package swcparts; import java.util.Random; public class BiffLine { //Fundemental parameters private int BO; //Branch Order private double startPLS; //Path distance to soma private double endPLS; //Path distance to soma private double EDS; //Euclidian distance to soma private double YPOS; //Y position of point private double endRAD; //Radius of point (end radius) //Basic parameters private double DR; //Daughter ratio (larger/smaller) private double PDR; //Parent daughter ratio (parent/larger) private double TR; //Taper rate (end/start) private double BPL; //Branch path length private int BIFF; //Bifurcate? (0 for no, 1 for yes) //core information private double startRAD; //Starting radius of branch private double DLRAD; //Radius of larger daughter private double DSRAD; //Radius of smaller daughter //conectivity private int D1num; //number of first daughter private int D2num; //number of first daughter private int ParrentNum; //number of parrent //other information private int endBinLine; private int startBinLine; // private double TP1; //Taper 1 value ((start-end)/BPL) // private int TD; //Terminal degree public void setAll(int bo, double startpls, double endpls, double eds, double ypos, double endrad, double startrad, double bpl, int biff, double dsrad, double dlrad) { BO = bo; startPLS = startpls; endPLS = endpls; EDS = eds; YPOS = ypos; startRAD = startrad; endRAD = endrad; BPL = bpl; BIFF = biff; DLRAD = dlrad; DSRAD = dsrad; DR = dlrad / dsrad; PDR = endrad / dlrad; TR = startrad / endrad; } //*************** Fundemental parameter functions ************************ //****************************************************************************** public void setBO(int branchorder) { BO = branchorder; } public int getBO() { return BO; } public void setEndBinLine(int EBL) { endBinLine = EBL; } public int getEndBinLine() { return endBinLine; } public void setStartBinLine(int SBL) { startBinLine = SBL; } public int getStartBinLine() { return startBinLine; } public void setStartPLS(double pathLengthSoma) { startPLS = pathLengthSoma; } public double getEndPLS() { return endPLS; } public void setEndPLS(double pathLengthSoma) { endPLS = pathLengthSoma; } public double getStartPLS() { return startPLS; } public void setEDS(double euclidianDistanceSoma) { EDS = euclidianDistanceSoma; } public double getEDS() { return EDS; } public void setYPOS(double yPosition) { YPOS = yPosition; } public double getYPOS() { return YPOS; } public void setEndRAD(double radius) { endRAD = radius; } public double getEndRAD() { return endRAD; } //****************************************************************************** public void setDR(double daughterRatio) { DR = daughterRatio; } public double getDR() { return DR; } public void setPDR(double parentdaughterratio) { PDR = parentdaughterratio; } public double getPDR() { return PDR; } public void setTR(double taperrate) { TR = taperrate; } public double getTR() { return TR; } public void setBPL(double branchpathlength) { BPL = branchpathlength; } public double getBPL() { return BPL; } public void setBIFF(int bifurcate) { BIFF = bifurcate; } public double getBIFF() { return BIFF; } public void setDLRAD(double largedaughterradius) { DLRAD = largedaughterradius; } public double getDLRAD() { return DLRAD; } public void setDSRAD(double smalldaughterradius) { DSRAD = smalldaughterradius; } public double getDSRAD() { return DSRAD; } public void setStartRAD(double startradius) { startRAD = startradius; } public double getStartRAD() { return startRAD; } public void setD1num(int d1number) { D1num = d1number; } public int getD1num() { return D1num; } public void setD2num(int d2number) { D2num = d2number; } public int getD2num() { return D2num; } public void setParrentNum(int pnum) { ParrentNum = pnum; } public int getParrentNum() { return ParrentNum; } public BiffLine() { } public double getEndFundementalParamValue(String paramToDo) { if (paramToDo.startsWith("BO")) { return BO; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("RAD")) { return endRAD; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("PLS")) { return endPLS; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("EDS")) { return EDS; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("YPOS")) { return YPOS; } else { System.out.println( "Incorect string given to getFundementalParamValue function, program terminated"); System.exit( -3); return 0; } } public double getStartFundementalParamValue(String paramToDo) { if (paramToDo.startsWith("BO")) { return BO; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("RAD")) { return startRAD; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("PLS")) { return startPLS; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("EDS")) { return EDS; } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("YPOS")) { return YPOS; } else { System.out.println( "Incorect string given to getFundementalParamValue function, program terminated"); System.exit( -3); return 0; } } //turn a biff array into an input table array public static swcparts.BinnedBiffData[] createBBDTable(swcparts.BiffLine[] BifsArray, int actualBiffLines, String paramToDo, int Binning, Random myRand) { int maxBins = 100; int actualBins = 1; int DRconstant = 1; int PDRconstant = 1; int TRconstant = 1; swcparts.BiffLine tempBiffLine = new swcparts.BiffLine(); swcparts.BinnedBiffData[] bbdTable = new swcparts.BinnedBiffData[maxBins]; //nested loops to bubble sort biflines by fundemental parameter for (int i = actualBiffLines + 1; --i >= 1; ) { //for each biffline for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { if (paramToDo.startsWith("RAD")) { if (BifsArray[j].getStartRAD() > BifsArray[j + 1].getStartRAD()) { tempBiffLine = BifsArray[j]; BifsArray[j] = BifsArray[j + 1]; BifsArray[j + 1] = tempBiffLine; } } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("BO")) { if (BifsArray[j].getBO() > BifsArray[j + 1].getBO()) { tempBiffLine = BifsArray[j]; BifsArray[j] = BifsArray[j + 1]; BifsArray[j + 1] = tempBiffLine; } } else if (paramToDo.startsWith("PLS")) { if (BifsArray[j].getStartPLS() > BifsArray[j + 1].getStartPLS()) { tempBiffLine = BifsArray[j]; BifsArray[j] = BifsArray[j + 1]; BifsArray[j + 1] = tempBiffLine; } } else { System.out.println( "Incorect fundemental paramater given. only RAD, PLS, and BO, allowed"); System.exit(2); } } } //output bifsarray for error check int binCount = 0; //assign each bifline to a bin with min number of lines given by Binning variable for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline ++binCount; if (i >= 2) { if ( (binCount > Binning) && (BifsArray[i].getStartFundementalParamValue(paramToDo) != BifsArray[i - 1].getStartFundementalParamValue(paramToDo))) { ++actualBins; // System.out.println("actual bins, binncount, binning "+actualBins+" "+binCount+" "+Binning); binCount = 0; } } BifsArray[i].setStartBinLine(actualBins); } //Set bin fp max for all biflines double tempFPmax = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= actualBins; j++) { //go through each bin bbdTable[j] = new swcparts.BinnedBiffData(); for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline if (BifsArray[i].getStartBinLine() == j) { if (j == actualBins) { //if in last bin set max to current value (will be max when i finishes tempFPmax = BifsArray[i].getStartFundementalParamValue(paramToDo); } else { //otherwise set bin max to average of this bin max and next bin min if (BifsArray[i + 1].getStartBinLine() == (j + 1)) { tempFPmax = (BifsArray[i].getStartFundementalParamValue( paramToDo) + BifsArray[i + 1].getStartFundementalParamValue(paramToDo)) / 2; } } } } bbdTable[j].setFPmax(tempFPmax); } //set end bin line for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline BifsArray[i].setEndBinLine(actualBins); for (int j = actualBins; j >= 1; j--) { if (BifsArray[i].getEndFundementalParamValue(paramToDo) <= bbdTable[j].getFPbinMax()) { BifsArray[i].setEndBinLine(j); } } } //**************Create input table for sampling virtual neurons**************** // compute basic parameter means, mins, maxes, and unity fractions double tempDRmin; double tempDRmax; double tempDRsum; int tempDRcount; int tempDRConstantCount; double[] tempDRarray = new double[actualBiffLines]; int tempDRcurveType; double tempPDRmin; double tempPDRmax; double tempPDRsum; int tempPDRcount; int tempPDRConstantCount; double[] tempPDRarray = new double[actualBiffLines]; int tempPDRcurveType; double tempTRmin; double tempTRmax; double tempTRsum; int tempTRcount; int tempTRConstantCount; double[] tempTRarray = new double[actualBiffLines]; int tempTRcurveType; double tempBPLmin; double tempBPLmax; double tempBPLsum; int tempBPLcount; double[] tempBPLarray = new double[actualBiffLines]; int tempBPLcurveType; int tempBifs; int tempTerms; //for each bin for (int j = 1; j <= actualBins; j++) { //go through each bin tempDRmax = 0; tempDRcount = 0; tempDRConstantCount = 0; tempDRsum = 0; tempDRmin = 1000; tempDRcurveType = 0; java.util.Arrays.fill(tempDRarray, 0); tempPDRmax = 0; tempPDRcount = 0; tempPDRConstantCount = 0; tempPDRsum = 0; tempPDRmin = 1000; tempPDRcurveType = 0; java.util.Arrays.fill(tempPDRarray, 0); tempTRmax = 0; tempTRcount = 0; tempTRConstantCount = 0; tempTRsum = 0; tempTRmin = 1000; tempTRcurveType = 0; java.util.Arrays.fill(tempTRarray, 0); tempBPLmax = 0; tempBPLcount = 0; tempBPLsum = 0; tempBPLmin = 1000; tempBPLcurveType = 0; java.util.Arrays.fill(tempBPLarray, 0); tempBifs = 0; tempTerms = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline if (BifsArray[i].getEndBinLine() == j) { if (BifsArray[i].getBIFF() == 1) { ++tempBifs; if (BifsArray[i].getDR() == DRconstant) { ++tempDRConstantCount; } else { ++tempDRcount; tempDRarray[tempDRcount] = BifsArray[i].getDR(); tempDRsum = tempDRsum + BifsArray[i].getDR(); if (tempDRmax < BifsArray[i].getDR()) { tempDRmax = BifsArray[i].getDR(); } if (tempDRmin > BifsArray[i].getDR()) { tempDRmin = BifsArray[i].getDR(); } } if (BifsArray[i].getPDR() == PDRconstant) { ++tempPDRConstantCount; } else { ++tempPDRcount; tempPDRarray[tempPDRcount] = BifsArray[i].getPDR(); tempPDRsum = tempPDRsum + BifsArray[i].getPDR(); if (tempPDRmax < BifsArray[i].getPDR()) { tempPDRmax = BifsArray[i].getPDR(); } if (tempPDRmin > BifsArray[i].getPDR()) { tempPDRmin = BifsArray[i].getPDR(); } } } else { ++tempTerms; } } if (BifsArray[i].getStartBinLine() == j) { if (BifsArray[i].getTR() == TRconstant) { ++tempTRConstantCount; } else { ++tempTRcount; tempTRarray[tempTRcount] = BifsArray[i].getTR(); tempTRsum = tempTRsum + BifsArray[i].getTR(); if (tempTRmax < BifsArray[i].getTR()) { tempTRmax = BifsArray[i].getTR(); } if (tempTRmin > BifsArray[i].getTR()) { tempTRmin = BifsArray[i].getTR(); } } ++tempBPLcount; tempBPLarray[tempBPLcount] = BifsArray[i].getBPL(); tempBPLsum = tempBPLsum + BifsArray[i].getBPL(); if (tempBPLmax < BifsArray[i].getBPL()) { tempBPLmax = BifsArray[i].getBPL(); } if (tempBPLmin > BifsArray[i].getBPL()) { tempBPLmin = BifsArray[i].getBPL(); } } } double tempDRuf = 0; double tempPDRuf = 0; double tempTRuf = 0; tempDRcurveType = GammaDist.getCurveType(tempDRarray, tempDRcount, myRand); tempPDRcurveType = GammaDist.getCurveType(tempPDRarray, tempPDRcount, myRand); tempTRcurveType = GammaDist.getCurveType(tempTRarray, tempTRcount, myRand); tempBPLcurveType = GammaDist.getCurveType(tempBPLarray, tempBPLcount, myRand); tempDRuf = ( (double) tempDRConstantCount / (double) (tempDRcount + tempDRConstantCount)); tempPDRuf = (double) tempPDRConstantCount / (double) (tempPDRcount + tempPDRConstantCount); tempTRuf = (double) tempTRConstantCount / (double) (tempTRcount + tempTRConstantCount); double tempDRmean = tempDRsum / tempDRcount; double tempPDRmean = tempPDRsum / tempPDRcount; double tempTRmean = tempTRsum / tempTRcount; double tempBPLmean = tempBPLsum / tempBPLcount; double tempDRstdev = 0; double diffSqSumDR = 0; double tempPDRstdev = 0; double diffSqSumPDR = 0; double tempTRstdev = 0; double diffSqSumTR = 0; double tempBPLstdev = 0; double diffSqSumBPL = 0; //compute stdevs and bin maxes for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline if (BifsArray[i].getEndBinLine() == j) { if (BifsArray[i].getBIFF() == 1) { //compute sum of differences squared for different parameters if (BifsArray[i].getDR() != DRconstant) { diffSqSumDR = diffSqSumDR + ( (BifsArray[i].getDR() - tempDRmean) * (BifsArray[i].getDR() - tempDRmean)); } if (BifsArray[i].getPDR() != PDRconstant) { diffSqSumPDR = diffSqSumPDR + ( (BifsArray[i].getPDR() - tempPDRmean) * (BifsArray[i].getPDR() - tempPDRmean)); } } } if (BifsArray[i].getStartBinLine() == j) { if (BifsArray[i].getTR() != TRconstant) { diffSqSumTR = diffSqSumTR + ( (BifsArray[i].getTR() - tempTRmean) * (BifsArray[i].getTR() - tempTRmean)); } diffSqSumBPL = diffSqSumBPL + ( (BifsArray[i].getBPL() - tempBPLmean) * (BifsArray[i].getBPL() - tempBPLmean)); } } if ( (diffSqSumDR == 0) || (tempDRcount <= 2)) { tempDRstdev = 0; } else { tempDRstdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(diffSqSumDR / (tempDRcount - 1)); } if ( (diffSqSumPDR == 0) || (tempPDRcount <= 2)) { tempPDRstdev = 0; } else { tempPDRstdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(diffSqSumPDR / (tempPDRcount - 1)); } if ( (diffSqSumTR == 0) || (tempTRcount <= 2)) { tempTRstdev = 0; } else { tempTRstdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(diffSqSumTR / (tempTRcount - 1)); } if ( (diffSqSumBPL == 0) || (tempBPLcount <= 2)) { tempBPLstdev = 0; } else { tempBPLstdev = java.lang.Math.sqrt(diffSqSumBPL / (tempBPLcount - 1)); } //if uf = 1, set all other params to 0 if (tempDRuf == 1) { tempDRmean = 0; tempDRstdev = 0; tempDRmin = 0; tempDRmax = 0; } if (tempPDRuf == 1) { tempPDRmean = 0; tempPDRstdev = 0; tempPDRmin = 0; tempPDRmax = 0; } if (tempTRuf == 1) { tempTRmean = 0; tempTRstdev = 0; tempTRmin = 0; tempTRmax = 0; } bbdTable[j].setAll(tempDRmean, tempDRstdev, tempDRmin, tempDRmax, tempDRuf, tempPDRmean, tempPDRstdev, tempPDRmin, tempPDRmax, tempPDRuf, tempTRmean, tempTRstdev, tempTRmin, tempTRmax, tempTRuf, tempBPLmean, tempBPLstdev, tempBPLmin, tempBPLmax, ( (double) tempBifs / (double) (tempBifs + tempTerms)), tempBifs, tempTerms, paramToDo); bbdTable[j].setDRcurveType(tempDRcurveType); bbdTable[j].setPDRcurveType(tempPDRcurveType); bbdTable[j].setTRcurveType(tempTRcurveType); bbdTable[j].setBPLcurveType(tempBPLcurveType); } bbdTable[1].setArraySize(actualBins); return bbdTable; } public static int getTreeSize(swcparts.BiffLine[] BifsArray, int currentBranch) { int treeSize = 0; if (BifsArray[currentBranch].getBIFF() == 1) { treeSize = 1 + BifsArray[currentBranch].getTreeSize(BifsArray, BifsArray[currentBranch].getD1num()) + BifsArray[currentBranch].getTreeSize(BifsArray, BifsArray[currentBranch].getD2num()); // System.out.println(k); return treeSize; } // return 0; return treeSize; } public static double getVirtualAsymetry(swcparts.BiffLine[] BifsArray, int actualBiffLines) { double asymMean = 0; double asymSum = 0; double tree1tips = 0; double tree2tips = 0; double j = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= actualBiffLines; i++) { //for each biffline if (BifsArray[i].getBIFF() == 1) { tree1tips = (BifsArray[BifsArray[i].getD1num()].getTreeSize(BifsArray,i) + 1); System.out.println(" t1tips : "+tree1tips); tree2tips = (BifsArray[BifsArray[i].getD2num()].getTreeSize(BifsArray,i ) + 1); System.out.println(" t2tips : "+tree2tips); if ( (tree1tips == 1) && (tree2tips == 1)) { asymSum += 0; } else { asymSum += Math.abs(tree1tips - tree2tips) / (tree1tips + tree2tips - 2); } } } asymMean = asymSum / j; return asymMean; } }