymSqSum = RealSurfaceAsymSqSum + ( (realSurfaceAsymArray[i] - RealSurfaceAsymMean) * (realSurfaceAsymArray[i] - RealSurfaceAsymMean)); } } if (NrealSurfaceAsyms > 1) { RealSurfaceAsymStdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(RealSurfaceAsymSqSum / (NrealSurfaceAsyms - 1)); } else { RealSurfaceAsymStdev = -1; } } //RealBifsMean error check (as computed from tree bifs and individual bifs if (RealBifsMean != realBiffMean) { System.out.println("Real bifs do not match: " + RealBifsMean + " vs " + realBiffMean); // System.exit(47); BifsMismatch = true; } System.out.println(" Real Biff Mean and Stdev =" + RealBifsMean + " +- " + RealBifsStdev); System.out.println(" Real Asym Mean and Stdev =" + RealAsymMean + " +- " + RealAsymStdev); System.out.println(" Real Surface Mean and Stdev =" + RealSurfaceMean + " +- " + RealSurfaceStdev); System.out.println(" Real SurfaceAsym Mean and Stdev =" + RealSurfaceAsymMean + " +- " + RealSurfaceAsymStdev); virtBifsOutFile.println(" , , , Real Biff Mean, Stdev ," + RealBifsMean + " , " + RealBifsStdev); virtAsymetryFile.println(" , , , Real Asym Mean, Stdev ," + RealAsymMean + " , " + RealAsymStdev); virtSurfaceFile.println(" , , , Real Surface Mean, Stdev ," + RealSurfaceMean + " , " + RealSurfaceStdev); virtSurfaceAsymFile.println(" , , , Real Surface Asym Mean, Stdev ," + RealSurfaceAsymMean + " , " + RealSurfaceAsymStdev); virtBifsOutFile.close(); virtDetailsOut.close(); virtAsymetryFile.close(); virtSurfaceFile.close(); virtSurfaceAsymFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("error: " + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Hit enter."); char character; try { character = (char); } catch (IOException f) {} } } }